Guild Wars 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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Felicia Day Unboxes the Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition So I Don't Have To
#guildwars I know everyone is disappointed that they don't get to see my crappy red tablecloth and hear my children babbling in the background, but trust me, this is for the best, if only for the myriad op... posted by Kotaku Aug 08 2012 13:00 GMT
How Guild Wars 2 Connects Its Servers in Bloody Battle
#guildwars For years massively-multiplayer online role-playing game server communities have competed against each other, waging war with world first achievements and statistics. Guild Wars 2's World Vs. Wo... posted by Kotaku Aug 02 2012 16:00 GMT
ArenaNet On Guild Wars 2… As A Platformer
Guild Wars 2 is quite well-liked in our fabulously attractive (have you seen our brand new sexy, sexy hotbar?) corner of the Internet. Richard alone has written 427 trillion words on the subject of ArenaNet’s fantastic-looking fantasy sequel, and he’... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 27 2012 12:00 GMT
The Four Core Concepts That Guild Wars 2 is Built Upon
#guildwars Yesterday's Q&A with Guild Wars 2 content designer Mike Zadorojny painted the development of next month's blockbuster MMO in broad strokes. Today ArenaNet releases a series of videos that break ... posted by Kotaku Jul 26 2012 13:30 GMT
One Of The Designers Of Guild Wars 2 Is Answering Your Questions Right Now
#kotakuliveqa Last weekend's Guild Wars 2 beta just concluded, and the folks at ArenaNet are getting the game touched up for its August 28 launch. You've seen the game at cons, you've read our coverage, and... posted by Kotaku Jul 25 2012 18:45 GMT
The Colorful Character Creation of Guild Wars 2's Most Exotic Races
#guildwars This past weekend's final Guild Wars 2 beta event gave players access to the plant-based Sylvari and the Muppet-based Asura for the first time. Thousands of new characters were made, and it look... posted by Kotaku Jul 23 2012 13:30 GMT
Here's the Gorgeous Intro (Well, Intros) to Guild Wars 2
#guildwars It's testament to just how damn pretty Guild Wars 2 is that, despite me being someone who'd normally rather set my face on fire than play an MMO, I'm quietly excited about sitting down the game.... posted by Kotaku Jul 20 2012 04:00 GMT
Guild Wars 2: Every Crowd Has A Sylvari Line-Up
This weekend sees the final Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend, with the big addition of its two remaining races – the ingenious gnome-like Asura, and the flowery Sylvari. You’ll be able to play as either… or indeed both, if you like… but what can you exp... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 16 2012 13:00 GMT
There are More Guild Wars 2 Beta Keys Where These Came From
Want in the final Guild Wars 2 beta weekend running later this month? Grab one of these 200 keys, drop it in at, and you'll be ready to ready to party or solo as you see fit. And stay tuned to Kotaku's Faceb... posted by Kotaku Jul 16 2012 00:09 GMT
Guild Wars 2's Next Beta Weekend Brings Plant People and Tiny Little Freaks
#guildwars There are five races in Guild Wars 2, but up until now we've only been able to play as three - the humans, the cat people, and the bigger humans. ArenaNet rectifies this the weekend of July 20-22... posted by Kotaku Jul 09 2012 17:15 GMT
Guilds Will War Once More On August 28th
So, Guild Wars 2 is out on August 28th and that’s about all there is to say about that, except possibly ‘finally’ and ‘hurrah’. I could try to construct a tortured metaphor about bowler hats, butlers and afternoon tea but you’d probably rathe... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 28 2012 13:28 GMT
Guild Wars 2 Leaps Into Action August 28
#guildwars It's going to be the future soon for denizens of Tyria, as ArenaNet reveals an August 28 release date for the eagerly anticipated massively multiplayer free-to-play role-playing game Guild Wars 2... posted by Kotaku Jun 28 2012 13:00 GMT
JoyStream: Watch the Guild Wars 2 beta 'stress test'
For a limited time today, developer ArenaNet is putting its upcoming online world, Guild Wars 2, to the test with a four-hour beta event. Joystiq, having recently discovered the joy of yelling into a microphone while readers watch editors fail at video g... posted by Joystiq Jun 27 2012 20:30 GMT
JoyStream: Watch the Guild Wars 2 beta 'stress test' live
For a limited time today, developer ArenaNet is putting its soon-to-be-released online world, Guild Wars 2, to the test with a four hour beta event. Joystiq, having recently discovered the joy of yelling into a microphone while readers watch editors fail... posted by Joystiq Jun 27 2012 20:30 GMT
Developer Diary: Manifesto
Developers look to innovate the MMO genre for both new and experienced players in Guild Wars 2.
posted by GameTrailers Jun 25 2012 18:10 GMT
Guild Wars 2: All Quest On The Western Front
While most of the attention on Guild Wars 2 has been on its main world, where quests and stories await your heroism, there’s a whole second way to play – the eternal PvP war that is World vs. World vs. World, where both players and monsters are ready... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 11 2012 11:00 GMT
This Weekend's Guild Wars 2 Beta Event Features an Enhanced Sense of Smack
#guildwars This weekend, after the E3 smoke clears, ArenaNet helps players and press wind down with the next Guild Wars 2 beta weekend event. This weekend's festivities include plenty of new additions and t... posted by Kotaku Jun 05 2012 13:30 GMT
A Completely Unbiased Look at the Races of Guild Wars 2
#guildwars While pouring over Starfleet Dental's comprehensive guide to the races of Guild Wars 2, it helps to keep in mind that Humans were the only race available to play in the original game. So when the... posted by Kotaku May 30 2012 18:20 GMT
The Guild Pre-Wars Continue
There’s to be another beta weekend for Guild Wars 2, the MMO that resolutely refuses to launch. Which means, once again, I won’t be able to play the thing due to weekend plans. Specifically in this case, camping in Sherwood Forest and listening to in... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 29 2012 21:00 GMT
A Girl and Her Dog Walk Across America, End Up in Guild Wars 2
#guildwars Every day millions of gamers log into online role-playing games and embark on continent-spanning adventure. Inspired by these virtual adventures, Guild Wars player Kelly Wells gathered her canin... posted by Kotaku May 17 2012 13:30 GMT
Guild Wars 2 Retail Ad Shows June 28 Release Date
#rumor Kotaku has obtained this photo of an advertisement for Guild Wars 2, seen at a Fry's retailer in Texas. More » posted by Kotaku May 15 2012 18:30 GMT
'Hundreds of thousands' have already bought Guild Wars 2, played beta
The Guild Wars 2 beta opened the weekend of April 27 to anyone who had pre-purchased the title, free from NDAs or embargoes, and "hundreds of thousands" of people signed on to test it out, ArenaNet president Mike O'Brien writes. ArenaNet couldn't handle ... posted by Joystiq May 13 2012 18:30 GMT
Exploring the beta and beyond in Guild Wars 2
In a time when all MMORPGs charged a monthly subscription fee, Guild Wars was the shining light that brought said subscription fees weren't the only future for the genre. For enthusiasts of the first game, ArenaNet didn't need to change much in Guild War... posted by Joystiq May 05 2012 15:00 GMT
A Gorgeous, Living World Sets Guild Wars 2 Apart
#guildwars We all have our personal gaming quirks. I, for example, have a habit of leaping into any new game as a thief, rogue, or assassin type whenever possible. I prefer to move slowly and cautiously, ... posted by Kotaku May 02 2012 18:01 GMT
Guild Wars 2: Playing the Engineer
Guild Wars 2 has plenty of fantasy tropes we've all come to expect in an MMORPG, but it's also laced with steam punk elements. Smoke-churning machines hum alongside spell casting wizards and shamans, giving GW2 a vibe that distinguishes it from its peers.... posted by IGN Apr 28 2012 01:11 GMT
Weekend Wars: Guild Wars 2 Beta Event Starts April 27
Did you pre-purchase Guild Wars 2 in frothy mouthed anticipation of a pre-release weekend getaway in Tyria while pre-heating an oven and pre-procuring a preponderance of preserves because you must get a head start on all aspects of life? Well then, good ... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 19 2012 09:00 GMT
First Guild Wars 2 Public Beta Weekend Starts April 27
Players that have preorder Guild Wars 2 for guaranteed access to the beta will be able to take advantage of said benefit April 27 through April 29, when ArenaNet hosts the first of many weekend events. Huzzah! More » posted by Kotaku Apr 18 2012 18:30 GMT
The Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition is That Much More Enticing When Set to Music
#guildwars Perhaps a mere picture of the Guild Wars 2 collector's edition wasn't enough for you. Perhaps early access and name reservation isn't your thing. No, that's not it. You just haven't seen it in ... posted by Kotaku Apr 10 2012 01:30 GMT
10 Thoughts And Cool Things About Guild Wars 2
You’ve already read Richard’s experiences with the recent Guild Wars 2 beta. There’s much more to say about it though, so here are ten specific things that caught his eye while playing – some big, some small, but all slightly different from the MM... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 02 2012 21:00 GMT