BioShock Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Oct 09 2010 17:30 GMT
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Most people who order 5 gallons of mineral oil are looking to help a constipated horse make a BM. Not this dude: He used the stuff to create one of the most impressive PC case mods we've ever seen.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 06 2010 08:30 GMT
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#art The crafty Michele Legendre, whose work you've seen before, has been a busy bee in the months since, coming up with fantastic video game felt toys like this Andrew Ryan, from 2K's BioShock. More »

Posted by Kotaku Oct 05 2010 04:00 GMT
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#pc sirleechalot wanted to build himself a new PC, one with a BioShock twist, so he did just that. The twist being almost the entire thing is submerged in liquid. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 14 2010 06:30 GMT
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#film Gore Verbinski, director of Pirates of the Caribbean, was signed up to do a BioShock movie. It turned out to be too expensive, and now there's a new director. Shame. The expensive one sounded awesome. More »

Posted by Joystiq Sep 03 2010 00:00 GMT
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Moving from game development to multidisciplinary writing, Irrational Games' Ken Levine and Shawn Elliott chat with Amazing Spider-Man writer Brian Michael Bendis on the second episode of Irrational Interviews, released this week. Did you know that what became BioShock was heavily seeded by a trip Levine and his wife took to Rockefeller Center? You would've if you'd already listened to the episode! What're you waiting for, dummy?

Direct Download / iTunes Feed / Irrational Interviews RSS Feed

[Image credit: Pinguino]

Posted by Kotaku Aug 31 2010 09:00 GMT
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#kenlevine Hollywood is working on a big screen version of underwater opus BioShock. There have been stops and starts, but the game's designer Ken Levine assures the film adaption is being "actively" worked on. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 26 2010 09:30 GMT
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#2k You'd think that the URL would take you to the official site for 2K's BioShock series, but no, it does not. And after the publisher lost a recent court ruling, it probably never will. More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 25 2010 16:28 GMT
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Take-Two: Would you kindly give us
Name Administration: ... Umm, no. We're a domain squatter in the Cayman Islands, not giving companies domains is kind of what we do.

Take-Two: Oh, WIPO? Would you kindly tell them to give us back

World Intellectual Property Organisation: Well, we talked about it, and ... no. For starters, they registered it before you got any trademarks on the "BioShock" name. Besides, that phrase could apply to other stuff besides your game.

Take-Two: Alright then, would you kindl--

Name Administration: Look, just stop it, OK? You've been saying "would you kindly" every 20 seconds during this hearing and frankly, it's starting to creep us out. And why is it whenever you say it you have to ... oh, what would you call it, WIPO?

WIPO: Glowering. You're glowering.

Name Administration: Yes! You're glowering, and it's weird. And while we're at it, what's up with the golf club?

Posted by Kotaku Aug 12 2010 18:00 GMT
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#impressions The trailer teased a return to the underwater failed Utopia of Rapture, first seen in 2007's BioShock. But last night, we saw BioShock Infinite in action, a live demo. This next big thing from Ken Levine's Irrational Games is something different. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 29 2010 03:00 GMT
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#hollywood Guillermo Del Toro, the director behind Cronos and the big screen version of Hellboy, has walked from the Hobbit movie. He has plans! Video game plans. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 29 2010 05:00 GMT
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#hollywood Guillermo Del Toro, the director behind Cronos and the big screen version of Hellboy, has walked from the Hobbit movie. He has plans! Video game plans. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 01 2010 18:30 GMT
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Speaking of BioShock, the Gore Verbinski-produced film adaptation of the game is apparently still in the works, despite being halted for budgetary concerns more than a year ago. IGN got word straight from Verbinski: "The problem with BioShock was: R-rated movie, underwater, horror. It's a really expensive R-rated movie. So we're trying to figure out a way working with [director] Juan Carlos [Fresnadillo] to get the budget down and still keep so it's true to the core audience, you know? The thing is it has to be R, a hard R."

So we now know three things: (1) nobody's going to spend a lot of money to make that, (2) it sounds like it would be really awesome if they did and (3) seriously, nobody's going to spend a lot of money to make that.

... But, again -- would be awesome.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 30 2010 21:40 GMT
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#hollywood No one can stop Mr. Bubbles from making his big screen debut, not even the underperforming Prince of Persia. Gore Verbinski, the man desperate to bring BioShock to the big screen, is still slaving away at it. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 15 2010 07:30 GMT
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#rumor According to a "a mysterious source", game site Destructoid is reporting that 2K games is planning to release a massively-multiplayer online title based on the world of BioShock. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 28 2010 21:30 GMT
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#paxeast Damn you Andrew Ryan! As seen in my carry-on luggage, which Logan Airport security looked at for a very long time. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 28 2010 20:30 GMT
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#paxeast Lurking deep within the darkened Bring Your Own PC room at PAX East, the pixel Black Mage case mod waits, lightning wand in hand, for the right moment to strike. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 23 2010 10:30 GMT
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#batman BioShock and Batman. Apart from the "B" thing, you wouldn't think the two had a thing in common. But then, you'd only say that if you hadn't seen a 1994 episode of the Batman animated series, called "Deep Freeze". More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 18 2010 16:20 GMT
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#gallery If you thought BioShock had some creepy enemies, wait until you get a look at the enemy concepts that didn't make it into the game. More »

Posted by Joystiq Mar 18 2010 02:30 GMT
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The world of Rapture as it appeared in the first BioShock may have seemed totally complete, but Irrational Games revealed some elements that were kept behind the development curtain from us -- basically, monsters. The company revealed some rejected enemy designs from its "Vault," including some mutants that were much more ... mutated than the Splicers we saw in the final game.

We imagine that people wouldn't look back so fondly on their experience in Rapture if it had been populated by melting guys and people that were in the process of turning into giant bugs. Creepy little girls seem just a bit less creepy in comparison.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 04 2010 07:00 GMT
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#kenlevine Long before game designer Ken Levine created games like BioShock and System Shock 2, he was keen to get into the movie business. So keen that he penned a script for a movie starring Amy Grant. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 02 2010 01:00 GMT
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#pc Doom fans looking to squeeze more life from Doom II, technologically resistant to joining us in the 21st century, can still see some of Rapture's underwater delights, thanks to this BioShock-inspired "demake" crafted for id Software's classic PC shooter. More »

Posted by IGN Feb 01 2010 23:19 GMT
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The story of Rapture, really fast.