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I had a dream that I played a Nintendo VR headset at BestBuy...
posted by Francis Aug 08 2014 14:47 GMT
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I was surprised because I had not heard of such a thing. It was basically a 3DS with a headstrap. You could play VR games or use it like a normal 3DS. The dream felt so real I actually googled for it when I woke up.

I think it was a Zelda game called Dark Light


francis confirmed complete hipster
posted by Ignorant Feb 27 2014 23:55 GMT
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* love for helvetica font

* avid apple customer

* generally unkempt

* flannel shirts

francis it's ok, shadoo will help you. that's what he's here for





























like you didn't already know

I bet he isn't even in Georgia. he probably lives in Portland.
Get well soon
aa.org posted by Fortran Feb 08 2014 20:46 GMT
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Very sorry to hear about your recent DWI Francis. We hope you can muster the strength to triumph over your addiction. All of us here at Digibutter have your back.

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Most users ever online was 4 on May 7 2012, 06:34 PM
well well well
posted by Fortran Jan 30 2014 05:55 GMT
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Happy birthday Farnis, have a group photo of your dear friends from Niggerbutter
posted by Doopliss Jan 16 2014 04:16 GMT
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Absent: Vid, everyone else


Well shit

Pretend I'm making a user-generated game that is sort of like a Zelda II MMO
posted by Francis Feb 15 2011 23:49 GMT
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Since everything is user-generated, you create the world and the quests.  The basic structure of the game world is like this:

  • There is an overhead map view of the world.  The map has different kinds of spaces on it.  Grass, water, buildings, etc.
  • When you click on a space, the view zooms in to a 2D side view of that area.
  • If the area has a building, you can enter it.  Inside the building is a room.  A room can have doors to other rooms.
  • A room can also have objects in it.  An object can be anything: a chair, magical orb, wizard, etc...
  • The player can carry some objects, these are called items
  • The player can talk to other players in the same space and exchange items

When a player interacts with an object, one or more of these things can happen:

  • Display text/dialog.
  • Give the player an item.
  • Disappear (die)
  • Turn into a different object.
  • Do the above things based on the player having interacted with some other object.

So given the ability to create buildings, objects, define what they do, and chain them all together to build a quest, what would you create?

shade that just made me sad :[
AFK, for about 5 months
posted by Francis Apr 23 2010 00:52 GMT
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I mentioned in the State of Digibutter post that I would not have much access to a computer or internet for a while.  That's because I'm walking from Georgia to Maine along the Appalachian Trail.  I've gone over 50 miles so far!

As a true geek, I have two cell phones and a netbook.  So I will be able to connect every now and then.  I just want you all to know that I haven't died or something (unless I do get eaten by a bear, but my dog is with me, so that won't happen).

This is where i fixed the site the other day
What does the fox say?
posted by Francis Sep 06 2013 17:02 GMT
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Fallen Shade
*yelling intensifies*
Elite Status : Platinum
posted by Francis Jul 01 2013 05:09 GMT
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Registered most of my old Wii games at the last minute for Club Nintendo coins. Here's hoping for some decent schwag.  

Update: meh https://club.nintendo.com/elite-status-gifts.do

obviously the calendars
Possible security issue on the site?
posted by Gold Prognosticus Jun 01 2013 13:50 GMT
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Today I've noticed that whenever I load a page on Digi, Avast reports that it has blocked a suspicious connection to chats.lulzsec.com (although the website itself still loads). The issue doesn't seem to be browser-specific (having tested it in both IE and Firefox) and I have yet to see this occur on any other websites. I had my brother test it on his PC and the alert still registered (albeit only after I logged my account in on his computer), but I am running a scan on my PC just in case there is something going on locally.

Is this something I should be concerned about? To anyone reading this topic, have you also recieved any alerts?

Fallen Shade

Aren't most of them in jail though? Also what glory do they get from attacking a site with less than 20 active posters?

I'd rather have a super power like flying or telekinesis, but this is cool too
posted by Francis May 02 2013 01:45 GMT
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IIRC, I was shown this video with claims that it was accomplished by an alumn of the math camp I attended last summer.
Just sent some final Wii Messages before transferring to Wii U. I wonder if anyone will see them. (remember in 2006 when everyone was excited about Wii being online? LOL)
posted by Francis Apr 26 2013 17:32 GMT
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Same here, Shades. Most of 'em landed on stuff like my birthday to my knowledge, so I probably missed 'em. But I could go back and find them, maybe. It'd be funny to see what I said.
On a related note, it was sometime a while ago that I went through my old AOL account from when I was like, ten or younger? And I found a whole bunch of time capsule messages from myself, and it was hilarious. Among the highlights were "I probably have a job now" and me raving about Toonami, among other things.
Just pointing out that Nintendo used LB tags
facebook.com posted by Francis Mar 06 2013 22:24 GMT
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Gold Prognosticus
Brings back memories (even though I didn't personally interact with the user in question all that much). Is Lord Bowser still around on the internet anywhere these days?
reminds me of the game "Flower". They call these groundbreaking techniques but haven't video games been doing this for a while?
posted by Francis Jan 31 2013 00:10 GMT
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I like how this is all whimsical here, yet people would be flipping their shit if this were to ever actually happen
WAIT this one's bigger. UsE THIs ONE to look at.
posted by Alpha_StevO Jan 25 2013 20:19 GMT
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yeah I never had a problem with the grid looks, I'm good with anything as long as it looks nicely polished.
got a haircut
posted by Francis Jan 09 2013 02:48 GMT
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This looks bad and you should feel bad.
tree decorating 2011
posted by MM Dec 13 2011 20:02 GMT
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Hostess is shutting down. The Twinkie Apocalypse is upon us. Damn you Mayans
posted by Francis Nov 16 2012 20:30 GMT
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oh, damn. no more unhealthy sweet cake things huh. ill miss snowballs (i think hostess made those).
posted by Fortran Nov 14 2012 06:05 GMT
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I never *crag*in played kingdom hearts

I'll take two
posted by Francis Aug 23 2012 15:27 GMT
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I think it's awesome that there is a American Helicopter Society Future Vertical Lift Conference

Dibs on banjo
I has a Mac Book Pro
posted by Francis Aug 03 2012 18:41 GMT
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I tend to avoid Apple products, but work got me this hunk of shiny. Any mac users here? Have any suggestions as to what to install or configure?

Install Homebrew, it's really good.
Hurdles are fascinating
posted by Francis Jul 19 2012 17:38 GMT
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your definition of worse is different than mine
francis gets loose with it
posted by MM May 16 2012 16:27 GMT
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Francis himself uploaded it and posted on on digibutter, duh.
dilbert.com posted by Francis May 31 2012 23:11 GMT
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i dont understand...

now you can get a bacon sundae without leaving your car
bk.com posted by Francis Jul 07 2012 17:37 GMT
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i have to agree with nastasia i mean COME ON  ppl just eat too many carbs but this is UNBELIVABLE ice cream+bacon=food poisen

whats a bacon sundae?
posted by Hi-Technicaaal! Jul 09 2012 17:28 GMT
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It's a day when the sun is bacon