Medal of Honor Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Aug 24 2010 02:00 GMT
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Have you been waiting to harvest the fruits of the many, many hours of labor you put into Medal of Honor's multiplayer beta test? EA recently offered up a reward in the form of a laundry list of changes that will be incorporated into the final version of the game thanks to feedback from beta participants. After all, isn't knowing you helped a company improve its game really the greatest compensation of all? Well, other than money, of course. And free games. And hot dogs. Any -- okay, a lot of things.

Check out the full list of changes (including improved hit detection, balanced unlock trees and a general graphical overhaul) over on PlayStation.Blog.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 23 2010 22:30 GMT
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#beta If not for you fine Medal of Honor beta testers, we would not be able to shoot through a guy's legs in the final game. We can thank you for other things as well, brave testers. More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 23 2010 14:01 GMT
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The Medal of Honor beta is now closed and we want to thank you, PlayStation fans, for supporting us! The turnout was tremendous and we could not have asked for a better experience.


It is always great to do a true beta like this, because at the end of the day, this game is for you, the gamers. We received some amazing feedback and opted to extend the beta to make sure that we were able to hear as much of it as we could. Twitter, Facebook, and our forums have been blowing up with comments and we have been taking many notes.

We have learned a lot, and we wanted to take this opportunity to run down some of the major changes/fixes we have made to the game as a direct result of your feedback.

Improved Hit Detection

This was a very big issue and came up many times in the forums. We are glad to say that hit detection has been vastly improved. We really tightened up the mechanics and essentially, wherever the bullet hits on the body — that is where the hit registers. It is even possible to shoot and have the bullet go between someone’s legs – it is that precise!

Weapon Pickups

Out of ammo? No longer do you need to find an ammo crate. Find the nearest dead enemy/friendly and pick up their weapon. And remember, the knife knows no ammunition, so if you really want to be Tier 1 — pull out that bad boy and start slashing your way to victory.


Support Actions Balanced

We heard the outcry and we have made adjustments. The support actions were tweaked and are now more difficult to achieve. There is always a fine line between what is too hard and what is too easy, but we think we have balanced it pretty well. It is just not fun when you are getting nailed with rocket and mortar attacks every 20 seconds.

Unlock Tree Expanded and Balanced

Your ascension to Tier 1 status will now be even more eventful. The unlock tree has been expanded for every weapon, providing an extensive series of choices.

Crash Fixes

Every beta has its crashes and the Medal of Honor beta was no different. We know it is frustrating, but it is all part of the beta process. The good news is that we have fixed the crashes and resolved a number of connectivity issues.

Major Graphic Overhaul

The graphics have been overhauled and upgraded. We are happy to report that the game looks even more spectacular than before.


The weapons are essential to gameplay, obviously, and we made sure to concentrate on getting them right. The list is long and the changes are many. From zoom spread to damage inflicted, rest assured that every weapon has been modified.

These changes and fixes are just the tip of the iceberg. As we move toward the game’s release, we continue to improve the game every single day.

Make sure you follow us on Twitter, fan us on Facebook, and visit us at the official website for up-to-the-date Medal of Honor news and information.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 23 2010 12:30 GMT
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#ruhroh The UK's Secretary of State for Defence Liam Fox has called for the ban of the "tasteless" Medal of Honor. The only defense he is doing now is of his remarks. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 22 2010 19:00 GMT
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#shutup How tempting it was to write "Fox wants Medal of Honor banned." For while the U.K.'s defense (sigh, defence) secretary is named Liam Fox, he's not the fearmongering U.S. network. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 19 2010 18:00 GMT
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#handson Good news and bads news for Medal of Honor fans: Gunfighters, the level shown off at Gamescom that has you controlling a gunner in an Apache helicopter, is a blast to play... but it's also the only one that takes place in the gunship. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 18 2010 20:00 GMT
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#gamescom2010 During GamesCom 2010, Linkin Park's co-lead singer Mike Shinoda realized what it takes to successfully marry music and games, but not before blowing himself up on stage in front of the hundreds of people attending Sony's press event. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 18 2010 12:37 GMT
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Raining hellfire on the mountains of Afghanistan.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 17 2010 20:30 GMT
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Medal of Honor is going to treat war seriously. No, really! EA doesn't want there to be any doubt in your mind that the game will respectfully display the kind of battles that actual Tier 1 operators experience on a regular basis. In fact, EA and DICE went as far as to get the actual Tier 1 operators that consulted on the game to explain as much in their latest trailer.

As secretive and stealthy as these guys are, their faces aren't actually made of blurred pixels -- that's just EA concealing identities for security purposes, silly! Anyway, if these very serious gentleman speaking about their consulting positions very seriously doesn't convince you of MOH's seriousness, we're not sure what will. Perhaps this Linkin Park single?

Posted by Kotaku Aug 15 2010 20:00 GMT
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#clips Perhaps I spoke too soon about Medal of Honor's singleplayer. In this look at the campaign, executive producer Greg Goodrich says the story will be told "from two different sides," hinting that you may be fighting with the bad guys. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 15 2010 18:00 GMT
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#clips I must be inside the bubble, because the idea of playing as the Taliban in Medal of Honor multiplayer didn't hit me as particularly controversial. Fox News noticed. Though it did treat the subject reasonably, the woman they interviewed doesn't. More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 15 2010 18:30 GMT
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If you missed the latest episode of GTTV, fret not: just past the break, we've embedded the episode, which pulls back the curtain on Medal of Honor's campaign mode. Initially, all we knew was that the game would take place in Afghanistan and you'd be among one of the beard-sporting elite known as Tier One Operators.

However, thanks to executive producer Greg Goodrich, we now know a bit more -- specifically, that the campaign will be divided up into three parts and follows a team on the hunt for Al Quaeda. Goodrich also mentions the story will be told "from two different sides," implying that players will eventually be able to take up the mantle of the terrorists themselves.

But, hey, why are we still gabbing on? Head on past the break and absorb this intel first-hand for yourself, including a look at two never-before-seen single-player levels. Consider it an order, soldier!

Posted by Kotaku Aug 10 2010 04:30 GMT
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#ea The ability to play as the Taliban forces in Medal of Honor could have been a defining moment in the history of video games. Sadly, it won't be. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 10 2010 03:30 GMT
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Last week, I hit up GameTrailers HQ for a taping of The Bonus Round to talk about the fall's biggest shooters. That includes Halo: Reach, Medal of Honor and Call of Duty: Black Ops. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 01 2010 17:00 GMT
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#clips As promised, the Medal of Honor video, directed by Linkin Park's Joe Hahn, featuring both live-action and gameplay sequences set to the band's new song "The Catalyst," went up today. Someone certainly grew an epic beard for this trailer. More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 01 2010 16:30 GMT
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Hey, Linkin Park slash shooting game fan, you look like you're just about to break. Good thing, then, that nu-metal band Linkin Park and EA have worked out a deal for the first single from forthcoming album "A Thousand Suns" to be featured in a trailer for Medal of Honor, which debuted this morning.

As you might imagine, "The Catalyst" is said to be part of the game's soundtrack. You'll find the trailer embedded after the break, which, oddly, was directed by Linkin Park DJ Joe Hahn. Also, it's mostly live-action, so you might not want to bring the kids around to see this one.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 31 2010 00:30 GMT
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All good things must come to an end, friends, but -- wait a second, is war really a good thing? We guess not. In that case -- hey, great news! The virtual streets of Kabul are about to become a great deal more peaceful, as the Medal of Honor beta is slated to come to an abrupt stop tomorrow on PS3 and PC, and August 9 on Xbox 360.

We know you're sad, but think about all the good you've done, figuring out all the things that were wrong with the game's online multiplayer component before it came out. Think about all the grief you saved your future self -- and, for that matter, our future self! We owe you a great debt of gratitude. Or rather, we will. In the future.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 30 2010 22:40 GMT
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EA announced today that, in addition to some generally underwhelming digital goodies like early access to shotguns, the Medal of Honor Limited Edition will also come with an invitation to the Battlefield 3 beta, under development by MoH's multiplayer team at DICE. As for when to expect that beta to begin, an EA representative tells Joystiq that the company has "no further details" and that it'll start "within 12 month of Medal of Honor's release."

Check out our multiple previews on Medal of Honor to find out what your Tier 1 self is in for when the game begins its retail assault on October 12.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 30 2010 18:20 GMT
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#betawatch EA sweetens the deal for players picking up the limited edition of the modern-day Medal of Honor reboot on October 12, with a beta invite for DICE's highly anticipated Battlefield 3 in every package. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 30 2010 07:30 GMT
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#music Rapper and TV cop Ice-T is a man of strong opinions. He is also a man who loves him some video games. So what does he think of Medal of Honor's beta? More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 27 2010 22:00 GMT
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#ea EA combat's Activision's inclusion of a soulful song from Eminem's new album in Call of Duty: Black Ops with the inclusion of a soulful song from Linkin Park's new album in Medal of Honor. More »

Posted by IGN Jul 27 2010 20:02 GMT
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Exclusive Sneak Peak of Band's new single, "The Catalyst," will be featured in gameplay trailer directed by Joe Hahn.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 23 2010 19:40 GMT
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#beta Didn't buy Bad Company 2? Still want in on the Medal of Honor beta? No worries, below you'll find two dozen beta keys first-come, first-served. The beta is now available for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC gamers. Enjoy! More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 23 2010 19:30 GMT
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"It was literally an exercise of about 20 minutes because it just came up, it happened, we went with it, and there you go," new Danger Close studio head Greg Goodrich told us in an interview last night, explaining how he and two of his colleagues came up with the new name of their studio (formerly EA LA).

Late last evening, EA revealed that its Los Angeles-based development house would be rebranded. The studio is now known as Danger Close, which Goodrich told Joystiq is indicative of the reborn studio's direction. "I think the core of what we're doing right now and the sort of DNA of this team and this studio is the first-person shooter genre. I can't foresee us doing anything other than that in the near future, and specifically Medal of Honor." Goodrich did add, however, that his hands aren't tied creatively in terms of what the studio is allowed to do -- be it first-person shooter or whatever else it might have in store.

That said, Goodrich wasn't speaking about anything other than Medal of Honor, and he remained coy about his studio's involvement with the game post-release. He's proud of the mutliplayer component built by DICE, but he's not ruling out Danger Close getting involved in multiplayer support, say through DLC. "Personally, I think that would be something that the guys here would be very excited about doing in the future," he offered. "But, you know, we're gonna see how this one works out and see how the fans accept it, and make those decisions at a later time."

Goodrich is content to leave his studio's future plans a mystery. "That's also a part of creating your own identity and starting your own future, and throwing up a website that says 'Now hiring,'" he teased. "There's intent there."

Posted by Joystiq Jul 23 2010 13:00 GMT
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You won't always be playing as a Tier-1 operative, a.k.a. "the scalpel," in EA's upcoming Medal of Honor reboot. Last week, at an EA event, I got to see a portion of "the sledgehammer" side of the single-player campaign. While this segment stayed true to the core values that are defining EA's vision for the game, one thing was clear: you can't always be the hero in this game.

With the player and his squad pinned down by a Gatling gun atop a hill, the situation called for a support effort, not heroics. While most games would have you storming the hill against all odds, or finding a convenient way around, Medal of Honor approaches this situation quite differently. You have to accept that you're rather powerless.

You're told that your best option is to simply lay down some suppressive fire. I watched as the demonstrator stayed behind cover, peeking out just enough to roughly spot the target. Then he fired away. While you may not be scoring any kills doing this, you are providing a sufficient enough distraction for your squadmates to plant charges underneath the gunners and blow them to pieces.

Seeing as how "modern warfare" was recently interpreted as "riding snowmobiles while dual-wielding Uzis," it's refreshing to see that EA's approach isn't obnoxiously bombastic.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 22 2010 18:46 GMT
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#ea We thought the new Medal of Honor from EA was being developed by EA's L.A. studio and EA's DICE team in Sweden. Not quite. More »

Posted by IGN Jul 23 2010 01:15 GMT
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Danger Close formed under EALA umbrella.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 23 2010 00:05 GMT
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In a somewhat unexpected announcement this afternoon, EA Los Angeles revealed the creation of a new studio, named "Danger Close," responsible for handling the upcoming reboot of Medal of Honor. If you've been paying close attention to the words of your generic soldier comrades in various war games over the past, say, 10 years, you've probably heard the term -- that's because "Danger Close" refers to "information in a call for fire to indicate that friendly forces are within 600 meters of the target" (according to

Given that EA LA was the former studio working on Medal of Honor (alongside multiplayer developer DICE), this appears to be little more than a rebranding of EA's LA offices under the "Danger Close" nomenclature. That said, we've fired off a round of questions to EA and will let you know more about the studio as soon as we do.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 22 2010 20:46 GMT
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#ea We thought the new Medal of Honor from EA was being developed by EA's L.A. studio and EA's DICE team in Sweden. Branding change time. Medal of Honor is being made by Danger Close Games. New name for EA L.A.? More »