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Francis's board older than one year ago

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posted by Francis Dec 12 2009 20:24 GMT


Before you sext, give it a ponder.
posted by Francis Dec 04 2009 02:02 GMT
These are funny, but aren't the basically saying you shouldn't be texting at all and to just cancel your service.
SANKYO I'M COMING! Nicolas Cage loves Pachinko.
posted by Francis Nov 30 2009 17:53 GMT
That's amazing.
Anyone going Black Friday shopping?
bfads.net posted by Francis Nov 27 2009 03:43 GMT
Wal-Mart is awesome. They take prices that any other store has if you have the paper ad.
Modern Warfare 2 Rick Roll
I don't think the guy even knew what a rick-roll was, or he would have immedately known it was a prank.
posted by Francis Nov 24 2009 16:48 GMT
That's a lot of effort, but the results are kinda funny. It's a pretty original way to Rickroll someone, anyways.
200th issue of GameInformer arrived with schweet LoZ cover
This issue features their list of top 200 games of all time.  Taking into account quality, cultural relevance, and industry impact. 1. Legend of Zelda - NES 2. Super Mario Bros. - NES 3. Tetris - PC 4. Grand Theft Auto III - PS2 5. Half-Life 2 - ...
gameinformer.com posted by Francis Nov 21 2009 20:41 GMT
Tetris - PC
Drawing is Thinking
posted by Francis Nov 20 2009 00:24 GMT
Everything he said just seemed a bit redundant.
Typing races
I average about 77wpm.
app.typrx.com posted by Francis Nov 18 2009 01:16 GMT
I average around 72 WPM.
Hoy hoy.
I got both NSMBWii and Modern Warfare 2 for $70 :)
posted by Francis Nov 15 2009 21:17 GMT
Fallen Shade
damn nice price exploit
How does Club Nintendo work?
Is it like a store and you spend your points on stuff?  So if you spend them all for a Mario hat, you can't get something else later?
posted by Francis Nov 14 2009 01:59 GMT
No. You get to a certain level after so many points, then at the end of the year you pick ONE prize.It really isn't worth it.
Get your head out of your... uh....
ht posted by Francis Nov 04 2009 05:32 GMT
Fallen Shade
Thats real *crag*ing neat-o Francis
twitter.com posted by Francis Nov 04 2009 01:00 GMT
Fallen Shade
Yep, thats twittershitter in a nutshell
A-one and a-two and a-chicka booma chick!
posted by Francis Oct 22 2009 20:04 GMT
Franics irl
posted by MM Oct 21 2009 17:46 GMT
slippers with butterfly wings on them.
Because you wanted reasons why people think the forum was better than what we have now
1. It's more inactive than the forum was before you locked it up 2. Posting feels akward which is why nobody posts that much, Like making paragraphs is nearly impossible and adding more than 1 image/link/whatever can get overcrowded 3. There isn't a novel...
posted by Fallen Shade Oct 21 2009 01:05 GMT
whoa, francis. without your post i would have never realized that
I don't mean to scare anyone from getting a flu shot... but yikes!
posted by Francis Oct 21 2009 03:41 GMT
Relating that to the shot in the first place is *crag*ing stupid. It was probably just complete coincidence it started a few days after. Also, shots take a little less then 10 DAYS to go into effect.
Anyone who doesn't get a shot because of this is *crag*ing stupid.
BRB getting Dystonia.
Let's go again, to the Mushroom Cup...
posted by Francis Oct 16 2009 01:42 GMT
Real-life Flight of the Navigator! 6 year old boy commandeers UFO
Eh, turns out he was not in the balloon, but was hiding in the attic. http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/10/15/colorado.boy.balloon/index.html
bit.ly posted by Francis Oct 15 2009 19:25 GMT
Rest in Peach, Captain Lou 1933-2009
posted by Francis Oct 14 2009 17:24 GMT
Time to bust out the DVDs and give him a proper funeral.
Top FPS - Celebrity Gaming Challenge
Starring Gordon Freeman, Master Chief, Allied Sergeant, Louis, Terrorist, Soap Mactavish, Demoman, and ... Marcus Fenix (not a FPS :/ )
posted by Francis Oct 13 2009 02:37 GMT
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Mega Man and Kirby. The story should use marriage as a plot device
kaction.com posted by Francis Oct 05 2009 00:03 GMT
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Powerpuff Girls and Sonic the Hedgehog. The story should use unplanned pregnancies as a plot device!
Terminator + Back to the Future
But, shouldn't the Terminator be trying to stop Doc from inventing time-travel? And so T-1000 would be protecting Doc?
posted by Francis Oct 05 2009 15:27 GMT
I beat Uncharted 1. First game I've beaten in a long time. I didn't earn any trophies because I started the game a few days after they added trophy support :(
Also, there is an image gallery of Naughty Dog employees playing dodgeball... WTF.
posted by Francis Oct 04 2009 22:10 GMT
Blip - Two aliens try to take over the same planet.
posted by Francis Oct 04 2009 20:54 GMT
The plot was really cliche', but the animation was still pretty good.