Has it really been a year since the release of Uncharted 2? Developer Naughty Dog should know better than anyone, and it also knows how to reward fans of the game -- specifically its multiplayer component. That's why this Saturday, from 12:01 a.m. PDT through 11:59 p.m. PDT, the developer is offering players special perks and the ability to play with the folks who made the game.
During the 24-hour period, players won't encounter a cash cap in matches and will receive 5x XP (take that, wimpy double- or triple-XP weekends of other games!). Also, they'll get the new first anniversary Nathan Drake multiplayer skin (pictured above) to keep -- it can be used after the "celebration" is over, but has to be grabbed during the Saturday event. Finally, more than 30 members of the development team, including Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells, will be online during the play period to team up with (or against).
NDI marketing manager Arne Meyer and designer Robert Cogburn are vowing to play for 24 hours straight, after which we're guessing they'll hit a local pub for a little hair of the dog.
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