World of Warcraft Message Board older than one year ago

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BlizzCon Five Comes Alive In October
#blizzard The annual celebration of all things Diablo, StarCraft, and Warcraft returns to sunny Anaheim, California this October, as Blizzard reveals the dates for the fifth installment of BlizzCon. Mo... posted by Kotaku Mar 25 2010 15:20 GMT
World Of Warcraft Battlegrounds Get Randomized
#blizzard World of Warcraft patch 3.3.3 is now live, giving players an all-new, all-random way to queue up for the game's popular player-versus-player battlegrounds. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 23 2010 20:20 GMT
Sims 3 expansion beats Star Trek Online in February's PC top 20
NPD has released its monthly list of the top 20 PC games, and while Star Trek Online made a valiant showing in the month of its debut, landing at number two for the main game and number four for the collector's edition, it was beaten in the end by the Si... posted by Joystiq Mar 17 2010 10:00 GMT
LIVE The Secret to Bliizard's Success: The Making of Starcraft II
#gdc The Blizzard keynote at this year's Game Developers Conference just kicked off. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 11 2010 17:07 GMT
Study: America spent $3.8 billion on MMOs in 2009
Massively multiplayer online game players in the States allegedly spent $3.8 billion last year, according to the Today's Gamers MMO Focus Report by and TNS. The report claims that the MMO market in the US has reached 46 million users, w... posted by Joystiq Mar 11 2010 10:00 GMT
Shameless Subliminal World Of Warcraft Advertising Discovered In Gnomeregan
#secretmessages The Matrix Punchograph in World of Warcraft's Gnomeregan has been spitting out pro-WoW propaganda for years, right under our noses! Master of Warcraft translates the binary cards, revealin... posted by Kotaku Mar 08 2010 23:00 GMT
Games Provide Comfort to Chilean Woman Pulling Through Quake
#feelgood A Chilean woman coping with the devastation wrought by last week's earthquake has looked to games to provide some comfort and normalcy, and a fragile World of Warcraft collectible that somehow ma... posted by Kotaku Mar 06 2010 02:30 GMT
World Of Warcraft Figures, Silly Names
#wow DC Unlimited is back with two more series of World of Warcraft figures, featuring Orcs, Trolls, Worgens and even a human. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 05 2010 11:30 GMT
Activision report lists World of Warcraft as a 'risk factor'
If there's anything that all the chaos between Activision and Infinity Ward in the past 24 hours has taught us, it's that no one is safe and dry under Bobby Kotick's umbrella. And while Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was one of Activision's biggest earners... posted by Joystiq Mar 03 2010 02:00 GMT
Guess Which Three Games Help Keep Activision Afloat
#industry Activision is a giant company with a small problem: Most of their revenue comes from three video games. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 02 2010 17:20 GMT
China's World of Warcraft Boss Steps Down
#china The company licensed to operate World of Warcraft in China - home to 4 million of the MMO's global installation base - still can't find smooth sailing after being cleared to operate the game's first... posted by Kotaku Feb 26 2010 01:30 GMT
Warcraft Plushies on the way, and no, that's not a fetish group
Blizzard's in-game pet store will soon be breaking the fourth wall and invading your living room with the World of Webkinz, er ... Warcraft plush animals. You'll be able to spend your real-life gold ($24.99 each) on a real-world plush doll, which will co... posted by Joystiq Feb 19 2010 04:15 GMT
NetEase approved to operate World of Warcraft in China
Is it ... possible? Can it be? Has the seemingly endless struggle to get World of Warcraft back online in China finally ended? Digital East Asia reports that China's General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) has approved NetEase's request fo... posted by Joystiq Feb 19 2010 01:30 GMT
Blizzard gives $1.1m to Make-A-Wish following in-game panda sales
Okay, avid World of Warcraft players. We take back all the mean things we said about your habit of purchasing in-game vanity pets with real-world money, even though the in-game pets do nothing while the real-world money does everything. See, we didn't kn... posted by Joystiq Feb 18 2010 06:15 GMT
NetEase temporarily suspending WoW account creation in China
Though the legal and political struggle between China's General Administration of Press and Publications (GAPP) and Ministry of Culture over whether World of Warcraft should be allowed in the country rages on, the game's operator, NetEase, is taking matt... posted by Joystiq Feb 08 2010 21:40 GMT
16-year-old World of Warcraft youth absconds with cougar 'soulmate'
We, as members of the video game blogging community, would like to take a moment to thank Blizzard for creating World of Warcraft. Not for making the world's most popular MMO, as you may imagine; rather, for making possible bizarre stories like this one,... posted by Joystiq Jan 06 2010 17:58 GMT
Fugitive Tracked Down Through World of Warcraft
You can run, but you can't hide. posted by IGN Jan 05 2010 22:07 GMT
Taiwanese Player 'Beats' World of Warcraft
All achievements completed, Social life questioned. posted by IGN Dec 03 2009 08:12 GMT
Erik 'Pro Plaintiff' Estavillo assures us he won't sue anyone else, giving half his money 'to God' [update]
[Image source: Scott Bowling] Erik Estavillo has been given a handful of nicknames by the press recently - he listed "Professional/PSN Plaintiff," "The Serial Suer" and a few others when he spoke with Joystiq this morning. He assured us though, time and... posted by Joystiq Dec 02 2009 00:00 GMT
Erik 'Pro Plaintiff' Estavillo assures us he won't sue anyone else, giving half his money 'to God'
[Image source: Scott Bowling] Erik Estavillo has been given a handful of nicknames by the press recently - he listed "Professional/PSN Plaintiff," "The Serial Suer" and a few others when he spoke with Joystiq this morning. He assured us though, time and... posted by Joystiq Dec 02 2009 00:00 GMT
World of Warcraft Virtual Store
Azeroth is finally invaded by pets. posted by IGN Nov 05 2009 18:25 GMT
Battle.Net Conversion Required for WoW Players
The switch is coming, are you prepared? posted by IGN Oct 14 2009 20:29 GMT