The name of the game:
Fire Red / Leaf Green
Digibutter Nuzlocke 2014 Rules
-No glitches or sequence breaking allowed
-Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released
-The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else
If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances
-Have to name all pokemon
-Can skip the first poke on a route if its one you have already and try again, if you get a dupe again your 2nd try you're shit out of luck
-If you blackout and theres still pokemon in the PC you are free to use those
-Catch rules don't start until pokeballs are obtained
-As a mercy rule shiny pokemon are free to catch regardless of the catch rules if you encounter them
-Participators should take screenshots and at a certain part of each day of where they're at and their current team OR record "Previously on Your Adventure" GIFs
-If all your pokemon are dead you are out of the game.
-You continue to play until there are no other players, at which point you are declared the winner.
- In the event of a tie (multiple players beat the champion without losing all their pokemon) there will be an online one on one tournament battle between players using their final party, fighting pairs ordered by completion time, to determine who will be the victor.
- All versions are to be emulated in case of a tie scenario.
The screencap/GIF rule is in place to give some form of assurance as to the legitimacy of a participants nuzlocke. An example of a "Previously On Your Adventure" GIF can be seen below: