Guild Wars 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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Guild Wars 2, Log Two: Five Things I Have Not Done In Tyria
#guildwars My adventures in Guild Wars 2 continue. I've logged in nearly every day for the past few weeks, if only for a few moments. I remain enamored of the art, and in my sessions I nearly always feel ... posted by Kotaku Sep 05 2012 20:00 GMT
Guild Wars 2 Trading Post Is Online, Grouping Still Troubled
#guildwars Although Guild Wars 2 has mostly avoided catastrophic launch problems, the online game has been plagued by a number of small nuisances. Among them, that the "Trading Post," which is ArenaNet's te... posted by Kotaku Sep 04 2012 18:30 GMT
Escape To New York: The Secret World’s First Raid
I’ve seen the things that are to come in The Secret World, at least some of them, and even though the present is turbulent the future seems bright, or at least as bright as global conflict, the destruction of a metropolis and the spilling over of super... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 04 2012 15:00 GMT
Guild Wars 2′s Auction House Trading Post Lives
While Guild Wars 2 is clearly pretty brillo, its early days have been somewhat hampered by an apparent bug that fouls up groups being in the same place and has meant the in-game auction house, aka Trading Post, has been offline most of the time. The latt... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 04 2012 10:00 GMT
The PC Is Undead: Guild Wars 2 Ascendant
Here’s the exciting news: Guild Wars 2, a PC-only videogame, is number one at UK retail this week. Eurogamer reckon it’s the first PC game to have that honour since Football Manager 2011 and StarCraft 2 both pulled it off in 2010. (Diablo III was hel... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 03 2012 12:00 GMT
Guild Wars 2 Bans Over 3000 People
#guildwars Over the weekend, Chris Whiteside, Lead Producer at Guild Wars 2 developers ArenaNet, took to Reddit to announce that over 3000 players had been temporarily banned from the game for taking advant... posted by Kotaku Sep 03 2012 02:00 GMT
Stiq Flicks: Guild Wars 2 and Stand By Me
Stiq Flicks - from film and video game industry freelance writer Kevin Kelly - examines video games and attempts to pair them with matching films. It's like wine and cheese, but with more aliens. Guild Wars 2 seeks to revive the MMO genre that has been ... posted by Joystiq Sep 02 2012 21:30 GMT
Guild Wars 2 Bear Loves to Photobomb
#guildwars There the player was, getting the camera right, the lighting right, the character's pose just right for that perfect screenshot and...oh, hi bear. More » posted by Kotaku Aug 31 2012 23:00 GMT
The Joy of Jumping: Why ArenaNet Lets You Hop In Guild Wars 2
#guildwars If you've been playing Guild Wars 2 at all, then you've probably seen people talking about jumping. Dancing is cool too, and actually, standing in one place is pretty neat as well, but the thing... posted by Kotaku Aug 31 2012 20:30 GMT
Wot I Think: Guild Wars 2
You’ve probably never heard of Guild Wars 2 – a plucky little MMO that’s so far failed to draw much attention around the net. You might want to give it a look though. Maybe. They say it does a couple of moderately cool things. And it looks quite ni... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 31 2012 20:00 GMT
Let's Take A Tour of the ArenaNet Studios, Where The Wall Art Is Beautiful And There's A Cereal Bar
#guildwars2 Guild Wars 2 may be filled with amazing artwork, but the development team behind the game—ArenaNet—makes the best use of them as wall art. More » posted by Kotaku Aug 31 2012 12:30 GMT
ArenaNot: Guild Wars 2 Permabans, Direct Sales Halted
ArenaNet has permanently banned 3000 players for exploiting a weapon-reselling bug. Seems a bit harsh for just messing with virtual economics? ArenaNet say it’s a statement of intent. Speaking on reddit, lead producer Chris Whiteside said: “We take o... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 31 2012 11:00 GMT
Guild Wars 2: MMO Vs. Story, Round 7
Guild Wars 2 isn’t the first MMO that’s tried to tell a single-player story. For that specific element, it’s not even the highest profile one in recent months – both The Old Republic and The Secret World going all out to make narrative matter. Th... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 30 2012 10:00 GMT
Guild Wars 2 Thinks Fun is More Important Than Money
#guildwars There's a reason I'm highlighting this quote from ArenaNet co-founder and president Mike O'Brien: you just don't see it anymore at the top end of the video game business. More » posted by Kotaku Aug 30 2012 06:30 GMT
Guild Wars 2, Log One: I Cannot Rest Until I Have Explored All The Things.
#guildwars In just five days of play, Guild Wars 2 has managed to wreak havoc on my usually-sharp ability to make up my damn mind. More » posted by Kotaku Aug 29 2012 19:00 GMT
Quick Look: Guild Wars 2
Sick metal beards and gigantic thrones are all the rage in ArenaNet's subscription-less MMO.
posted by Giant Bomb Aug 29 2012 13:00 GMT
Reasons You May Be Suspended From Guild Wars 2: Holocaust 'Jokes', Racist Insults, Etc.
#guildwars Guild Wars 2 has only just officially launched today, but ever since the head start began on Saturday, ArenaNet has been busily suspending users whose names or behavior violate policy. Many use... posted by Kotaku Aug 28 2012 14:40 GMT
Guild Wars 2: Pride Of The Black Lion Trading Company
It’s Guild Wars 2 Day, and may all the gods combined have mercy on ArenaNet’s servers. I’m working on the WIT at the moment, and you can check out Alec’s early impressions of the game here, but while we battle both foul monsters and bloody overfl... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 28 2012 14:00 GMT
Arenanet On Guild Wars 2′s Grouping Grumbles
I’m having a whale of a time with Guild Wars 2, but I am playing it pretty much on my own due to problems with the grouping/instancing/server overflow system. As half the world pointed out on my piece yesterday, in theory if your party is rendered disp... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 28 2012 09:20 GMT
It's a Guild Wars 2 Launch Night Dance Party!
#guildwars Come tomorrow, everybody that wants to play Guild Wars 2 can, as the game officially launches for the people drawn in by everyone else talking about the damn game all weekend. You know what this... posted by Kotaku Aug 28 2012 01:30 GMT
Guild Wars 2's Most Impressive Feet
#guildwars Characters in Guild Wars 2 are good at lots of things: Fighting, spellcasting, animal-summoning. But they're also really good at standing still. No, seriously! More » posted by Kotaku Aug 27 2012 23:30 GMT
Guild Wars 2 Arrives Tonight. Here's Everything You Need To Know.
#guildwars Guild Wars 2 has been a long time coming. Years of previews, discussions, developer diaries, demos, betas and a head-start weekend have led to this point: Guild Wars 2 finally unlocks for everyon... posted by Kotaku Aug 27 2012 22:00 GMT
The History Of Tyria Is Written Into Every Square Inch Of Guild Wars 2
#guildwars I jumped into Guild Wars 2 on Saturday afternoon, re-creating for myself the Human thief I'd been missing since the first beta weekend back in May. But then I remembered my earlier promise to m... posted by Kotaku Aug 27 2012 19:00 GMT
I Love Mondays - 08/27/2012
We talk about a potential Wii U release date, PAX, a bit of hemming and hawing about this week's new releases, and... actually, we made all the _real_ plans for this week immediately after this video was recorded.
posted by Giant Bomb Aug 27 2012 18:52 GMT
My Computer Sucks, Your Character Name is Stupid, and Other Lessons Learned From the Guild Wars 2 Head Start
#guildwars Guild Wars 2 went live this weekend for the kajillionty people that managed to wrangle their way into the early start. I am among these people, and I've learned some important things about the g... posted by Kotaku Aug 27 2012 13:00 GMT
Impressions: Levels 1-15 In Guild Wars 2
One thing: my three days (and counting) in Guild Wars 2 were comfortable the most gripped I’ve been by a new MMO since those heady, early days in World Warcraft. Another thing: it’s got the most serious design flaw I believe I’ve ever seen in any MM... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 27 2012 12:33 GMT
The Official Guild Wars 2 Mouse and Headset are Freaking Adorable
#hardware Guild Wars 2 launches in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow, and I am almost completely prepared. I've got my collector's edition. I've got my caffeine. I've got SteelSeries' gorgeous mouse and... posted by Kotaku Aug 25 2012 01:30 GMT
The Guild Wars 2 Economy as Seen By Its Dark and Mysterious Money Wizard
#guildwars Guild Wars 2 doesn't launch until next week, but the exchanging of currency for goods and services heeds no human schedule. ArenaNet's resident economist has been analyzing beta data, twisting it... posted by Kotaku Aug 24 2012 12:30 GMT
Under Pressure: Guild Wars 2 Is Stress Testing Tonight
Have you pre-ordered Guild Wars 2? It seems there are an awful lot of you that have. If you’re amongst that number, then you can join in with a server stress test at 8pm tonight, lasting until midnight. A STRESS TEST, OKAY? GOD! (more…) posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 09 2012 16:00 GMT