Our Lord and Savior.
Posted by weedlord bonerhitler Oct 17 2010 15:13 GMT in weedlord bonerhitler
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felt uh
rilleh random 2 dey
Reply by Hooly Oct 17 2010 15:14 GMT
I SAGE this.
Reply by FrozenWinters Oct 18 2010 23:32 GMT
Sageing doesn't do anything Pie. It only allows you to post without bumping which you cannot do here. Only newfags think it's an expression of hate.
Reply by MM Oct 18 2010 23:59 GMT
WTF? PIE!!!!!! How could you MM? Why, MM..... WHY!!!!!
Reply by FrozenWinters Oct 19 2010 01:21 GMT


Reply by Maiq the Liar Oct 19 2010 01:42 GMT
Pi not Pie!
Reply by FrozenWinters Oct 19 2010 01:46 GMT
y so butthurt
Reply by Super-Claus Oct 19 2010 01:48 GMT

Wait, I thought you were FrozenWinters.

Reply by MM Oct 19 2010 03:03 GMT
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