Deadly Premonition Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Nov 20 2013 04:00 GMT
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From Deadly Premonition to Dark Souls, sometimes a PC game is released that's, well, let's call it an unoptimised port. Which leaves fans to do the work in getting them up to scratch, and of late no fan has become more "famous" than Durante.Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 06 2013 13:00 GMT
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Deadly Premonition is fascinating, broken, bizarre, enormous, boring, brilliant and absolutely unsuitable to play on my PC. I’ve laboured through more crashes than SID-H3, as well as wrestling with awkward mouse and keyboard controls. Eventually I resorted to playing in a window because that seemed to cause fewer collisions with the desktop. I wouldn’t have persevered for a lesser game, even though, at times, this is the least of games. Here’s wot I think.


Posted by Kotaku Oct 30 2013 03:30 GMT
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Weird-ass Japanese horror game Deadly Premonition has made it to the PC! That's the good news. The bad news is that, like Dark Souls before it, this Japanese game has been ported to the PC in a sorry state indeed.Read more...

Posted by Joystiq Oct 14 2013 20:30 GMT
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Deadly Premonition received a companion iBooks app for iPad this week, Rising Star Games announced. Priced at $9.99, the Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut The Official Visual Companion is 352 pages long with over a hundred "interactive elements." The book offers players the chance to peek into the creative notebook of director Hidetaka Suehiro (also known as Swery65) to learn more about the development of this odd cult favorite.

The interactive book includes three maps and concept art for the game as well as a soundboard and soundtrack. It arrives ahead of the Steam launch of Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut, which is set for Halloween.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 16 2013 23:00 GMT
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XSEED has announced a pair of its latest games are now available for download on Xbox 360 through Games on Demand. Deadly Premonition is available for $20, while the more recent Killer is Dead can be yours for $50.

Deadly Premonition is a very odd horror game from Swery, otherwise known as Hidetaka Suehiro. Players assume the role of FBI agent Francis York Morgan who is sent to investigate a ritualistic murder in the small town of Greenvale. Players may freely roam about Greenvale and undertake quests and participate in activities while hunting down the Greenvale killer.

Killer is Dead, from Grasshopper Manufacture, takes place in the near-future and stars Mondo Zapper - an executioner with a robotic arm who is tasked with killing assassins and dangerous criminals the world over. In our review we noted that Killer is Dead had that undeniable charm that only Grasshopper can instill, even if it's somewhat hampered by simplistic combat and "dark direction and weird narrative a bit tainted by self-indulgence."

Posted by Kotaku Sep 03 2013 21:45 GMT
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Pour some coffee, Zach: Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut will arrive on Steam on October 31st, according to the game's Steam listing. Just in time to perfect your Agent York costume for Halloween! (Via Eurogamer)Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 03 2013 10:00 GMT
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The weird, wooden and wonderful world of Deadly Premonition is just around the next curve in the road. The bizarre survival horror game may be on Steam as early as November 1st. If you haven’t played the game in its previous console incarnations, I’d suggest that you avoid reading or watching too much about it. There are reasons that people, myself included, hold the game in such high regard, but there are also plenty of good reasons to dismiss it, including an overlong opening sequence and miserable controls. There’s a trailer below, my favourite one for the game, but it’s both spoiler-filled and not. Out of context (and even in it), some of the scenes make no sense, but I reckon it’s better not to know what moods are involved at all. Not long to wait.


Posted by Kotaku Jul 25 2013 09:40 GMT
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Rather impressively, it only took six days for the community to put Deadly Premonition on Steam. That's pretty quick. Of course, SWERY's quirky horror game isn't the only title we'll get to play on Steam thanks to Greenlight. There's 13 more games (and two software titles) to look at, so let's dive right in!Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 18 2013 10:00 GMT
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I don’t play many console games at the moment. My 360 has curled up in a corner, snoring like a pig in a hurricane, and the PS3 hobbled back from the retirement home to entertain me The Last of Us and its brilliant reinterpretation of the great Westward journey. State of Decay has a certain allure but I’ll wait for the PC version. Over drinks at Rezzed though, I told almost anyone who would listen (and some who were trying not to) that there was one game above all others from the last generation that I’d like to see on PC. That game was Deadly Premonition and I continued to drown my sorrows as I stated, wisely, that it would never come to pass. A Director’s Cut edition is now on Steam Greenlight.


Posted by PlayStation Blog Apr 30 2013 20:48 GMT
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PS3 Full Game Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 ($19.99) Ninja-Gaiden-Sigma-2.jpg The most intense, challenging, action-packed ninja adventure is back! As super ninja Ryu Hayabusa, you roam the world and hunt down the Demon Statue that was stolen by the Black Spider Ninja Clan to prevent the resurrection of the evil Archfiend. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is the ‘ultimate’ Ninja Gaiden, featuring characters from the previous installments that have defined the franchise.
ESRB: M // File Size: 3.4 GB Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut ($39.99) Deadly-Premonition.jpg Revisit the mysterious town of Greenvale with Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut and discover more secrets, bask in the beauty with redefined graphics and move with greater freedom with a complete control overhaul.
ESRB: M // File Size: 11.1 GB PSN Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon ($14.99) Far-Cry-3-Blood-Dragon.jpg Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is THE Kick-Ass Cyber Shooter. Welcome to an 80’s vision of the future. The year is 2007 and you are Sargent Rex Colt, a Mark IV Cyber Commando. Your mission: get the girl, kill the baddies, and save the world. Experience every cliché of a VHS era vision of a nuclear future, where cyborgs, blood dragons, mutants, and Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens, Navy Seals) collide. Does not require a copy of Far Cry 3.
ESRB: M // File Size: 1.7 GB Poker Night 2 ($9.99) Poker-Night-2.jpg Take the fifth seat in Poker Night 2, at a table featuring Claptrap (Borderlands 2), Brock Samson (The Venture Bros.), Ash (Army of Darkness) and Sam (Sam and Max series). Your dealer is GLaDOS (Portal series). Play to win because winning unlocks unique skins and heads to use in Borderlands 2 and exclusive premium themes for your PlayStation 3 XMB!
ESRB: M // File Size: 455.5 MB Zombie Tycoon II: Brainhov’s Revenge ($9.99, Cross-Buy with PS Vita) Zombie-Tycoon-21.jpg Pick your side in the epic war between two masterminds of Evil: apprentice-gone-rogue Orville Tycoon and his army of heavy-duty zombies, or his vengeance-thirsty mentor Professor Brainhov and his rioting mass of twitchy brain-munchers. During the final siege on the human fortress, Brainhov makes a sudden comeback seeking two things: retribution for his apprentice’s betrayal, and to reclaim his rightful throne as alpha mad scientist.
ESRB: T // File Size: 1.6 GB PS Vita Soul Sacrifice ($35.99) Soul-Sacrifice1.jpg What would you sacrifice for ultimate power? Prepare yourself for a brutal combat experience where every decision made will have consequential results. Take on the role of a slave who is about to be sacrificed stumbles upon a forbidden book that allows its readers to relive battles between sorcerers and monsters of the past. In order to use the magic during fierce battles, the player must be willing to make a sacrifice – ranging from personal belongings, a limb, or even a life.
ESRB: M // File Size: 2.2 GB Zombie Tycoon II: Brainhov’s Revenge ($9.99, Cross-Buy with PS3) Zombie-Tycoon-21.jpg Pick your side in the epic war between two masterminds of Evil: apprentice-gone-rogue Orville Tycoon and his army of heavy-duty zombies, or his vengeance-thirsty mentor Professor Brainhov and his rioting mass of twitchy brain-munchers. During the final siege on the human fortress, Brainhov makes a sudden comeback seeking two things: retribution for his apprentice’s betrayal, and to reclaim his rightful throne as alpha mad scientist.
ESRB: T // File Size: 1.6 GB PS2 Classics Katamari Damacy ($9.99) Katamari-Damacy.jpg When the King of All Cosmos accidentally destroys all the stars, he orders you, his son, to put the twinkle back in the heavens above. Roll up everything to get the job done!
ESRB: E // File Size: 3 GB PSP T.A.C. Heroes ($19.99) TAC-Heroes.jpg From the North African Coast to the shores of Sicily and the forests of central Europe, men of the 1st Infantry Division led the way toward the liberation of Europe and the eventual defeat of the AXIS powers. Italians, Vichy French, and Germans all faced and fought these gallant men across the battlefields of Europe and North Africa.
ESRB: T // File Size: 19.1 MB PlayStation Store Highlights

Lots of additions to the PSN storefront this week, like the long-awaited PS Vita epic Soul Sacrifice, from industry legend Keiji Inafune. Zombie Tycoon II: Brainhov’s Revenge is free for PlayStation Plus members on PS3 and PS Vita, and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon takes us to the neon-saturated future of the late 80′s (there’s a demo available in case the ridiculous trailer above hasn’t already sold you on it).

It’s a big week for the PlayStation Spring Sale as we’re celebrating the heritage of all our PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale contenders. There are discounts for tons of franchises — from Metal Gear Solid to inFAMOUS to LittleBigPlanet — and if you’re a PS Plus member you’ll save even more. Check out all the deals below.

Let us know what you think in the comments below, and chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.

PlayStation Plus


Learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly. To learn more about this week’s Plus offerings, check out this week’s PS Plus post.

Instant Game Collection

Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov’s Revenge


Spring Fever Sale discounts are listed below in the Sale section.

PS3 Demos Urban Trial Freestyle Urban-Trial-Freestyle.jpg Don’t miss the ultimate urban trial freestyle game for PlayStation Network! The city is your playground! Take to the streets on your freestyle trials bike, while dodging the police and using the urban landscape to pull spectacular tricks – backflips, 360s, wallrides, ollies, and more. Test 4 different tracks for free.
File Size: 474.5 MB Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Far-Cry-3-Blood-Dragon.jpg Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is THE Kick-Ass Cyber Shooter. Welcome to an 80’s vision of the future. The year is 2007 and you are Sargent Rex Colt, a Mark IV Cyber Commando. Your mission: get the girl, kill the baddies, and save the world. Experience every cliché of a VHS era vision of a nuclear future, where cyborgs, blood dragons, mutants, and Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens, Navy Seals) collide. Does not require a copy of Far Cry 3.
File Size: 1.7 GB Poker Night 2 Poker-Night-2.jpg Take the fifth seat in Poker Night 2, at a table featuring Claptrap (Borderlands 2), Brock Samson (The Venture Bros.), Ash (Army of Darkness) and Sam (Sam and Max series). Your dealer is GLaDOS (Portal series). Play to win because winning unlocks unique skins and heads to use in Borderlands 2 and exclusive premium themes for your PlayStation 3 XMB!
File Size: 454 MB PS Vita Demos Pure Chess PS Vita Pure-Chess.jpg Experience the game of chess like you’ve never seen it before. Download this trial of Pure Chess to see how stunning and beautiful chess can really be, and find out if you are a Grandmaster in the making.
File Size: 346.2 MB Price Change
  • Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom – PSP Game (now: $9.99 original price: $24.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Caesar – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Cisna – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Eldore – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Framboise – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Grazel – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Kara – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Leonard – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Miu – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Rocco – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Scardigne – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Shapur – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Concierge – Yulie – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Guild License – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Token Storage Ticket – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • White Knight Chronicles 2: Geonet License – PS3 Add-on (now: Free original price: $0.99)
  • BioShock – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99)
  • BioShock 2 – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99)
  • Devil May Cry HD Collection – PS3 Game (now: $20.99 original price: $29.99)
  • Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time – PSP Game (now: $14.99 original price: $29.99)
  • Gungnir – PSP Game (now: $14.99 original price: $29.99)
Spring Fever Sale

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Heritage Sale

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (PS3) $39.99 $27.99 $19.59 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (PS Vita) $35.99 $24.99 $17.49

BIOSHOCK (Big Daddy)

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price BioShock 2 $19.99 $13.99 $9.79 BioShock $19.99 $13.99 $9.79

Metal Gear (Raiden)

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price Metal Gear Solid $9.99 $6.99 $4.89 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty – HD Edition $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – HD Edition $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 Metal Gear Solid HD Collection $39.99 $27.99 $19.59 METAL GEAR SOLID: HD COLLECTION PS Vita $34.99 $24.49 $17.14 METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER $19.99 $13.99 $9.79 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker – HD Edition $19.99 $13.99 $9.79 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops $9.99 $6.99 $4.89 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus $9.99 $6.99 $4.89

Sly Cooper

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price Sly Cooper : Thieves in Time $39.99 $27.99 $19.59 Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time PS Vita $26.99 $18.49 $12.94 The Sly Collection $29.99 $20.99 $14.69 Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves $9.99 $6.99 $4.89 Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus $9.99 $6.99 $4.89 Sly 2: Band of Thieves $9.99 $6.99 $4.89

LittleBigPlanet (Sackboy)

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price LittleBigPlanet $29.99 $20.99 $14.69 LittleBigPlanet 2 $19.99 $13.99 FREE LittleBigPlanet Karting $39.99 $27.99 $19.59 LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita $35.99 $24.99 $17.49 LittleBigPlanet PSP $14.99 $10.49 $7.34

Devil May Cry (Dante)

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price Devil May Cry HD Collection $29.99 $20.99 $14.69

God of War (Kratos)

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price God of War : Chains of Olympus $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 God of War Collection $29.99 $20.99 $14.69 God of War HD $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 God of War II HD $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 God of War: Ghost of Sparta $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 God of War: Origins Collection $19.99 $13.99 $9.79

inFAMOUS (Cole MacGrath)

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price inFAMOUS $29.99 $20.99 $14.69 inFAMOUS 2 $19.99 $13.99 FREE inFAMOUS Festival of Blood $9.99 $6.99 $4.89

Twisted Metal (Sweet Tooth)

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price Twisted Metal $39.99 $27.99 $19.59 Twisted Metal $5.99 $3.99 $2.79 Twisted Metal 2 $5.99 $3.99 $2.79 Twisted Metal: Black $9.99 $6.99 $4.89 Twisted Metal: Head-On $7.99 $5.59 $3.91

Ratchet & Clank

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price Plus Price Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One $19.99 $13.99 FREE Ratchet & Clank: Collection $29.99 $20.99 $14.69 Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault $19.99 $13.99 $9.79 Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 Secret Agent Clank $14.99 $10.49 $7.34 PS Vita Add-ons LittleBigPlanet
  • Cinco de Mayo Mariachi Costume (Free) – Includes: Mariachi Shoes, Mariachi Trumpet, Mariachi Hat, Mariachi Trousers, Mariachi Scarf, Mariachi Jacket
Pinball Arcade
  • Custom Ball: Star Trek TNG ($0.99, Cross-buy with PS3) – This unlocks the Star Trek: The Next Generation custom balls. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 system and PS Vita system versions!
  • Pro Version Upgrade: Dr. Dude ($3.99, Cross-buy with PS3) – This upgrade gives you access to the Pro Menu of Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray. The Pro Menu includes the Operators Menu, Ball Control and other cool features. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 system and PS Vita system versions!
  • Table Pack 11 Pro: Dr. Dude ($7.99, Cross-buy with PS3) – This Pro Table Pack Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray and Firepower along with access to the Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 system and PS Vita system versions!
  • Table Pack 11: Dr. Dude ($4.99, Cross-buy with PS3) – This add-on pack includes the pinball table Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray and Firepower. Every flipper, bumper, sound effect, and display pixel has been painstakingly emulated in astonishing detail. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 system and PS Vita system versions!
Soul Sacrifice
  • Japanese Voiceover Pack ($1.99) – Soul Sacrifice – Japanese voice-over pack In-game dialogues will be in Japanese. Can be enabled from “Log & Settings” – ”Options” – ”Language settings” – ”Voice Language” – “Japanese”.
  • Online Pass ($9.99) – Online Pass for Soul Sacrifice.
PS3 Add-ons Army of Two
  • Hitmakers Pack ($1.99) – Music megastars Big Boi and B.o.B, join T.W.O as two new playable characters taking on a special contract.
  • Overkillers Pack ($6.99) – Take on new co-op contracts with extra weapons and masks! Content is included with new copies of Overkill Edition.
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk
  • Ayesha Costume ($2.99) – A new costume for Ayesha. Set off on a journey with a brand new look.
  • Linca Costume ($2.99) – A new costume for Linca. Set off on a journey with a brand new look.
  • Welbell Costume ($2.99) – A new costume for Welbell. Set off on a journey with a brand new look.
  • New Party Member – Marion ($3.99) – The hard-working female official, Marion, joins your party! The character Marion will become available to fight with you.
  • New Party Member – Odilea ($3.99) – The librarian from building number 2, Odelia, joins your party! The character Odelia will become available to fight with you.
  • New Exploration Site – Hidden Paradise ($1.99) – The new map ”Hidden Paradise” will be added within the game, allowing you to go there to procure items.
Capcom Arcade Cabinet
  • Savage Bees ($3.99) – Play Savage Bees! ‘Capcom Arcade Cabinet’ is required to play. Please be careful to not make double purchases.
  • 1942 ($3.99) – Play 1942! ‘Capcom Arcade Cabinet’ is required to play. Please be careful to not make double purchases.
  • Pirate Ship Higemaru ($3.99) – Play Pirate Ship Higemaru! ‘Capcom Arcade Cabinet’ is required to play. Please be careful to not make double purchases.
  • SonSon ($3.99) – Play SonSon! ‘Capcom Arcade Cabinet’ is required to play. Please be careful to not make double purchases.
Dynasty Warrriors 7 Empires
  • Edit Accessory Set 3 ($0.99) – New accessories will be added to Edit Mode.
  • Edit Costume Set 9 ($1.99) – New equipments, the ‘Heavenly Monk Set’ and the ‘Dragon Flower Set’, will be added to Edit Mode for the male and the female characters.
  • Edit Costume Set 10 ($1.99) – New equipments, the ‘Mystical Monk Set’ and the ‘Flower Goddess Set’, will be added to Edit Mode for the male and the female characters.
  • Edit Costume Set 11 ($1.99) – New equipments, the ‘Minister’s Set’ and the ‘Handmaiden Set’, will be added to Edit Mode for the male and the female characters.
Guardians of Middle Earth
  • Elrond ($1.99) – Download and play as Elrond, a good-aligned tactician class. Guardians of Middle-earth game required sold separately.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
  • The White and Purple CPUs (Free) – Two new battles, ‘The CPU of Planeptune’ and ‘The CPU of Lowee,’ await you at the Colosseum. *To access, the Colosseum must be unlocked.
  • Cinco de Mayo Mariachi Costume (Free) – Includes: Mariachi Shoes, Mariachi Trumpet, Mariachi Hat, Mariachi Trousers, Mariachi Scarf, Mariachi Jacket
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
  • Kage Hats Pack ($0.99) – One who rises to the level of Kage must be prepared to wear many hats, goes the saying… So why not get a real one out of the deal? This costume pack lets the Kage who attended the Five Kage Summit — Gaara (Kazekage), Danzo (Hokage), Ay (Raikage), Ohnoki (Tsuchikage), and Mei (Mizukage) — don a ceremonial hat with the element of their village inscribed on it. Great for political machinations AND dance parties!
Pinball Arcade
  • Custom Ball: Star Trek TNG ($0.99, Cross-buy with PS Vita) – This unlocks the Star Trek: The Next Generation custom balls. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 system and PS Vita system versions!
  • Pro Version Upgrade: Dr. Dude ($3.99, Cross-buy with PS Vita) – This upgrade gives you access to the Pro Menu of Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray. The Pro Menu includes the Operators Menu, Ball Control and other cool features. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 system and PS Vita system versions!
  • Table Pack 11 Pro: Dr. Dude ($7.99, Cross-buy with PS Vita) – This Pro Table Pack Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray and Firepower along with access to the Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 system and PS Vita system versions!
  • Table Pack 11: Dr. Dude ($4.99, Cross-buy with PS Vita) – This add-on pack includes the pinball table Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray and Firepower. Every flipper, bumper, sound effect, and display pixel has been painstakingly emulated in astonishing detail. Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 system and PS Vita system versions!
  • Eye of the Tiger ($2.99) – Survivor
  • Here Comes Your Man ($2.99) – The Pixies
  • White Wedding ($2.99) – Billy Idol
PS3 Avatars
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: Compa Avatar – $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: Histoire – $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: If Avatar – $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: Iris Heart Avatar – $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: Nepgear Avatar – $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: Neptune Avatar – $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: Peashy Avatar – $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: Plutia Avatar – $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory: Purple Sister Avatar – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Bad Guy Avatar – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Cow Skull Avatar – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Cross Avatar – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Logo Avatar – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Mad Dog Avatar – A – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Mad Dog Avatar – B – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Padre Avatar – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Prospector Avatar – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: The Professor Avatar – $0.49
  • Mad Dog 2: Treasure Chest Avatar – $0.49
  • Runner2: Captainvideo Avatar – $0.49
  • Runner2: Commandervideo Avatar – $0.49
  • Runner2: Commandgirlvideo Avatar – $0.49
  • Runner2: Pitazo Avatar – $0.49
  • Runner2: Retro Commandervideo Avatar – $0.49
  • Runner2: Reverse Merman Avatar – $0.49
  • Runner2: Unkle Dill Avatar – $0.49
  • Runner2: Whetfahrt Cheeseboger Avatar – $0.49
  • Terraria – The Giant Bat Avatar – $0.49
  • Terraria – The Merchant Avatar – $0.49
  • Terraria – The Nurse Avatar – $0.49
  • Terraria – The Vulture Avatar – $0.49
  • Terraria – The Wizard Avatar – $0.49
PS3 Themes
  • Abstract Celebrity Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Abstract Eclipse Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Abstract Sos! Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Abstract Sunrise Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Abstract Ufo Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Dream Girls Static Theme – $1.49
  • Dream Honey’s Static Theme – $1.49
  • Dynamic Flirty Girl Theme 6 – $2.99
  • Dynamic Smoke Theme 4 – $2.99
  • Dynamic Smoke Theme 5 – $2.99
  • Guacamelee! Premium Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Military Hero At Dawn Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Military Home Base Transport Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Military Night Vision Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Military Rapid Fire Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Military Rooftop Sharpshooter Dynamic Theme – $2.99
  • Military Under Fire Dynamic Theme – $2.99
Game Videos (Free)
  • BioShock Infinite Launch Trailer
  • Black Rock Shooter The Game Trailer 1 (US Only)
  • Dust 514: Battle For Caldari Prime Trailer
  • Grid 2 – Expanding Into Europe Trailer

Posted by Kotaku Apr 24 2013 10:30 GMT
- Like?
The occasionally odd, always scary open-world horror game, Deadly Premonition, is getting an updated Director's Cut release for the PS3 in a week. Up top is a glimpse of what it will look like.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 24 2013 07:00 GMT
- Like?

Do you even know what's in your coffee? Is that even coffee in your cup?

Posted by PlayStation Blog Apr 23 2013 18:00 GMT
- Like?

The development of Deadly Premonition is sort of like finishing a full-length marathon…several times over. In other words, Deadly Premonition is my hobby, my business, my study, and my motivation in life – it’s an all-encompassing journey and adventure. Especially to me, it has been a very vital tool to connect with people around the world. It is a feeling that I equate with romance or marriage; like somebody I love dearly, or like a kid who will never listen to his parents. But I don’t have any kids though. Haha! It has been a wonderful journey, and one that I hope will continue to always live on.


I have always been surprised and humbled by the feedback that fans and press have given Deadly Premonition, and by the adornment and cult following that it has garnered. Personally, I would like to think that Deadly Premonition has received the status that it has because there weren’t really any games out at the time that were quite like it. Fans who enjoyed the original will look to seek out another game that will provide them with a similar level of interest and excitement, but perhaps it’s that they are unable to find that same experience in other games…so they will then dub Deadly Premoniton a “cult” title, and will want to share their experience with somebody else; be it their friends, colleagues, or classmates. It is because of the support we have received from fans who have emailed in, posted on forums, shared on social community sites, created fan stories and fan art, and generally helped spread the word, that Deadly Premonition was able to achieve this cult status…it is attributed to their movement, and I can proudly attest to that.

Of course, I don’t think the original version of Deadly Premonition was super-perfect. Still, I consider myself to be very fortunate and thankful to the fans that supported the original and had the sense that there was something more to Deadly Premonition (I call them “perceptive-sensory people”). Thanks to them, Deadly Premonition was able to avoid the disappearing in videogame history unnoticed.


We were actually working on the PS3 version while we were developing the original Deadly Premonition, but wound up facing several difficulties that lead to an indefinite postponement on the PS3 version’s release. And at the time, we very saddened to think that PS3 owners had ultimately lost the chance to play such a unique title like Deadly Premonition.

A few years later, my producer, Tomio Kanazawa, purposed that we develop a Director’s Cut of the game. Immediately, it made perfect sense for us to develop and release this game exclusively on the PS3. We saw it as a prime opportunity to share this open-world horror-mystery experience with those who previously did not have a chance or a way to play Deadly Premonition. So when Rising Star Games gave us an opportunity to make the Director’s Cut a reality, I started thinking about ways that I could captivate both old fans and interest new fans alike. It was once again time to return to Greenvale. It felt fresh, but at the same time familiar, as it was completely the same thinking process I had going into development back in 2010. I feel that the Director’s Cut is really going to please both old and new fans alike.


I really hope as many people as possible enjoy this unique experience when it is released in Europe on April 26 and across North America on April 30. I invite you all to visit for more information.

I love you all!

Posted by Joystiq Mar 23 2013 03:00 GMT
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Most discussion of Deadly Premonition paints it as simply "quirky," but this trailer for the upcoming Director's Cut makes it seem a lot less like a harmless oddity and more like a menacing experience. Right, Zach?

Posted by Joystiq Mar 21 2013 00:00 GMT
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4/30 ... in the coffee ...

Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut, which has SWERY's signature on it so you know how director's cut-ty it is, will be released on April 30 in North America, both as a retail game and as a PSN download.

Pre-orders of the retail version from "participating retailers" including GameStop and Amazon will receive DLC "so plush, that Agent York (and Zach) will feel like their investigation in the small country town of Greenvale just turned into a vacation." The announcement from publisher Rising Star Games explains that the DLC will "expand the mystery beyond the original game and let Agent York (and Zach) live it up in Greenvale."

Like everything else about this game, man, we don't know.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 13 2013 00:00 GMT
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Deadly Premonition's release history has been strange: In the United States and Europe, the game launched as an exclusive to the Xbox 360, while Japan received the game as a limited PlayStation 3-only release (albeit under the name "Red Seeds Profile"). Two years after its initial launch, Deadly Premonition's cult status has earned it a 'Director's Cut' release, exclusively planned for release in multiple regions worldwide on the PS3.

Aside from bringing the game to Sony loyalists outside of Japan, the Director's Cut also introduces more than a few overhauls to the original, along with stereoscopic 3D and PlayStation Move support, making this visit to Deadly Premonition's 'Greenvale' worthwhile to tourists and citizens alike.

Posted by Joystiq Jan 31 2013 22:30 GMT
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Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut will drive from Greenvale all the way to Europe in order to arrive on April 19. Magical realism makes it possible. Like the American release, the Euro version of the Director's Cut is PS3-only.

Speaking to the European PlayStation Blog, designer Hidetaka "Swery" Suehiro talked about plans for a follow-up. "I'm in discussion with Tomio [Kanazawa, of Toybox Games] about the future of Deadly Premontion. It may not be Deadly Premonition 2 but it's definitely going to be something," he said. "At the moment we're talking about how it might be interesting to set the game in Europe."

Posted by Giant Bomb Jan 30 2013 23:15 GMT
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Here's how our SWERY interview REALLY went down.

Posted by Giant Bomb Jan 30 2013 15:00 GMT
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The caffeine-fueled director of Deadly Premonition tells us what we can expect from York on the PS3.

Posted by Kotaku Jan 28 2013 22:30 GMT
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#deadlypremonition Like many of the finer things in life, Deadly Premonition is an acquired taste. It's a very cool game, but in a very specific way. The oddball open-world mystery/horror game, which came out for the Xbox 360 in early 2010, will likely never find an audience like those enjoyed by, say, a Halo or a Minecraft. But what its supporters lack in numbers they make up for in enthusiasm. More »

Posted by Joystiq Nov 01 2012 15:30 GMT
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The Q1 release window originally given to Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut has been narrowed down to March 2013. The open-world horror, action, mystery, etc. game will have "reworked" controls for its combat, a new scenario designed by creator SWERY, and will support additional downloadable content.

It's also probably going to be really weird. While the above trailer doesn't show much of the actual game, it does assuage any fears you may have had that the new version wasn't going to be about a crazy person who talks to an invisible partner named Zach.

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 16 2012 18:16 GMT
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Deadly Premonition designer Swery 65 has been teasing a PlayStation 3 version of his celebrated piece of gaming eccentricity for a while, but it’d been a while since we’d heard anything about it.

That changed today, with Rising Star Games confirming Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut.

This updated version of the game, exclusive to PS3, includes new “scenarios,” reworked combat controls, and downloadable content to “expand the mystery beyond the original game.” That sounds like there will be new material for both players who want to play Deadly Premonition a second time (or coming to it for the first time), and content for anyone who wants the closest thing to a sequel.

That we’re even seeing Swerey 65 being given a chance to dip back into Deadly Premonition is impressive enough. I’m curious what the new material will be like. Deadly Premonition was created in a vacuum, and this new content comes after everyone heaped critical but enthusias