Holy *crag*ing shit.
Posted by Flar3 Oct 06 2010 02:40 GMT in Flar3
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We just had the biggest monsoon in the history a arizona. *crag*, I've never experienced anything like it.  Tornado formed around the place. Hail be the size a *crag*ing rocks, 'n it be hard for me t' breathe.

tl;dr if me 'n/or ph1r3 dies blame nature.


i told ye that be not a monsoon
Reply by Nastasia Oct 06 2010 02:50 GMT
also don't visit Davey Jone's locker
Reply by Nastasia Oct 06 2010 02:51 GMT
There wasn't a damn tornado
There be vast hail
'n did ye already forget how got a years worth a rain in a week back in January or February?
Reply by ©na Oct 06 2010 03:04 GMT
i love ye flar3
don't visit Davey Jone's locker on meeee
Reply by Viddd Oct 06 2010 03:06 GMT
Dad said there be a tornado somewhere around here.
Reply by Flar3 Oct 06 2010 03:20 GMT
Flar, there will never be a tornado in Arizona it be boring here 'n it be t' cold for one t' form anyway
Reply by Mrcasee Oct 06 2010 03:47 GMT
don't visit Davey Jone's locker flar3
well actually I don't give a shit about ye
don't visit Davey Jone's locker ph1r3
Reply by sims Oct 06 2010 03:50 GMT
well *crag* ye sims. Also I don't care if it be boring. I don't want any god damn tornados.
Reply by Flar3 Oct 06 2010 04:01 GMT
Tornados in Arizona? How the *crag* does that even work
Reply by Fallen Shade Oct 06 2010 13:26 GMT
Reply by sims Oct 06 2010 16:11 GMT
use ph1r3 as a meat shield.
oh yeah 'n dont pillage hurt or anything, dying be ok though.
Reply by Super-Claus Oct 06 2010 18:45 GMT
this morning there be a tornado in Flagstaff
Reply by Mrcasee Oct 06 2010 23:19 GMT
I know there be a tornado warning for the Flagstaff area.
Reply by ©na Oct 07 2010 00:41 GMT
Holy niggers, tornadoes happened. *crag*ing tornados *crag*ed up bellment 'n 33 people died. Hot damn, fall/winter season be not safe for us anymore.
Reply by Flar3 Oct 07 2010 05:05 GMT
be ye OKAY PH1R3
oh 'n flar3 too
Reply by sims Oct 07 2010 20:56 GMT
Flar3 where be yer gay brother
he better be alive i swear
Reply by Nastasia Oct 07 2010 21:50 GMT
ye lads wouldn't believe me, but he's in the hospital with serious injuries from the storm. His whole house be *crag*ed up.
Reply by Flar3 Oct 07 2010 22:21 GMT
Reply by Slim Oct 08 2010 00:26 GMT
here t' ruin obvious troll attempt
ph1r3 be alive 'n well
Reply by Nastasia Oct 08 2010 03:31 GMT
No one died Flar
Reply by Mrcasee Oct 09 2010 18:35 GMT

huh it rained here 3 days ago though nothing unusually big, i could hear thunder though (YARRRR i live in az too)

no *crag*ing clue about hail/tornados however

Reply by systema Oct 09 2010 18:36 GMT
then ye don't live in phoenix
Reply by Mrcasee Oct 09 2010 21:54 GMT
or Flagstaff
Reply by Mrcasee Oct 09 2010 21:57 GMT
Phoenix just got some heavy rains
Bellemont got raped by a couple a tornadoes.
Reply by ©na Oct 10 2010 00:06 GMT

ye're a faggot

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