MotorStorm Pacific Rift Message Board

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Sony Shuts Down Online Play for Two MotorStorm Games posted by Kotaku Jul 22 2012 18:00 GMT
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#blip MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, released in 2008, and its PSP counterpart MotorStorm Arctic Edge (2009) are losing their online play features on October 1. An announcement on Sony's UK PlayStation site said servers for those two games and SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 (also PSP) will be closed on that date. More »
A Quick Look at the Visual Evolution of Motorstorm, From Concept to Apocalypse posted by Kotaku May 06 2011 03:00 GMT
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#video Since its origins as a PlayStation 3 concept video, Motorstorm has always been known as a series with great visuals. Six years and three console games later, the Motorstorm series still looks damn good. We put three of the PS3 games side-by-side to get a closer look at how the game's graphics have changed over time. More »
MotorStorm 3D Rift tears up PSN tomorrow (with 2D support) posted by Joystiq Aug 23 2010 19:20 GMT
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If you're one of what must be millions of PS3 owners who has already dropped three large on on a Bravia 3DTV, you've already experienced a small taste of MotorStorm: Pacific Rift in 3D as part of the demo pack Sony gifted you. Good news for you: The experience doesn't end there. As part of tomorrow's PlayStation Store update, Sony is making available MotorStorm 3D Rift, a more substantial 3D-ified release of the game, featuring 10 courses, each linked to a specific event type. Oh, and it'll run on those old-fashioned 2D televisions, too -- like anyone uses those anymore!

The price of admission for this thrill ride: $10. The price of the game running in 3D: 30 frames per second.
The Ultimate 3D Gaming Experience: Stereoscopic 3D Gaming on PlayStation 3 Available Tomorrow posted by PlayStation Blog Jun 09 2010 18:46 GMT
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Hi everyone! The moment is here — starting tomorrow, high-definition stereoscopic 3D gaming will be available in your very own living rooms! As you already know, all PlayStation 3 systems are already equipped with everything they need to play stereoscopic 3D games. Thanks to a free firmware update released this past April, the PS3 system is the only console on the market that can support full stereoscopic 3D gaming — right from your living room, and with no additional charge.

Today, our sister company Sony Electronics announced its 3D capable BRAVIA HDTVs are now available for pre-sale and will ship to retailers later this month. There are a broad range of models available in different screen sizes, some packaged with active glasses and others without, giving consumers the option to choose which 3D entertainment solution works for them. For more information, click here.


We’re extremely excited to be at the helm of a whole new gaming experience unlike anything offered before. Starting tomorrow, the following games and demos will be available in stereoscopic 3D for anyone who owns a PS3 system and 3D television:

  • WipEout HD (full game): Experience the adrenalin rush of navigating the twists and turns of futuristic racetracks at breathtaking speeds like never before.
  • Super Stardust HD (full game): Experience asteroids fly past you as you navigate the deadly battleground — only a battle on a cosmic level will save the indigenous life below from destruction.
  • PAIN: The stereoscopic 3D content will include the Downtown area and tutorial along with three modes, including two new modes created specifically with stereoscopic 3D in mind, Alien Toss and Ice Breaker.
  • MotorStorm Pacific Rift (demo): MotorStorm Pacific Rift in stereoscopic 3D puts you in the driver’s seat of a buggy for a one track, single player race around the deadly Kanaloa Bay for a dangerously real battle against ruthless opponents.


To give PS3 and new 3D capable BRAVIA owners a sample of 3D entertainment at its best, 3D capable BRAVIA HDTVs will come with PlayStation Network vouchers to download these four stereoscopic 3D game experiences, which total more than 100 hours of gameplay.

We’re also announcing that The Fight: Lights Out will be available in stereoscopic 3D, combining PlayStation Move with 3D to deliver an immersive and realistic gaming experience unlike anything you’ve played before. This is only a small taste of the 3D experiences you can expect with the new 3D capable BRAVIA HDTVs and PS3. With new gaming experiences coming this year in the form of stereoscopic 3D gaming and PlayStation Move, as well as an expansive software line-up, the PS3 system truly does everything and continues to be at the forefront of innovation. In addition, 3D Blu-ray movie playback is coming to the PS3 this year via firmware update. Stay tuned for even more 3D news and announcements coming in the near future!


UK Speed Expansion Pack Trailer
posted by Meow Mod Jun 19 2009 20:50 GMT
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Six new tracks in the Pacific Rift will test your MotorStorm mettle all in the name of speed.