Resistance 3 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by IGN Aug 11 2011 17:45 GMT
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Really!? Your browser doesn't support iframes? It's 2011, might be time to retire that Netscape Navigator.....

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 10 2011 15:01 GMT
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Hey everyone! During our Comic-Con Resistance 3 panel, we discussed our motion-capture techniques and how they helped us build the game’s story. We showed an in-progress behind-the-scenes video that chronicled our mocap process in Resistance 3, and how we have continued to evolve that process from the work we did on Resistance 2. That video is now complete, and we’re excited to share with you how we really brought the cinematics and characters of Resistance 3 to life. Give it a watch below.

We hope you enjoyed that behind-the-scenes look! As always, we’d love to hear from you, so send us a reply on Twitter or on our Facebook wall ( or join the conversation at If you have questions about the on-going beta and updates to it, please be sure to check out our recent post here.

If you have questions, I’ll try to answer them below.

Posted by IGN Aug 10 2011 00:45 GMT
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As anyone who has been messing with the Resistance 3 Multiplayer Beta on PlayStation Network knows, it's been effectively broken for the better part of a week. You can make private matches just fine, but random matchmaking doesn't work, and according to a post on Insomniac's website, the studio is aware of that and other problems and is actively trying to fix what's wrong...

Posted by Joystiq Aug 10 2011 01:00 GMT
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What's more important than getting a look at the just revealed "Alice Springs" map for Resistance 3 set in Northern Australia? To us, that answer is clearly "learning how to kill, like, a million chimera in a row." Luckily, this latest gameplay clip does both.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 09 2011 23:30 GMT
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It appears as though GameStop won't be the only retailer to reject Sony's new Motorstorm: Apocalypse-only PlayStation 3DTV bundle. Like its brick-and-mortar competitor, Amazon will also toss in a copy of Resistance 3, which was originally slated to be the 3D display's pack-in title.

So, just to recap, that's a 24" 3D television, 3D glasses, HDMI cable, MotorStorm: Apocalypse and Resistance 3, all for 500 smackers. Sure, it sounds like a good deal but, frankly, we're holding out until Amazon ponies up a free copy of Tangled.

[Thanks, Steven]

Posted by Kotaku Aug 09 2011 17:40 GMT
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#resistance While Resistance 3's single-player story sees players traipsing across the U.S., multiplayer is a trip around the Chimeran-infested world, with stops in Bogota, Colombia, Glamorgan, Wales, Africa's Republic of Chad, and this latest map, which takes the battle to the second largest town in the Northern Territory of Australia. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 09 2011 17:15 GMT
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With Resistance 3 close on the horizon now, developer Insomniac Games has stepped-up its reveals of some interesting in-game details of its post-apocalyptic shooter. Today on the PlayStation Blog, a new multiplayer map was unveiled, something that's sure to interest those gamers excited about the prospect of R3's more focused approach to online play...

Posted by IGN Aug 09 2011 05:52 GMT
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You might already be aware of how brown it is, now comes news that Insomniac's upcoming shooter Resistance 3 is set to invade Australia's red centre by including a multiplayer map located in the main street of Alice Springs. Here's Insomniac's reasoning for including the dusty down under locale: Australia has always had an interesting place in the lore of Resistance, being the site of a gigantic refugee camp called Avalon One, and for years remaining a safe Haven even as Europe fell...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 09 2011 05:01 GMT
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If you’ve been following Resistance 3 coverage over the last few months, one of the cool features of our game is that many of our main multiplayer maps take place outside of the United States (where the single-player campaign focuses on Joseph Capelli’s harrowing journey from Haven, Oklahoma to New York City). In the multiplayer beta, you will find the Trainyard map, set in sunny Bogota, Colombia, as well as the Seaside map set in Glamorgan, Wales, UK. Late last year, we revealed the Prison MP map, which is set in Fort Lamy, Republic of Chad in Africa.

Today we’re revealing the fourth of our major 16-player maps for Resistance 3. This map brings the fight to the Australian Outback, as the Main Street of Alice Springs, Australia is our latest MP map. Situated in the Northern Territory of Australia, Alice Springs is a sun-baked, dusty, desert town in Australia.


The Land Down Under has always had an interesting place in the lore of Resistance, being the site of a gigantic refugee camp called Avalon One, and for years remaining a safe haven even as Europe fell. Unfortunately, the enormous amount of refugees strained food supplies, and Civil War erupted in 1952. Eventually, as with everywhere else on the planet, the Chimera arrived. Now the remnants of civilization on the continent fight back in one of the most inhospitable climates to the Chimeran menace.

The Alice Springs map is one of my favorite maps for its small town feel, with many small interiors perfect for close-quarters combat. Want to see it in action? Check out the video above.

The Resistance is continuing worldwide, with humanity fighting back for survival on every continent. We’re looking forward to you getting to check out the Main Street, Alice Springs MP map in Resistance 3 when it launches on 09.06.11.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 08 2011 23:30 GMT
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#ps3 At this year's E3 expo, Sony unveiled the PlayStation 3's "official 3D Display," a stereoscopic 3D package that packed in one monitor, one copy of Insomniac Games' Resistance 3, one HDMI cable and one pair of 3D glasses for $500. Things have changed. More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 08 2011 19:30 GMT
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If our incredibly informative rundown of Resistance 3 multiplayer still wasn't enough to satiate your Chimera bloodlust, this post is for you. Insomniac has released a new developer diary focused on multiplayer, covering everything from player progression to always controversial revenge perks.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 08 2011 18:01 GMT
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Many of you have probably heard about Global Resistance by now. If you haven’t yet, now is the time! I wanted give you more details about what Global Resistance is as well as explain some of the tweaks we’ve made since launch (I’m looking at you “guy who stopped playing because the humans always won”).

Global Resistance is a massive online strategy game developed by Soap Creative. Here’s the official definition: Global Resistance is a free-to-play online strategy game set amidst mankind’s final stand in the Resistance universe. You enlist as a Chimera or Human commander and take over the world to unlock exclusive Resistance 3 multiplayer skins, in-game titles and XP boosters. Customize your base, build and deploy your personal arsenal alongside thousands of other players, or attack your rivals directly in head-to-head skirmishes. But what does all that mean? How do you play Global Resistance?

First, you need to go to and sign up. Currently you have to use your Facebook login, but soon we will allow for PSN logins as well. Once you have a MyRes 3.0 account you just need to sign in and go to Here is where it gets real. Whatever side you choose, is the side you are on forever… like forever, ever. Choose wisely! Do you want to be a human fighting off the Chimeran threat? Or do you want to flip the tables for once and be that unstoppable force?


No matter what side you choose, it’s all about dominating the world. You and the rest of your team will be fighting a real-time war 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Each war is broken up into rounds; the time of each round, as well as the number of rounds, varies between wars. But the goal is always the same. Place troops early and often, drop bombs or spires on the other team, and place bunkers to defend or bunker busters to counter. Gain resources and bonuses by accomplishing territory missions while building up your base to replenish your troops and artillery. And finally, battle your friends one-on-one via a “rock, paper, scissors” style skirmish. Don’t forget to strategize during the battle with team specific message boards on

There is a lot on the line — far more than mere pride or stats! We have included some sweet unlocks exclusively from Global Resistance for Resistance 3. Rewards such as multiplayer skins and titles, concept art, and even XP boosters — if you’re good enough! All you need to do is sync your PSN account (once that feature is live) and you will automatically obtain anything you unlocked through Global Resistance when you insert the Resistance 3 disc.

Sound good? We think so, too. Since launch, 1.5 billion soldiers have been deployed. We are in the middle of our fourth war. 250,000 bombs have been dropped, 100,000 skirmishes fought and numerous rewards given. We have also made many tweaks to balance out the gameplay and things are looking pretty good. We have completely changed our balance of power mechanic to be fairer to each side. I assure you we are working around the clock to make this more than just a companion game. This is truly a Global Resistance and we need you.

Will you be the resistance… or crush it?

Posted by Joystiq Aug 06 2011 22:00 GMT
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In an effort to prove that Sony ain't the boss o' them, Gamestop will be bundling Resistance 3 with each pre-order for the now-MotorStorm-infused PlayStation-branded 3DTV, launching this November. It's also possible that Gamestop is simply honoring its existing pre-orders while sweetening the pot to attract new buyers, but where's the fun in that?

As weird as pre-ordering a television set is, having two 3D-capable games certainly adds a little extra something to deal, and when you're spending $500 on anything it's important to get your money's worth. It will be interesting to see if other retailers follow suit, but considering the fact that this is a 24-inch 3DTV, we doubt potential buyers will have room for anything larger than another disc.

[Thanks, MLC!]

Posted by Joystiq Aug 06 2011 16:45 GMT
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If you live in a dorm room, or an efficiency in Manhattan, or a tiny Harry Potter staircase closet, you were probably chuffed to bits when Sony announced their 24-inch PlayStation-branded 3DTV/Resistance 3 bundle during this year's E3. Now though, it looks like denizens of diminished domiciles will be doing a lot more wicked jumps, and lot less alien shooting.

Responding to inquiries regarding this Amazon listing, which shows Sony's PlayStation 3DTV bundled with MotorStorm: Apocalypse instead of Resistance 3, Insomniac Games confirmed the switch in a tweet, apologizing for any inconvenience. According to a statement made to Gamespot, MotorStorm: Apcalypse will also support the full-screen-but-also-split-screen functionality touted by Resistance 3, however no information about why the games were switched has been given as of yet.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 05 2011 17:00 GMT
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Hopefully you caught the news yesterday that Resistance 3 has gone gold! We also debuted our new story-centric campaign trailer. You may also know that the Resistance 3 Multiplayer Beta early access has begun for owners of specially marked copies of SOCOM 4. We’re still very much in beta mode, with regards to fixes (especially for matchmaking to address the freezes and disconnects), so please keep reporting what you see. We hope to have a patch soon that will address many of these issues, but in the meantime, thanks for bearing with us.

In the spirit of the multiplayer beta, our new behind-the-scenes development diary discusses our inspirations in developing Resistance 3’s multiplayer philosophy, from play modes and weapons to special abilities. Hopefully you’ve caught our previous entries in the dev diary series, but if not, you can catch up here, here and here.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s developer diary. It’s been a fantastic collaboration between us and the PlayStation.Blog team, and we’re really excited to show you the last couple as we get closer to launch on 09.06.11. We hope you’ve got your pre-order ready! Until then, we’ll see you on the beta!

Posted by Joystiq Aug 04 2011 23:30 GMT
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When you buy Resistance 3 on Sept. 6, don't be surprised if it's a little heavier than you'd expect thanks to all the digital goodies sharing space on the Blu-ray. In addition to the game, you'll get demos for titles like like Killzone 3, MotorStorm Apocalypse and Infamous 2, plus videos from Uncharted 3, Starhawk, God of War: Origins and SOCOM 4. Some of those ounces will also be supplied by the Sony Pictures trailers and music videos filling up the disc. We hear some of you naysayers out there clucking your tongues and insisting that data doesn't weigh anything, but this is our blog and you can just shut right up.

The new gameplay video above doesn't weigh anything, of course, because it's on the internet. Duh. Jeez, man, pick up a book, why don't you?

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 04 2011 16:00 GMT
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I’m here today to bring the news that Resistance 3 has gone gold, and has been delivered to manufacturing for its September 6th release date. Everyone here at Insomniac is excited for you to get your hands on the game we’ve been working so hard on for the last three years. Even now, our work isn’t complete, as we are actively working on the Online Beta, and will be bringing a Day 1 Patch to the game to bring updates and tweaks to the final product. The public beta begins today for folks who have codes from SOCOM 4, so we’re looking forward to fragging you online.

In celebration of our gold announcement, we wanted to give you the first look at a brand new gameplay trailer from Resistance 3. For those of you who have followed R3 since the announcement of the game at GamesCom last year, this trailer brings things full circle. I don’t want to spoil it, so take a look below:

Hope you enjoyed the trailer, and now that we’ve gone gold, we thought this would be a good time to mention that we’ve packed the disc full of extra goodies. When you pick up your copy of Resistance 3, you’ll also be getting access to playable PlayStation demos for titles like Killzone 3, MotorStorm Apocalypse (both in 2D and 3D!) and inFAMOUS 2, as well as a host of trailers and developer videos from some of your favorite PlayStation titles, including UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception, Starhawk, God of War: Origins, and SOCOM 4. We’re also sprinkling in lots of content from our friends over at Sony Pictures and Sony Music, including movie trailers and music videos from leading artists like Ozzy Osbourne, Incubus, Foo Fighters, and AC/DC. So lots of good stuff to check out.

We hope you’re ready for the game’s launch on 09.06.11 and have got your copy pre-ordered! In the meantime, to stay up to date on all the latest news and updates about Resistance 3, be sure to follow us on Twitter or join the conversation at MyResistance.Net.

See you in the beta!

Posted by Joystiq Aug 04 2011 14:30 GMT
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Are you sitting on a hot ticket into the Resistance 3 multiplayer beta? Are you on the fence, wondering if you should get a hot ticket? Either way, we've got just what you need: a nice, (very) long video tour of what the beta has to offer. Check it out, and hit that HD button if you're feeling frisky.

Posted by IGN Aug 04 2011 01:00 GMT
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The Resistance 3 beta is in full swing, and the game itself is barely a month out. Soon enough, PlayStation 3 gamers around the world will be massacring the Chimera... or getting massacred themselves...

Posted by GameTrailers Aug 02 2011 18:30 GMT
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Get an overview of the improvements to the third chapter of the Resistance Saga in this interview with Lead Designer Drew Murray.

Posted by IGN Aug 01 2011 21:08 GMT
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Ready for Resistance 3? Who isn't? Well, IGN's Colin Moriarty just got into the family and friends portion of the multiplayer beta, and he's awful at it. Check it out...

Posted by IGN Jul 29 2011 23:10 GMT
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Lately on IGN PlayStation, we've been getting into a sort of groove. We recently live streamed the Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception multiplayer beta, and then we streamed the first 30 minutes of Resistance 3's single-player campaign...

Posted by Joystiq Jul 28 2011 18:20 GMT
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Sony has announced the dates for the Resistance 3 multiplayer beta. In the US, those who picked up a copy of SOCOM 4 will have access to the beta beginning August 4. PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive access on August 23. PlayStation Plus subscribers in Europe will be able to grab the beta on August 10, while PlayStation Blog EU promises there will be "further opportunities" at some point for non-subscribers.

The beta will feature two maps, Seaside and Trainyard, and will offer Team Deathmatch and Chain Reaction modes. Players will be able to gain experience up to level 20, upgrade weapons and abilities and unlock new character skins.

While you wait for the beta, check out some new Resistance 3 beta footage uploaded by a player, this time focusing on the trainyard map. Some interesting power-ups are shown, including a decoy hologram and a bubb- er, personal force field. Not featured in the video: Aim.

Posted by IGN Jul 28 2011 17:15 GMT
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This morning, I was lucky enough to receive an e-mail with my early access code for the Resistance 3 beta, which we will be streaming for you live early next week. But there were details in the e-mail that will intrigue everybody else anxious to get in on the beta as well...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Jul 28 2011 16:02 GMT
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Many of you have been getting very excited about the chance to play Resistance 3′s competitive multiplayer modes online when the Resistance 3 Public Beta launches. Today, we’re happy to give some additional info about the launch dates for the beta.

For those of you who have received Early Access to the Public Beta via specially marked packages of SOCOM 4, we will be opening the beta to you at some point on Thursday, August 4th. Your existing codes will be able to be redeemed via the PlayStation Store and the Redeem Code button. PlayStation Plus subscribers in the U.S. will also be invited to join the beta beginning on August 23rd. If you’re a subscriber, all you’ll have to do is navigate to the PlayStation Plus section of the PlayStation Store to download the beta.


The Resistance 3 Beta includes two of our major maps in the game, the Seaside of Glamorgan, Wales, as well as a Trainyard in Bogota, Colombia. The Public Beta includes two of our five multiplayer modes, Team Deathmatch and Chain Reaction (the other three are Deathmatch, Breach, and Capture the Flag). You can level your character up, buy and upgrade weapons and abilities, customize your loadouts and unlock new character skins. We have capped the level in the beta at 20, so you won’t be able to get the full range of abilities, modes, maps, and weapons until the game launches in September, but we hope you enjoy this taste of the experience while helping us test our online infrastructure.

The beta will continue beyond the Early Access period, and we’ll be announcing additional ways to get in as we get closer to Resistance 3′s launch date. Can’t wait for Early Access? Some of our media partners will be giving out codes next week that will let you join the beta a couple of days early. We’ll also be giving out some early codes on our Twitter and Facebook account, so follow or Like us!

That’s all for now! We look forward to playing against you in the Resistance 3 Multiplayer Beta next week.

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 27 2011 23:55 GMT
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You've battled in the trenches--now the war has gone global.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 27 2011 21:30 GMT
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#resistance In case your curiosity hadn't gotten the better of you after Owen posted about Resistance 3's social networking tie-in over the weekend, here's the trailer for Global Resistance, a way to play a Resistance-like not-Resistance while not playing Resistance 3. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 22 2011 19:45 GMT
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During an interview (coming soon!) with Drew Miller, lead designer of the "spectacular" Resistance 3, we learned that the planned multiplayer beta is just around the corner. "We're doing a friends and family beta right now," Miller said. "And I think we kick off the public beta sometime in August."

That "sometime" has now been narrowed down to "the first week in August" according to IGN, reporting from the Resistance 3 panel at Comic-Con. The beta features multiplayer modes Team Deathmatch and Chain Reaction, both shown on video here, and an undisclosed number of maps. It's still not clear if owning the less-than-spectacular SOCOM 4 is the only way to access the beta.

These videos both take place on Seaside, so that's ostensibly one map we know about. And the first week in August is really a great time to spend by the sea; one last beach run before the game's September 6 release.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Jul 22 2011 16:04 GMT
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Greetings from San Diego and the International Comic-Con. Hopefully you caught all the cool Resistance 3 coverage from last night’s episode of Gametrailers TV. All-new and exclusive footage from St. Louis, a new cutscene showing Charlie Tent and the Remnants, and the re-imagining of the classic Breach mode that is a huge-fan favorite.

Last night, IGN Editor Colin Moriarty moderated a panel on Resistance 3 featuring Creative Director Marcus Smith, Art Director Grant Hollis, Animation Director Kevin Grow, as well as voice actor Robin Atkin Downes (Joseph Capelli) and Crispin Freeman (Charlie Tent). The panel covered the Resistance universe, showed some of the new St. Louis footage we debuted on Gametrailers TV last night, and we discussed the St. Louis level, along with its mysterious story implications about Charlie Tent and his ragtag group of rebels. And from there, we gave the audience a behind the scenes look of the motion- and performance- capture that we used to bring the characters to life in Resistance 3. Since you all couldn’t be there with us, check out this highlight video of some of the best moments from the panel.

We also announced a new online strategy game complementing Resistance 3 that will live on

Global Resistance is a free-to-play online strategy game set against mankind’s final stand in the Resistance Universe. Enlist as a Chimera or Human commander and take over the world to unlock exclusive Resistance 3 multiplayer skins, in-game titles and XP boosters. Customize your base, build and deploy your personal arsenal alongside thousands of other players, or attack on your rivals directly in head-to-head skirmishes. Will you join the Resistance… or crush it?

We also have a trailer for Global Resistance! Check it out below:

The game is live now – though you have to sign into with your Facebook or PSN Username in order to be the first to check it out!

That’s all for now – hope you’ve enjoyed the coverage this week, much more on Resistance 3 to come very soon. For all the latest, be sure to Follow Insomniac Games on Twitter or Like Us on Facebook.


Posted by Kotaku Jul 22 2011 15:20 GMT
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#speakuponkotaku In today's Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Armstrongjx4 expresses his desire to see humanity fall to the Chimera in Resistance 3. Why? Because we expect to win. More »