Metal Gear Solid: Rising Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Kotaku Jun 28 2010 11:00 GMT
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#metalgearsolid Hideo Kojiima made Metal Gear Solid 4. There was speculation that the game creator would move onto other projects. But then he returned and began work on another Metal Gear game, Peace Walker. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 19 2010 20:00 GMT
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With a new development team at the helm and an emphasis on fluid action, Metal Gear Solid: Rising is being positioned as a new standard in the long-running franchise. Mineshi Kimura, the game's director for Kojima Productions, told journalists at a Rising roundtable discussion during E3 that the game would be a counterpart to Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid legacy, with possible future installments going "back and forth" between Rising and more traditional Metal Gear games.

"But for Rising, we're gonna position it where people might know Metal Gear Solid, but they were reluctant to buy it," Kimura said. "[They might say],'Stealth is not my style,' or they didn't have the hardware because they only had a 360. We would like to target this audience where it's kind of potential Metal Gear Solid users and again, as I said earlier, the story will be based between MGS2 and MGS4." He added that players who were not familiar with the franchise's Byzantine plot would still be able to become involved and have fun with the game's "Zan-Datsu" cutting concept.

"'Zan' means to cut, and 'Datsu' means to take," explained creative producer Shigenobu Matsuyama. "We probably would offer a more wide range of play style so that you can aim where you want to cut and how deep you want to cut in order to achieve what you want to take. So, the play style will be quite in more depth than just cutting and killing."

Posted by Kotaku Jun 19 2010 02:00 GMT
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#e3 Hideo Kojima was at E3 this week to show off his team's latest project, Metal Gear Solid: Rising, but a report from CVG says the game developer has a "massive PS3 exclusive" to unveil at Tokyo Game Show. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 17 2010 15:30 GMT
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#e3 The next console Metal Gear game, Metal Gear Solid Rising, will bridge the gap between Metal Gear Solid 2 and MGS 4, the game's developers revealed at E3 this week. Plus, we'll finally find out how Raiden became cool. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 17 2010 07:30 GMT
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Apparently devoid of geriatric spy guys, Metal Gear Solid: Rising sees the once-loathed Raiden liberating glowing cyber-spines from felled foes. And that's cool and all, but did you know that you can cut a guy in half while you're cutting him in half?

Posted by IGN Jun 17 2010 01:50 GMT
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Developers of multiplatform PS3 and Xbox 360 title aiming for new type of MGS experience.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 16 2010 23:40 GMT
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#clips This has been shown a couple of times now at E3, at Microsoft's press conference as well as Konami's. Now it's your turn to see it. More »

Posted by IGN Jun 16 2010 22:15 GMT
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Watch Raiden rise to the occasion and raze some people.

Posted by IGN Jun 16 2010 17:05 GMT
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Developers of multiplatform PS3 and Xbox 360 title aiming for new type of MGS experience.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2010 19:55 GMT
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#screengrab Only one screenshot for Metal Gear Solid: Rising was released today. Bummer. Ah well, here it is! Update: We have four more shots of Rising for you, snapped by us at the Xbox 360 E3 press briefing. More »

Posted by IGN Jun 15 2010 00:09 GMT
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First footage of Kojima's brutal action spin-off.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2010 21:55 GMT
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#screengrab Only one screenshot for Metal Gear Solid: Rising was released today. Bummer. Ah well, here it is! More »

Posted by IGN Jun 14 2010 21:28 GMT
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E3 2010: Metal Gear Rising Screenshot

Posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2010 17:45 GMT
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During Microsoft's E3 press conference, Metal Gear Creator Hideo Kojima introduced a trailer for Metal Gear Solid: Rising, showing off a fast-paced action game with Raiden using his sword to slice enemies, vehicles, and scenery to pieces. Check out our live blog for images from the trailer! More »

Posted by IGN Jun 14 2010 18:00 GMT
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Raiden dices up soldiers and watermelons alike.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 12 2010 15:30 GMT
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Kojima Productions can make some excellent games. But their countdowns are transcendent. Continuing an annual tradition. Hideo and company have opened yet another mysterious E3 countdown, this time teasing images of various foods being chopped. Perhaps the imagery of foods is supposed to represent the hunger gamers have for exciting revelations from the trade show. Or maybe the use of knives is symbolic of the lighting bolt action waiting to be discovered in Metal Gear Solid Rising. Or maybe, just maybe, Kojima is set to unveil his next project: Cooking Mama 4: Mama's Revenge, the franchise's first M-rated entry.

As usual, we welcome your conspiracy theories. However, let us warn you: you will be wrong.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2010 17:30 GMT
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#e3 As fans all over the world speculate about what we'll see of Kojima Productions Metal Gear Solid: Rising at this year's E3, the company's E3 site appears, filled with scenes of things being cut. What could this possibly mean? More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2010 04:30 GMT
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#coverstory Earlier today, Microsoft apparently slipped up and showed Metal Gear Rising's box art on the Xbox Live Marketplace. It's gone now, but the internet, she never forgets. More »

Posted by IGN Jun 11 2010 00:45 GMT
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New image surfaces and is quickly removed by Microsoft.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 01 2010 20:00 GMT
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#screengrab Hideo Kojima, taking the stage one year ago at Microsoft's E3 press conference, Xbox executives at his sides. These men were aided by teleprompters, one of which offered a perfect Metal-Gear-style prompt. (Noticed this while checking Microsoft's E3 '09 promises.) More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 13 2010 01:00 GMT
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#metalgearsolid The man in charge of all things Metal Gear, Hideo Kojima, is fully embroiled in wrapping up Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for its summertime release on the PSP. But Kojima's mind has apparently begun to wander to his "next title." More »

Posted by IGN Apr 10 2010 01:16 GMT
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How could Snake sell out any further? Glad you asked.

Posted by IGN Dec 18 2009 23:35 GMT
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The latest chapter in the Metal Gear Solid franchise is quietly being developed by Kojima Productions, with Raiden stepping from Solid Snake's shadow to star in Metal Gear Solid: Rising. But what could the game be about? We speculate what Raiden's fast-paced adventure could hold.