Metal Gear Online Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Jun 16 2012 02:00 GMT
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#metalgear The end of Konami's stealth-meets-shooting multiplayer offering is nigh. It never became an persistent online juggernaut like Halo or Call of Duty but it did manage to grab a dedicated core of players. And those people? They may not be dealing with it too well, if the picture above is any indication. Call it denial, call it a party, call it a chance to goof off while a gameworld ends. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 14 2012 13:30 GMT
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#metalgear Launching back in 2008 with Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Online, the online Metal Gear spin-off, had 1.3 million members at one point in 2009. This summer, Metal Gear Online is going offline. The game's service is finished, Konami stated today. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 09 2011 08:00 GMT
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#idols Earlier this year, pin-up Minako Komukai was on the run from Johnny Law. She stood accused of purchasing drugs from a group of Iranian dealers and fled to the Philippines. A warrant was put out for her arrest, and Komukai was an international fugitive. More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 09 2011 09:00 GMT
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Bad news, fraudulent network connectors: Your days of slowing down Metal Gear Online are over! Konami has issued a -- way past-due -- patch for the online component of MGS4, which detects "fraudulent" connections and (we assume) blocks them, freeing up all kinds bandwidth for ... hello ... anybody?

Posted by IGN Nov 18 2009 17:21 GMT
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Players with the longest survival time over the course of the day will be awarded the most reward points and rare in-game items.

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 02 2009 23:41 GMT
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Who needs guns? Deflect bullets and run your opponents through with Raiden now as a playable character!

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 02 2009 23:24 GMT
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Ocelot and Raiden square off in team deathmatch. It does not turn out quite so well for Ocelot.