Nintendo and "official" game score authority Twin Galaxies have named a winner in their Sin & Punishment: Star Successor contest. "Andrew F." from Milwaukee, Wis. claimed the title with his 68,126,154-point score in Level 3 of Treasure's Wii rail shooter -- on hard mode, of course. And using the Wiimote and Nunchuk, of course.
For his feat, Mr. F. wil be awarded two black Wiimotes, two black Classic Controller Pros, two Zappers and a plaque. His achievement will also be submitted for consideration in the Guinness World Records 2011 Edition. In addition, he received a commemorative Joystiq post for his achievement. This has been Joystiq Post About Andrew F.'s High Sin and Punishment 2 Score 2010, In Honor of Andrew F.
Seriously, though, that's an awesome score.Star player earns success in Sin & Punishment contest
The Nintendo Channel doesn't have much for us this week. There is a new episode of Nintendo Week and some Sin & Punishment: Star Successor tips, but you've seen the latter already. Head past the break for the list of this week's content.
Nintendo presents this video as gameplay tips for Sin & Punishment: Star Successor players, but we think those who have yet to get into Treasure's latest explosive shooter stand to benefit more. For one thing, "get lots of coins and medals" is a gameplay tip we could probably all have intuited on our own.
For another, this video works really well as an introduction to the various moves available in game: the different charge shots (Isa's, which sets off one massive explosion, and Kachi's, which can target multiple enemies), the dodge move, the melee attack. If you've been playing the game, you know this stuff, but if you have yet to experience it, this video will give you a pretty decent idea of how it works -- with a lot of boss fight footage as a nice bonus.
Nintendo wants to help you guys succeed in Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, so they’ve put out a helpful gameplay tips feature, which you can see below!
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Just in the nick of time, Nintendo opened up the full site for Sin and Punishment 2. There’s really nothing new for anyone that’s been following the game up to this point. I mean, we’ve been waiting for the release for over a year now! Glad to see it’s finally happening, and [...]
Here's the first draft of my review for Sin & Punishment: Star Successor in its entirety:
While I think that pretty well encapsulates the feeling of playing Star Successor, I realize there might be value to explaining what the game is and why I enjoyed it so much. But even though there are more words to follow, they are all written in the same spirit as the above all-caps exclamation. Even thinking back about playing Treasure's latest game is kind of exciting. This is not a game to relax with after a long day at work. This is a game to play if you want to get so amped up you start typing in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Have you been going through your day, feeling like an adequate member of the human race? That's silly -- at this time of day, you really should be feeling down in the dumps, like you can't do anything right. So, in the interest of your mental health, we offer the latest trailer for Sin & Punishment: Star Successor past the break. To tell you the truth, it's less an actual trailer than it is a collection of segments where somebody is kicking so much ass.
Seriously, we're pretty sure the "person" playing is actually a robot. A robot we envy with all of our being.
The site may not be chock-full of content right now, but at least it’s opened up! The official site for Sin and Punishment 2 is now up and running, and I’m sure it will have more content added into it in the not-too-distant future. Check out the site at the link below, and [...]
Treasure knows its shmups, and this week's Nintendo Channel content you just have to see is none other than a Developer's Voice for Sin & Punishment: Star Successor. It's full of interesting behind-the-scenes stuff, like weighing the pros and cons of different control schemes and highlighting some multiplayer stuff. Seriously, if you're going to watch one thing, boot up your Wii and watch this.
For the rest of this week's content, head past the break.
The European box art for Wii shooter Sin & Punishment: Star Successor contains an unexpected surprise: a reversible cover, letting you forgo PEGI ratings in favour of something a little more Japanese. More »