Posted by Flar3 Oct 15 2010 01:21 GMT in Flar3
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So when does LBP2 come out again?

Reply by Fallen Shade Oct 15 2010 01:23 GMT
january 11th, good sir
Reply by Hooly Oct 15 2010 01:23 GMT
it be a damn shame they had t' delay it. I be actually supposed t' be getting a beta code for this at some point, i be sent a beta code awhile back for the first lbp's beta, though i never bothered t' use it. hope that doesn't mean im out :S
Reply by Hooly Oct 15 2010 01:32 GMT
January 18th
Reply by Francis Oct 15 2010 01:34 GMT
I be able t' log in t' the private beta seas 'n the codes best be e-mailed by tomorrow.
Will remake Fort Cap'n Francis.
Will post vids.
Reply by Shrowser Oct 15 2010 02:09 GMT
aw man, that means i didn't make it in yet
oh well, they said this batch a codes be gonna be a small one.
Reply by Hooly Oct 15 2010 04:33 GMT
The beta be pretty badass. There's only a few story levels, but a lot a the community stuff be realy good. I made a working jetpack using antigravity, movers, 'n sounds in about 15 minutes. it be great.
The only thing that be iffy sometimes be the framerate which I be sure can be straightened out before January.
Reply by Shrowser Oct 19 2010 00:53 GMT
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