This is the Metrod Other M commercial, showing us a live-action version of heroine Samus. We showed it to you earlier, but it begs to be compared to other live-action Metroid spots. More »
We showed you this image last night, which came from the second portion of the Iwata Asks feature on Metroid: Other M. What in the world is up with this suit? If broken Google translations are to be believed, this could be the new Gravity Suit. If that’s the correct answer, how [...]
A recent Metroid: Other M trailer promoted the game by taking us through the series' history. The Japanese TV commercial ties the game to the past even more directly, showing the original NES game morphing into Other M gameplay footage. The ad even goes so far as to declare this "a Famicom game with the latest technology," a tagline that also came up several times in the last Iwata Asks interview.
Meanwhile, the American commercial focuses on the "other M," as in: melodrama -- total melodrama. See the slow-motion, live-action TV spot unfold just below the Japanese ad after the break.
We now have the second part of the Iwata Asks feature on Metroid: Other M up for our viewing pleasure. Too bad it’s only in Japanese right now. As you can see, there are some production images as well as screens to check out. We also learn a tidbit which might point [...]
Team Ninja's upcoming Metroid: Other M is heavy on story. But what if you haven't paid attention in past Metroid games? How the hell will you know what's going on? Allow Metroid's heroine Samus Aran to explain. More »
There’s really nothing new for us to check out the Metroid: Other M Australian website, but it’s nice to have one more official site to keep tabs on. Perhaps we’ll see something new and fresh in the days coming, but for now it’s content we’ve already shown you guys.
With the release of Metroid: Other M only days away, it's probably time we all got caught up on the series. Thankfully, Nintendo has released a handy video that condenses the entire story into seven minutes -- minus all the portable entries and the entire Metroid Prime series, anyway.
The following information comes from ONM…
- roughly 15 hours long if you rush through and don’t explore
- “the gaming equivalent of a Michael Bay movie, a white knuckle thrill ride that grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let go.”
- concern over Concentration move, which might be tricky to pull off during battle
- over-the-shoulder sections [...]
We can forget our worries about Metroid: Other M for just a few minutes, thanks to this trailer. While we watch it, we can let our continuing concerns about the number, length and melodramatic content of cutscenes within Team Ninja's upcoming Wii game fall away as we enjoy wall-to-wall action.
We learn nothing at all of Samus's past in these clips, nor about her feelings, save for the fact that she feels like not being eaten by a lava worm thing. Instead, we see Metroid: Other M as we first imagined it: as a Metroid game with the speed and intensity of the combat dialed way up. We'll find out soon enough how realistic this version is.
This special trailer allows you to switch between third and first person view while actually viewing. There are specific moments when you can switch to the inside-visor camera, and the trailer itself will show you when. Hit up the link below and check it out!
I think it's the highest praise you can heap on a Wii game, at least in terms of its appearance, when you can say it doesn't look like a Wii game. More »
In an Iwata Asks interview about Metroid: Other M, Team Ninja head and Other M director Yosuke Hayashi classifies the game as "a NES game with the latest technology," an ideal that went on to inform much of the design. "Yes, we thought that if we could make a game that could be controlled with just one Wii Remote controller," Hayashi told Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, "we'd enable players who were put off by complex controls to enjoy 3D action games as well."
The automatic movement of perspective enabled the game to have 3D environments while maintaining simple controls, and clever Wiimote movements like pointing at the screen to explore in 3D allowed the team to avoid "resorting to the Nunchuk," as producer Yoshio Sakamoto called it.
At the same time, Sakamoto wanted the story and action to blend seamlessly, so the team worked with video production company D-Rockets. Director Ryuzi Kitaura described creating detailed storyboards to impress Sakamoto: "I think I drew more than 300 storyboards in total. The image count was over 2,000. By this stage, I was also accounting for camera work and action, so they became really elaborate production storyboards. I think I took over six months to finish them."
The following information comes from an ONM podcast…
* “it was everything you’d expect from a Metroid game, and then a couple of other things on top of it.”
* “gorgeous”
* “absolutely enormous”
* over-the-shoulder segments can be a bit “strange” and “don’t work that well”
* plenty of morphball navigation
* “massive maps to explore”
* some of the music [...]
- armadillo-inspired beast that rolls up into a ball to attack
- weak outside of his rolled-up form
- enemies that go invisible prior to attack
- go into first-person view to hunt down their energy signature
- shoot with a missile to make them visible
- hidden pick-ups will make a ‘pinging’ noise once you clear the location of [...]
* Speed upgrades increase the rate of the charge beam.
* gameplay can run on for an hour or more without any cutscenes
* real-time cutscenes as well
* cannot skip cutscenes on the first time
* ability to skip cutscenes on repeated attempts unknown
* You can dodge while in first person
* Deactivating holographic generators reveals new areas to [...]
Team Ninja's Metroid: Other M is a new look for Metroid's gameplay, but Samus? She's largely the same, leaving a new look for her character to come from fans. As seen on UOL, via 4CR. More »
Anyone have a clue as to who this mystery man is? This screen grab comes from one of the many cutscenes in Metroid: Other M, but we have no clue who the guy is. I guess we’ll have to wait a few more weeks to find out! Thanks to Roberaitor for the [...]
Once you finish playing next month's Metroid: Other M on the Wii, you can watch it. A "theater mode" will stitch the game's cut-scenes and some pre-recorded gameplay into a Samus epic. More »