You Don’t Know Zach: Deadly Premonition
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 03 2013 10:00 GMT in Deadly Premonition
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The weird, wooden and wonderful world of Deadly Premonition is just around the next curve in the road. The bizarre survival horror game may be on Steam as early as November 1st. If you haven’t played the game in its previous console incarnations, I’d suggest that you avoid reading or watching too much about it. There are reasons that people, myself included, hold the game in such high regard, but there are also plenty of good reasons to dismiss it, including an overlong opening sequence and miserable controls. There’s a trailer below, my favourite one for the game, but it’s both spoiler-filled and not. Out of context (and even in it), some of the scenes make no sense, but I reckon it’s better not to know what moods are involved at all. Not long to wait.


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