Dead Rising 2 Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq Jan 23 2014 20:30 GMT
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Europe is getting a Dead Rising Collection for Xbox 360 on March 7, bundling up the original Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2, and the Case Zero, Case West and Off the Record DLC missions. Capcom hasn't said if the collection will make its way to North America. Check out the (zombie-)full box art below.

Dead Rising 3 on Xbox One shipped 1 million units by the close of 2013, pushing the series' shipment total to 7 million, Capcom announced yesterday. Operation Broken Eagle, the first bit of DLC for Dead Rising 3, is available now for $10 or part of the $30 season pass.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 16 2013 15:30 GMT
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After plummeting from the colossal height of Agency Tower, why not try a sedate change of pace by dressing up like Elvis and bashing in thousands upon thousands of zombie heads? As of today, Dead Rising 2 takes over from Crackdown as Xbox Live's Games with Gold freebie, meaning Gold subscribers can grab it along with its prologue, DR2: Case Zero, for nada and niente until the end of the month.

Both Dead Rising 2 and Case Zero are available for free now - see you at the mall.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 31 2013 18:30 GMT
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Xbox Live Gold members can leap their way across Crackdown or chop their way through Dead Rising 2 for free in August. As part of Microsoft's "Games with Gold" program, starting tomorrow, August 1, Crackdown will be free to agents through August 15. The only cost is how much of your life will be consumed by hunting orbs.

Starting August 16, both Dead Rising 2 and its prologue, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, will be gratis through the end of the month.

Xbox Live Gold members still have until the end of that day to grab and take a stab at Assassin's Creed 2.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 18 2012 21:19 GMT
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#capcom Rumors are swirling that Capcom Vancouver, the development studio behind Dead Rising 2, has laid off multiple people. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 20 2012 12:13 GMT
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Protest as we might, PC versions of big-name console games arriving later than their disc-bound cousins increasingly seems to be a fact of gaming life. We’ve heard all manner of excuses in the past, from polish to piracy, but Capcom have just offered their own reasoning for why we see the likes of Resi and Street Fighter amble onto PC weeks later than their console kin.(more…)

Posted by Joystiq Nov 14 2011 18:30 GMT
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Before you get too excited, know that the '4 star' referenced in Amazon's deal of the day refers to user reviews. So, while it includes deals like Dead Rising 2 for $19, it also includes Battle of Giants: Dinosaurs Strike and the DS version of Despicable Me (which only has 3.5 stars, cheaters).

Posted by Kotaku Nov 09 2011 22:20 GMT
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#deadrising Capcom has teamed up with those magical people at Gaikai to deliver a 30 minute timed demo of Dead Rising 2 that runs in your Java-enabled web browser. Ain't technology a thing? More »
cool shit
Dart, or anything that isn't Java. Java and Flash aren't the only languages that can be implemented into a browser you know.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 10 2011 07:00 GMT
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We're never going to to be comfortable with the kind of alchemy Gaikai is capable of. Capcom has partnered with the company to offer a demo of Dead Rising 2, right in your browser. You'll be so impressed you won't even mind it's a year late!

It's the actual game, inside a browser window. Being a demo, there are some restrictions: you can't save, and you can only play for 30 minutes. But it's still enough to give you a taste of the game, and to be really impressed with Gaikai.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 06 2011 10:05 GMT
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Dead Rising 2: Off The Record is out October 11th, revisiting the sequel’s crazed casino-mall through the eyes and lens of the original game’s swaggering photojournalist Frank West. Both the protagonist and the hero are delightful because they appear to take themselves far too seriously but swiftly degenerate into surreal, nonsensical madcappery. It all looks rather bleak and ill-judged, with the tale of a once great man fallen on hard times. And then the theme tune kicks in and it’s suddenly more Saints Row: The Third than George Romero. Just remember…his name’s Frank.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 16 2011 10:15 GMT
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The return of Frank West in Dead Rising 2 standalone spin-off Off The Record offers a reinvention of the splendid Dead Rising 2, but from another perspective. And also offers Capcom a chance to put out more of their extremely weird, and rather brilliant, trailers for the game. This one’s a guide to photography! Of sorts. You can see it below.


Posted by Joystiq Apr 26 2011 15:15 GMT
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When grappling with the undead apocalypse, few traits are quite as important as frugality. Well, okay, speed, strength and general survival skills are helpful too, but ... well, saving cash is just vital. You can start with this weeklong discount on Dead Rising 2 content on Xbox Live Marketplace.

Posted by IGN Apr 12 2011 22:29 GMT
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What is it? Dead Rising 2: Off the Record takes inspiration from Capcom's history of Director's Cut re-releases, according to developer Capcom Vancouver (formerly Blue Castle Games). Off the Record reimagines the Fortune City Incident of the original Dead Rising 2, this time casting the first Dead Rising's main character, war photographer Frank West, as the hero of the hour. More Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Videos He's Covered Wars, You Know...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 12 2011 16:30 GMT
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Still furious at Dead Rising 2 standalone episodes Case Zero and Case West not seeing a PC release? Nevermind. Not sure what they are? OK.

Forget all that, because Capcom’s announced something much more significant that will be seeing a PC release. Dead Rising 2: Off The Record is Dead Rising 2 re-imagined with photojournalist Frank West, the protagonist from the first Dead Rising, replacing motocross star Chuck Greene. Sound like a cheap cash-in? You’d be wrong, sir. DEAD wrong. Full features list and debut trailer after the jump.(more…)

Posted by Joystiq Apr 12 2011 16:04 GMT
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Did you ever wonder what Dead Rising 2 would have been like had it been Frank West hitting zombies with oars instead of Chuck Greene? Well, start wondering now, so your new curiosity can be sated by Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Capcom's remake of a game that came out last year.

Set in a "what-if" scenario, Off the Record puts Frank West in Fortune City in Chuck's place, with new missions, new enemies, new weapons and "a brand new Fortune City attraction to explore." The update also features "enhancements to elements such as the save system and the co-op experience."

But mostly, it's an "enhancement" to the amount of money Capcom can get off of Dead Rising 2. Between this and the XBLA games, this is the fourth game to bear the title Dead Rising 2. It'll be out on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC in the fall.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 12 2011 15:00 GMT
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#zombiekiller Chuck Greene wasn't the hero of Dead Rising 2. Chuck Greene wasn't the man who faced down the slow flood of zombies stumbling through the casinos of Fortune City. Chuck didn't whack a few hundred zombies with baseball bats and halt the groans of many more with sharp objects. More »

Posted by Joystiq Dec 25 2010 01:00 GMT
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To celebrate the holidays, we're having twelve straight days of giveaways up through Christmas day. And while we say it's to celebrate, really ... we're simply getting rid of some of the larger packages around the ol' office.

For our second giveaway today in the 11 Days of Joyswag, With One of the Days Featuring Two Giveaways funanza, we've got the Dead Rising 2: High Stakes Edition on PS3. This deluxe Dead Rising Deux - available only from Capcom's online store - includes the game; a poker set with 100 poker chips, bloody playing cards, dice, and a dealer chip; a Fortune City visitor map (which doubles, conveniently, as a map of the game's locations); and a Terror is Reality ticket with a voucher for a "Psycho" costume and skill pack. C'mon, you deserve this. Head past the break for the skinny on how to win ... ny.

Posted by Kotaku Nov 30 2010 21:00 GMT
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#zombies A man is taking a photo in a video game. Yay. But, no! This is Frank West in the new Dead Rising 2 downloadable expansion. This is the return of photography. More »

Posted by Joystiq Nov 30 2010 18:20 GMT
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Fans of fictional, war-covering photojournalists rejoice, for Capcom has announced that the Xbox exclusive Dead Rising 2: Case West is slated to arrive "next month." As of this writing, it's just barely still November, so it would seem Frank West will return to Dead Rising in time for Christmas. In-game photography will also be making a comeback; presumably, nabbing erotic photos should be much easier this time around.

Unfortunately, Capcom still hasn't announced a price. For now, you'll just have to settle for the new screens in the gallery below.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 30 2010 18:20 GMT
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Fans of fictional, war-covering photojournalists rejoice, for Capcom has announced that the Xbox exclusive Dead Rising 2 "Case West" DLC is slated to arrive "next month." As of this writing, it's just barely still November, so it would seem Frank West will return to Dead Rising in time for Christmas. In-game photography will also be making a comeback; presumably, nabbing erotic photos should be much easier this time around.

Unfortunately, Capcom still hasn't announced a price. For now, you'll just have to settle for the new screens in the gallery below.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 30 2010 03:45 GMT
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Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, the "most dynamic sales weapon" publisher Capcom has ever had, has surpassed the 600,000-downloaded mark. The $5 XBLA-exclusive sold another 100,000 units in October, topping the Xbox Live Arcade sales chart and apparently making it the "fastest selling" XBLA game of the year.

The full-bodied demo/prequel to Dead Rising 2 has been an incredible success, selling nearly a half million units in its first two weeks back in early September. As for Case Zero's sales impact on the full game, it certainly didn't hurt the sequel, as Capcom announced in late October it had shipped over 2 million units of the game to retailers.

Posted by Kotaku Nov 18 2010 02:30 GMT
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#dildo Lemme tell ya, I have, that game was called "my third marriage." Hey-oooo! But seriously folks, the ESRB summary for Dead Rising 2's DLC mentions a wieldable sex toy. I thought that was the paddlesaw! Bang, pow, zoom ... More »

who writes this crap

probably someone from new jersey

Posted by Joystiq Nov 05 2010 20:20 GMT
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Amazon handed out $10 credits and, just this week, offered Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for half-off to customers who pre-ordered Dead Rising 2 on Xbox 360 -- all because the retailer couldn't deliver promised Avatar bonus outfits.

Now, Amazon is delivering the Avatar duds.

Two readers have written in to tell us that they've received emails from Amazon, containing the codes for the Dead Rising 2-themed Avatar jackets and Servbot heads originally promised with pre-orders of the game. So if you see one of your friends' Avatars wearing a giant Servbot face, you can be sure their real face will be holding a similar expression, after having just been customer served.

[Thanks Andrew and Colt!]

Posted by Joystiq Nov 04 2010 02:40 GMT
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Good news: the Avatar outfits offered by Amazon as pre-order bonuses for the Xbox 360 version of Dead Rising 2 won't be delivered after all. Why is that good news? Because who cares about Avatar clothes (even Servbot heads), when the replacement is half off a pre-order of Marvel vs. Capcom 3?

Amazon sent out emails to pre-orderers, offering 50% off of pre-orders of the fighter as a conciliatory gesture for the now-canceled Avatar finery. Combined with the $10 credit offered when the codes for the clothing were merely delayed, that's a $20 copy of Marvel vs. Capcom 3! We'd gladly not take any Avatar clothing in exchange for those kinds of savings.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 02 2010 15:30 GMT
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Capcom's investor Q&A session for its most recent financial report sheds a bit more light on the recent departure of Keiji Inafune. When asked to explain why Inafune left the company, Capcom said it was "thinking about radical reforms in our R&D operations in response to the rapid changes taking place in our markets." At the outset of these reforms, Inafune expressed a desire to remain "an independent creator" and "Capcom accepted this request." A replacement for Inafune wasn't named, though Capcom will soon hold meetings "to reach decisions concerning the direction of our development activities and other important items."

In another interesting bit of the Q&A, Capcom stated that it may acquire more developers in the future, similar to the recent acquisition of Blue Castle Games following its completion of Dead Rising 2. While the company has no specific acquisitions planned at this time, it says it would consider acquiring a development partner if "an acquisition would better enable Capcom and the partner to utilize their strengths and produce benefits for both companies."

Of course, to hear Inafune tell it, Western developers like Blue Castle are Capcom's only hope for success. Inafune said as much in a recent interview, in which he stated that Western developers are "far and away more passionate" than their Japanese counterparts.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 02 2010 02:35 GMT
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Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune has blasted the Japanese gaming industry in an interview conducted by right after his recent exit from Capcom, and translated by a NeoGAF forum user. In it, Inafune says that Japanese publishers are "making developers into salarymen" and that he could no longer be the designer he wanted to be at Capcom. Inafune also revealed that he would have liked to have worked alongside his former employer after the split, perhaps as an outside contractor, but was told, "That won't be necessary."

Inafune is quite honest in the interview, commenting that Capcom won't survive using its current employment structure, and that the company will have to pare down its internal workforce and commission Western developers to help make its games in the future. Western developers, says Inafune, are "far and away more passionate" than Capcom's internal teams -- and technically superior, as well.

As for what's next, it sounds like Inafune is planning to start his own company. He says he wants to "do business" and be a "further driving force" in the Japanese games industry. It's a pretty epic interview; you can read it in its entirety at the via link.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 28 2010 15:10 GMT
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Capcom announced this morning that Dead Rising 2 has shipped over two million units globally, making it more successful than the original zombie survival sandbox. The company also stated that the Dead Rising franchise has shipped over four million units globally. That math likely entails the couple million copies from the sequel, the "million-plus" from the original Dead Rising, and ... oh boy, whatever Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop shipped. It's unclear if Capcom's "most dynamic sales weapon" ever, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, would be included in there -- considering it didn't "ship" so much as "sell" half a million units on Xbox Live Arcade.

The publisher also announced that its acquisition of Blue Castle Games was approved by Canadian authorities. The studio will now be known as Capcom Game Studio Vancouver. Will CGSV be entrusted with other Capcom franchises, or will it remain in the company of the living dead?

Posted by IGN Oct 28 2010 07:37 GMT
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Series reaches 4 million shipped in total.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 19 2010 10:40 GMT
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You'll be able to add a touch more conventional warfare to Dead Rising 2 today with the "Soldier of Fortune" DLC. This $2 add-on includes military clothing and gives Chuck's guns increased power, accuracy and ammunition. Shooting zombies? With guns? Sounds pretty unorthodox, but it might work.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 19 2010 16:20 GMT
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#dlc The Soldier of Fortune Theme Pack is available today for Dead Rising 2, transforming Chuck Greene into a lean, mean, shooting machine. More »