I Am Alive Message Board

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Posted by Valve Nov 23 2012 17:34 GMT
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Bug Fixes:
- XBox wireless controller support.
- AZERTY layout keyboard and key remapping has been fixed.
- Bloom effect has been tuned to avoid over bright areas.
- Validation System:
- Removed warning/error message about wrongly unsupported detected video hardware.
- the window is now resizable to prevent issues with player not being able to see the OK/Next buttons.
- Validation System will only be launched once, the first time the game is launched.
- To force the Validation System to run again, you'll need to edit the UserSettings.ini file and set "RunValidation=True"

Known issues:
- Using long path name for installation might result in a crash when launching the game, so keep installation path as short as possible (<50).
- If Wireless pad still doesn't work for you, you will have to delete your profile(profile.sav) and savegame(game.sav) BUT you will LOOSE your game progression doing so!!!

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 12 2012 20:00 GMT
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I Am Alive was never coming to PC. Then it came to PC. You can get it now from Ubi’s shop and Steam, for around £13. It’s the dark, gloomy tale of one man’s attempt to climb his way to his wife and daughter, and I’ve been playing it for ages. So now I can tell you Wot I Think.


Posted by Valve Sep 06 2012 19:59 GMT
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I Am Alive is Now Available on Steam!

I Am Alive casts the player as a lone survivor in a believable, dark and insecure post-apocalyptic world as a man who struggles for survival in a desolate city and tries to reunite with his long lost wife and daughter.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 06 2012 16:00 GMT
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I Am Alive‘s road to PC has been simple, uncomplicated, and predictable in the same way as a rollercoaster built atop a black hole. First the game proper was allegedly dead and buried, then it wasn’t coming to PC at all and we were apparently just “bitching” for the sake of it, then we got an apology and eventual release date, and now – without any real warning – the monochromatic, melodramatic apocalypse survivor has leaped forward a week on the release schedule. I mean, I’m not complaining or anything, but I didn’t even have time to roll out the black-and-white red carpet. Well, I suppose a new trailer will have to do for now.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 23 2012 16:00 GMT
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Remember when I Am Alive was first announced, and we were all like, “Man, I hope this is coming out for PC!” And then it vanished entirely. And then it reappeared and we were all like, “Man, I hope this is coming out for PC!”. And then the developer said they weren’t going to bother making it for PC, because “no one would buy it”, and then accused all PC players of “bitching”. And how we all huffed and kicked our heels and generally grumped about that? And then they said maybe it would come out on PC after all. And then silence. It came out on consoles in March this year, and nothing for us? Well, Ubisoft have just announced the game will indeed be appearing on their most feared platform after all – on the 13th September, just a scant six months later.


Posted by Joystiq May 26 2012 00:30 GMT
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'Silver Lining' is an ongoing column from freelancer Taylor Cocke, dedicated to examining the hidden potential in recently released, critically panned games. Even in the mediocre, we can find a silver lining.
As I began my time with Ubisoft's downloadable title I Am Alive, the most striking aspect of the game's art style was the high-contrast, almost black and white way it depicted the destroyed city it takes place in. The world feels dead, as it should. The lack of color depicts a space devoid of life, dotted by humanity huddled around the bright oranges and yellows of occasional makeshift fires. At least initially, there's a sharp, distinct difference between the world and those who struggle to live within it. Very quickly, though, it becomes apparent that the distinction exists purely between the protagonist Adam and, well, everything else.

I Am Alive's greatest failures don't lay in its shoddy controls or dated visuals. For me, it was never able to establish a feeling of desperately fighting for survival. At least, not in the same way the non-playable characters are very clearly struggling. Very early, Adam runs into a man sitting next to a fire, who immediately draws his weapon and demands Adam back away. Right away, I Am Alive establishes that its world is one that you shouldn't trust anyone if you value your safety.

Soon after that, Adam comes across a mother and son, the latter of which has been harmed by roving bandits and needs help to survive. Unable to move, they need Adam's help to survive. You can give them a medkit, perhaps forsaking your own safety later on, or simply move on. Again, this pair does its best to show that this world is a frightening, dangerous one.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 14 2012 01:00 GMT
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#talesofthepissed Welcome to "Backhanded Box Quotes," a collection of super pissed-off user reviews from people just like you! Whoa, whoa, don't take that personal. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 31 2012 01:00 GMT
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#talesofthepissed Welcome to "Backhanded Box Quotes," a collection of super pissed-off user reviews from people just like you! Whoa, whoa, don't take that personal. More »

Posted by IGN Mar 20 2012 17:28 GMT
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Ubisoft has announced that I Am Alive will come to PlayStation Network on April 4th...

Posted by IGN Mar 07 2012 19:43 GMT
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If you're here, you're obviously holding out on playing Mass Effect 3. In the meantime, House Party ends with a whimper while some killer expansion pack sales pick up the slack...

Posted by Giant Bomb Mar 06 2012 20:47 GMT
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At least there aren't any major fault lines here in San Francisc...oh.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 06 2012 18:00 GMT
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#iamalive There's a book by Cormac McCarthy entitled "The Road." It's a somber story about a man and his young son, traveling through a post-apocalyptic world and observing first-hand the kind of toll a mysterious event has taken on humanity, or at least what's left of it. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Mar 06 2012 17:00 GMT
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Remember, Brad and Vinny, when packing your bug-out bags, don't forget to include more than one bullet.

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 27 2012 23:41 GMT
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Never eaten a sewer rat powdered with asbestos? You will soon enough.

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 27 2012 23:41 GMT
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Never eaten a sewer rat powdered with asbestos? You will soon enough.

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 07 2012 23:35 GMT
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Hopefully you received that Tetanus shot before society collapsed

Posted by Kotaku Jan 18 2012 21:30 GMT
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#iamalive Ubisoft's "Encounters" trailer for I Am Alive has what seems to be the protagonist giving advice on life in a dog-eat-dog world. "People more than dust are the most dangerous thing you're going to encounter," and the ways to deal with them are numerous. More »

Posted by IGN Jan 11 2012 00:28 GMT
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I Am Alive from Ubisoft Shanghai is a different kind of post-apocalyptic video game. In the game's fictional American town of Haventon there are no souped up Mad Max-style cars, no bartering with bottle caps, and there certainly isn't a roving horde of zombies to gun down. Gamers will instead stumble across desperate NPCs doing anything they can to survive. I Am Alive is less I Am Legend, more The Road...

Posted by Joystiq Dec 31 2011 17:30 GMT
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You go to a fortune teller and ask what will happen in 2012, expecting her to repeat rejected phrases from the Panda Express fortune-cookie line in a wistful, croaking manner. Instead, she busts out this ratings list for coming XBLA titles and you tip her 200 percent, leaving with your mind blown and open to a whole new world of mental planes and spiritual awareness. Little did you know: that fortune teller was Jordan Mallory in a dress. Try excising that image with incense.

A batch of freshly rated XBLA games from around the world include titles we knew about, such as I Am Alive (MA 15+ for Australia) and Spelunky (PEGI 7 for UK), and also some unknown games, including Wreckateer, a submission from Microsoft rated for Korea. The list is provided by XBLA Fans, and can be found right here.

Posted by IGN Nov 25 2011 17:55 GMT
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After a protracted development cycle stretching back to 2008, it seemed Ubisoft's digital download survival title I Am Alive might launch without further complications. Unfortunately, Ubisoft has been forced to clarify recent inflammatory comments made by I Am Alive's lead developer about piracy, software sales and "bitching" PC gamers...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 25 2011 09:13 GMT
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There’s been a clarification by Stanislas Mettra, creative director at Ubisoft, about contentious comments he was quoted as making regarding PC gaming and the then-unlikelihood of climbing-based survival title I Am Alive appearing on this platform. In a statement sent to IncGamers, he claims that “I would really love to see a pc build of the game and I don’t think I meant to say “the game won’t happen on PC”, observing that it might have been a breakdown in communication as he’s not a native English speaker. (He isn’t; I met him too that day).

“We are still working to see the feasibility of it,” he says of the PC version, “which is not necessarily simple. I gave some examples to illustrate the problem, but obviously it is not in my hands and not my part to talk about this.” Said examples were the ones about piracy and presumed low sales, which carried more than a whiff of inadequate research. Now he’s saying reckons he was the wrong guy to ask – which was always my personal take on the controversial quotes, to be honest. They came across as one guy coming up with a unprepared response on the fly about a question he probably wasn’t expecting, rather than endemic of company policy, and I wasn’t thrilled that his words were taken by many as an excuse to spank Ubisoft again.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 23 2011 16:18 GMT
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Gosh, it’s bad form to wish ill-will on a developer, but I Am Alive‘s creative director Stanislas Mettra is going some to tempt it out of me. With frankly astonishing arrogance, he declared that his team is not bothering to create a port of the game for PC because “no one will buy it”, even though people are demanding a version. Of course he aimlessly blames piracy, even though being with Ubisoft he has the option to stick so much DRM up its arse no one will be able to play it without his personally coming around their house to type in his password. But then, in a moment of just remarkable hubris, Mettra declares that the “no one” means fewer than 50,000.


Posted by IGN Nov 23 2011 10:53 GMT
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"Going digital does not mean going backwards in terms of quality," stated Ubi Shanghai's Aurelien Palasse at Ubisoft's digital showcase in London yesterday. "I can promise you that the quality of the game you'll see reaches the expectations of a boxed product"...

Posted by Joystiq Nov 05 2011 01:00 GMT
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For a game set in the aftermath of a disaster of enormous magnitude, I Am Alive looks to be composed of small triumphs and intimate terrors. Every ledge climbed is an achievement. An unloaded gun might be as useful as a full magazine. And the scariest thing around isn't the crumbling remains of a fictional US city - it's the people that are left to pick up their own pieces.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 27 2011 20:36 GMT
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Yesterday, Ubisoft hosted its second annual Digital Day where we showed off a handful of our upcoming digital products, including new PlayStation Network titles. Last year, Ubisoft released some great PSN titles, such as From Dust, Outland, Clash of Heroes and Beyond Good & Evil HD. We’re looking to build on that momentum with a diverse portfolio of digital games.

I Am Alive

In September, Ubisoft announced that I Am Alive was releasing on digital platforms this winter. At Digital Day, we showed off the long awaited game for the first time ever. Our demo started off with the main character arriving back to his home town of Haventon one year after the event. He finds the place he once knew and loved torn apart by “the Event”. Society is torn as everyone in the town of Haventon fight for survival. Your mission: find your family and stay alive.

Ubisoft Shanghai has put a lot of work in creating a new and unique take on the post-apocalyptic genre. I Am Alive plays to the sense of realism stepping away creating an environment that places important questions in front of gamers. Would you give your limited resources away to save an innocent bystander? Or will you leave them to fend for themselves in a harsh environment?


Building further on this realistic take, combat in the game is controlled with a new intimidation system. Our hero has weapons, but resources such as bullets and arrows are scarce. As he encounters enemies in the world, our hero must utilize strategic bluffs to gain the upper hand in combat situations. This could mean holding an empty gun up to unarmed enemies in order to intimidate them into surrendering.

I Am Alive is getting ready for a winter launch, so be sure to keep your eyes out for more information coming soon.

Shoot Many Robots

Do you hate robots? Would you like to shoot many of them? Do you also love crazy amounts of loot? If you answered yes to all of these, we may just be new best friends. Also, I have an amazingly awesome game that I want to talk to you about. Developed by Demiurge Studios, Shoot Many Robots is a unique take on the run-n-gun shooter. You’ll control P. Walter Tugnut as he goes on an all-out war against the robot race. Don’t feel like taking on a race of murderous robots by yourself? Well you’re in luck because Shoot Many Robots will offer two-player couch co-op and four-player co-op over the PlayStation Network when it launches early in 2012.

Babel Rising


In Babel Rising, gamers play as God, preventing humans from building the tower of Babel. Gamers can use their divine powers by hurling bolts of lightning, summoning massive earthquakes or unleashing gigantic floods upon the Babylonians. Mando Productions, the developer of Babel Rising, has built upon their original mobile release of Babel Rising by creating new 3D environments and integrating competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes. Babel Rising will also feature PlayStation Move support allowing gamers to use intuitive controls to smite Babylonians. Look for more information on Babel Rising as we get closer to our launch in 2012.

Project Haste


Developed by Techland, Project Haste (a working title) is a high-speed ATV racing game. Speed through exotic locations, fly through the air pulling off insane tricks and customize your ATV to your racing style. Project Haste will offer six gameplay modes, including tournament and stunt challenges that we showed off at Digital Day. Look for Project Haste to speed onto the PlayStation Store in 2012.

Posted by IGN Sep 29 2011 16:00 GMT
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Ubisoft has announced that I Am Alive will be coming to PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Arcade this winter...

Posted by IGN Sep 26 2011 15:48 GMT
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Despite no official news in over a year, I Am Alive has received a rating from the ESRB...

Posted by IGN Aug 23 2011 07:37 GMT
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It was previously discovered in June that Ubisoft's I Am Alive had been slapped with an MA15+ rating in Australia with the consumer advice 'Strong violence'...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 22 2011 13:43 GMT
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I Am Alive has been kept hidden in Ubisoft’s cupboard for years. First announced in 2008, with this trailer, it’s been through a bit of a journey. The original developers, Darkworks, left the apparently almost complete project after a “mutual decision”, with duties taken to Ubisoft’s own Shanghai studio. Come 2009 screenshots were leaked, but little more was heard. The last time Ubi set a release date was for last year, and rumours of something happening by the end of this Summer have proven unfounded. And now a leak has happened again, this time a slightly unfinished trailer. Which you can see below.


Posted by IGN Aug 20 2011 19:21 GMT
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A long time has passed since we heard last from I Am Alive. And yet, an ostensibly new trailer quietly tip-toed its way onto the internet last night via a number of sources with no pomp, and zero publisher support or confirmation. Is it a leak? Is it old footage? Is it a fake? Is it a part of a maniacal plot to bring our hopes for this unique earthquake survival game sputtering back to life? You decide, after you watch said trailer, of course...