12 Days of Joyswag: Dead Rising 2, High Stakes Edition (PS3)
Posted by Joystiq Dec 25 2010 01:00 GMT in Dead Rising 2
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To celebrate the holidays, we're having twelve straight days of giveaways up through Christmas day. And while we say it's to celebrate, really ... we're simply getting rid of some of the larger packages around the ol' office.

For our second giveaway today in the 11 Days of Joyswag, With One of the Days Featuring Two Giveaways funanza, we've got the Dead Rising 2: High Stakes Edition on PS3. This deluxe Dead Rising Deux - available only from Capcom's online store - includes the game; a poker set with 100 poker chips, bloody playing cards, dice, and a dealer chip; a Fortune City visitor map (which doubles, conveniently, as a map of the game's locations); and a Terror is Reality ticket with a voucher for a "Psycho" costume and skill pack. C'mon, you deserve this. Head past the break for the skinny on how to win ... ny.

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