Kinect Message Board older than one year ago

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First Kinect in space is like the first dog in space but it has more use
Engineers in Surrey are using Kinect technology in a pair of satellites, hoping to make them dock together, in orbit, using the peripheral's motion-sensing capabilities.Surrey Satellite Technology Limited's STRaND 2 satellites will use components of Kine... posted by Joystiq May 28 2012 23:30 GMT
WB conjures up Harry Potter for Kinect this fall
The last time Harry Potter used the magic of Kinect, the results were less than magical. Now, WB and developer Eurocom are bringing the world of Hogwarts to Kinect with a much more "traditional" Kinect experience; minigames. It's called, of course, Harry... posted by Joystiq May 25 2012 16:11 GMT
Hey Look, It's a New Trailer For That New Panzer Dragoon Game
#crimsondragon Look, it doesn't carry the official name, but we all know upcoming Kinect title Crimson Dragon is basically a new Panzer Dragoon game. Especially after watching this clip. More » ... posted by Kotaku May 25 2012 06:00 GMT
Here Now, A Guy Playing a 4-Story Pipe Organ With Kinect
#kinect I've seen plenty of people playing a theremin, but never someone playing an organ with Microsoft's Kinect motion-controller Yet that's just what Chris Vik does, reprogramming a Kinect to control a ... posted by Kotaku May 25 2012 00:45 GMT
This dude can control a pipe organ using Kinect
Last year Dmitry Burov modded a Kinect to play the Melbourne Town Hall Organ, and he did it with way more style than any of those sweet Dance Central moves we've attempted to throw down in front of our own little camera boxes. The Melbourne Town Hall Org... posted by Joystiq May 24 2012 20:00 GMT
Let These Flying Dragons Wash Over You. In Crimison.
#crimsondragon Upcoming Kinect-based game Crimson Dragon has a release date for Japan: It will hit Xbox Live Arcade on June 13. More » posted by Kotaku May 23 2012 10:00 GMT
Porsche joins Forza 4 lineup today
Porsche was not included in the launch of Forza 4 due to complications with EA, who had the license at the time. But Porsche makes its return to the Forza franchise today (as promised) with the Porsche Expansion Pack DLC.The Porsche Expansion Pack is ava... posted by Joystiq May 23 2012 04:55 GMT
Warn your family: Kung-Fu Superstar is motion-controlled martial arts
Kung-Fu Superstar is a new Kinect game from Kinesthetic Games, a developer formed from former staff at "Codemasters, EA, Climax, Lionhead Studios and others." It's also a really good excuse to clean up your living room and perhaps send your kids to their... posted by Joystiq May 23 2012 01:25 GMT
Sit down before you read about Kinect SDK update 1.5
The 1.5 update for the Kinect SDK has been released to developers, and it adds a solid list of new capabilities, including something called Kinect Studio (that allows developers to record user movements and play them back for the code later), a developme... posted by Joystiq May 22 2012 09:00 GMT
HBO Go Xbox 360 app now available to Time Warner users
Finally - FINALLY - Time Warner and Bright House cable customers have a way to watch HBO on their televisions. The HBO Go app for Xbox 360 previously only worked for Comcast and a variety of other services, but not TWC, so even if you were an HBO subscri... posted by Joystiq May 18 2012 02:00 GMT
Lionhead listing for 'MMO-like title for next generation consoles'
Lionhead's latest job post brings up two salient points: That listing for a multiplayer level designer with "a deep understanding of online multiplayer games" may encompass more than a simple FPS title with online capabilities. Microsoft could be look... posted by Joystiq May 17 2012 04:00 GMT
THQ sees net loss of $239.9 million, still in business
THQ saw a net revenue loss of $239.9 million for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012, $100 million more than the previous fiscal year's loss of $136.1 million."We have made significant changes to our business, and are on track to execute our strategy o... posted by Joystiq May 15 2012 22:30 GMT
Joy Ride Turbo skids onto Xbox Live Arcade May 23
Joy Ride Turbo, the Kinect-free sequel to Kinect Joy Ride, will be released on Xbox Live Arcade on May 23, according to a new release schedule from Major Nelson. As previously revealed, Joy Ride Turbo features several different modes, including a new St... posted by Joystiq May 15 2012 16:30 GMT
Study: Xbox 360 most popular non-PC device for watching video ads
The Xbox 360 is the most popular non-PC device for viewing online video, beating out iOS and Android handhelds, according to a study by online-video ad company Freewheel. Freewheel measured "professional content" only, meaning video that runs with ads --... posted by Joystiq May 13 2012 23:00 GMT
Rumor: Kinect-Controlled Web-Browsing Coming to the Xbox 360 with Internet Explorer
#rumor In yet another evolution of Xbox rumor, The Verge reports today that Microsoft's game console will be adding full web-browsing functionality with a special version of their Internet Explorer softwar... posted by Kotaku May 10 2012 18:30 GMT
Rumor: Kinect-enabled Internet Explorer browser coming to Xbox 360
Good news: the Xbox 360 will finally have a web browser in the near future, according to a Verge source. Bad news: It's Internet Explorer.The source tells The Verge that the new web browser is based on Internet Explorer 9, and features Kinect functionali... posted by Joystiq May 10 2012 19:20 GMT
Report: 'Kinect Play Fit' and 'Joule' are Kinect-ercise tools
Microsoft is prepping for Kinect Play Fit and releasing hardware codenamed "Joule" to accompany it, according to sources speaking to The Verge. Kinect Play Fit will track exercise across "most Kinect games," providing metrics that'll be stored in the clo... posted by Joystiq May 08 2012 17:30 GMT
Rumor: Microsoft Prepping “Kinect Play Fit” Exercise Tracking and Heart-Rate Monitor
The Verge is reporting today that Microsoft will be adding new functionality to the Xbox 360 that tracks users' physical activity across multiple Kinect games. The report also says that there will be a sensor accessory—codenamed Joule... posted by Kotaku May 08 2012 13:45 GMT
May's Dance Central 2 DLC here to spice up your life
Every boy, every girl, spice up your life with this month's DLC tracks for Dance Central 2. The saucy selection begins today, May 8, with the Spice Girl's 1997 hit "Spice Up Your Life." Don't waste any thyme grabbing that track.Over the next three Tuesda... posted by Joystiq May 08 2012 14:30 GMT
Microsoft's $99 Xbox 360 part of a 'pilot program,' sold exclusively at MS Stores
Today's big Xbox 360 news isn't without tempering, it seems. "On May 7, we launched a pilot program at Microsoft Stores in the United States to test a new pricing model for the Xbox 360," a Microsoft spokesperson told Joystiq this morning when we followe... posted by Joystiq May 07 2012 20:30 GMT
Possible World Exclusive: Kinect Dog Food Game
#pets There is a Kinect-powered video game in the Columbus Circle subway station in New York City. It's being used to sell dog food. Because Kotaku never rests, and because we can't let Game Informer and t... posted by Kotaku May 07 2012 15:30 GMT
Microsoft's E3 presser to stream through Xbox Live, Spike TV
Are you hoping to experience the thrill and excitement of a game manufacturer E3 press conference, but lacking the credentials to attend? Microsoft thinks that's just the dumbest, so the company's blowing the doors off of its upcoming E3 presser - at lea... posted by Joystiq May 04 2012 17:30 GMT
Hopefully The Army's Scheme To Fly Helicopters With Kinect Doesn't Involve A Lot of Spinning
#kinect The army wants to install Microsoft's controller-free Kinect sensor in military helicopters so pilots can use them both for body recognition and flying assistance, Innovation News Daily reports. ... posted by Kotaku May 03 2012 19:00 GMT
Rumor: Xbox 360 getting $100, contract-subsidized Kinect bundle next week
Microsoft is preparing to take a page from the cell phone carrier playbook by offering the Xbox 360 at a substantial initial discount, followed by a two year subscription service, according to The Verge. The bundle, which would cost $100 up front and $15... posted by Joystiq May 02 2012 16:30 GMT
Obama administration teams up with the ESA on fitness promotion
For all its talk of "putting down the video games and getting outside," it looks like President Barack Obama's administration is lightening its past rhetoric and embracing video games. Well, at least some video games - what it's calling "active video gam... posted by Joystiq May 01 2012 20:15 GMT
Joy Ride Gets a Dis-Kinected Sequel
#joyride Kinect Joy Ride was a casual racing game released at launch with Kinect in 2010, and it didn't wow critics. ("Joy Ride might be the equivalent of a new word for spaghetti," wrote Stephen Totilo. "T... posted by Kotaku Apr 29 2012 18:00 GMT
Dragon's Lair swings onto XBLA May 18
Come May 18, the Xbox 360 will join historical icons like the Sega CD and Philips CD-i as one of the many proud platforms to receive a port of Advanced Microcomputer Systems' classically animated laserdisc fable, Dragon's Lair.If you count the horrible G... posted by Joystiq Apr 28 2012 20:00 GMT
Dragon's Lair, with Kinect Support, Arrives on Xbox Live in May
#dragonslair Announced back in March, the Xbox Live port of Dragon's Lair was dated for May 18 by Microsoft yesterday. The game will feature Kinect support, allowing you to jump out of the way of the Lizar... posted by Kotaku Apr 28 2012 16:00 GMT
Here’s How Sega Thought They Could Sell You A Crappy Kinect Game
#riseofnightmares Demographic projections. Drip-feed PR. Invoking the name of popular, established games to create interest in new ones. It's the cold calculus of marketing, also known as everything you ha... posted by Kotaku Apr 27 2012 18:30 GMT