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During a recent press event, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood mission director Gaelec Simard disclosed to Joystiq that 40 percent of Assassin's Creed 2 players finished the game -- "which is huge," he added. The figure is up roughly 5 percent from the estimated 35 percent completion percentage of AC1 players on Xbox Live, who were tracked through their Achievements.
Ubisoft's AC2 data paints a more complete, cross-platform picture of the total player base's completion rate, as it was provided by the game's built-in Uplay service, which tracks gameplay statistics (in addition to providing a platform through which players can unlock in-game content). Still, players must have their consoles connected to the internet and must register Uplay accounts before the service begins tracking their data.
While 40 percent completion might seem low, especially for one of the best games of 2009, it's still significantly higher than the less than 30 percent rate of completion among a sampling of GTA IV players, as found in a study published by Gamasutra a year ago. "In the industry, the number of games that are finished is more like five to ten percent," Simard figured. "We all think people finish games, but when you start asking around, you'll find that a lot of people don't get to the end. We want the player to experience the whole package, so that's something we're trying to push."
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