There aren't many new videos to watch in this week's Nintendo Channel update that you haven't already seen online, but Ubisoft does give us a quick look at creating "Barabbid Obama" -- or just "R'Obama," in the streetz -- in Rabbids Go Home, the obvious highlight in this week's post. Oh, and we do learn one very important fact: Rabbids enjoy wearing thong underwear. What? Hey, even Rabbids need to feel sexy sometimes.
A portion of a GamesRadar review…
You’ll love
* Great art style and bright, colourful environments
* Varied, fun and pleasantly ridiculous gameplay
* Witty dialogue
You’ll hate
* Many of its ideas are only skin-deep
* Some will find Rabbids annoying
This latest promo for Ubisoft's upcoming Rabbids Go Home shows us that the Rabbids really are inventive problem solvers. Though things rarely go the way they wish, it all works out in the end -- mostly because it's always hilarious in the end. This video is no different and we suggest you fill your own pockets with some comedy gold by hitting the play button above. Enjoy!
As we’ve told you guys in the past, Rabbids Go Home does include a Wii channel separate from the game. It’s unclear whether or not this WiiWare app rating pertains to that channel, or is something else altogether. Thanks to Stephan for the heads up!