Xenoblade Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Aug 13 2013 17:23 GMT
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Why is GameStop charging $90 for Xenoblade? Because that's in line with the marketplace, they say.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Aug 12 2013 17:00 GMT
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GameStop is charging a whopping $90 for used copies of a Wii game—and it's leading some fans to voice some serious suspicions about how it got back in stock.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2013 15:12 GMT
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There's no title yet for the upcoming open-world RPG from Monolith Soft, the people behind critically-acclaimed Wii RPG Xenoblade, but it's codenamed X. And it's got giant robots. Which reminds me of Xenogears. Which makes me very happy. Here's Nintendo's official PR on the game: A brand-new title developed by MONOLITH SOFTWARE INC.: Monolith Soft, the creative force behind The Xenoblade Chronicles, is creating an open world for players to explore. Players can ride human-shaped robots at certain points in the game, or use the robots to battle enemies in the sky. The game is scheduled to launch in 2014.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 14 2012 01:00 GMT
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#2012yearinvideogames You press a button, and the beat drops. Forward you fly, straight into the perilous unknown, beats pushing against your eardrums as you push back against the controller. Tempo and harmony swim together in your brain, and you lose yourself in the rhythm of play. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 07 2012 08:00 GMT
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#xenoblade Just like it did with Europe, Nintendo is giving Xenoblade fans the chance to pick the game's alternate cover before it's released in North America. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 19 2011 11:30 GMT
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#nintendo Operation Rainfall is, among other things, a letter-writing campaign hoping to bring Japanese Wii games like The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, and Xenoblade to the U.S. Nintendo already politely declined on its Facebook page. That's not the only nice way it's saying no. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 30 2011 03:30 GMT
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On Sunday, Nintendo of America's Facebook page promised "more updates soon" regarding the status of Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower, the three Wii games that are the focus of the ongoing grassroots campaign for localization, called "Operation Rainfall."

On Monday, it posted a Super Mario 64 trivia question.

Then, today, it provided the response that fans were waiting for -- but not the one they wanted. "We never say 'never,'" the company stated, "but we can confirm that there are no plans to bring these three games to the Americas at this time." A brief response on Twitter thanked Operation Rainfall-ers for being "such incredible fans," but reiterated that "there continues to be no plans for NOA to release these 3 games right now."

Not that we want to give false hope regarding the actions of a company who is always pragmatic to the point of angering dedicated fans, but "no plans right now" is far from a death knell, especially for Nintendo. Some things that there were "no plans" for in America: the black Wii, the Classic Controller Pro, the Wii Sports Resort hardware bundle. Basically, there are "no plans" until the company decides to tell people its plans.

So even that denial leaves the door wide open for one of these games to be announced at a "Media Summit" or similar event in the fall. We're just mentioning that possibility, to be perfectly honest, so that we can say we totally called it should that happen.

Son of a bitch

Posted by Kotaku Jun 25 2011 01:30 GMT
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#attnreggie Bad enough to write Nintendo a letter? On actual paper? That's what some passionate North American Nintendo fans have resorted to, pleading with paper and ink for Nintendo of America to bring more Wii games stateside, including The Last Story, Pandora's Tower and Xenoblade. More »

Posted by Kotaku May 16 2011 06:00 GMT
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#turncoats The same smart people at Nintendo Europe who thought it was a good idea to localise Wii RPG Xenoblade also know how important box art can be for such a localisation. So they're letting the game's fans vote. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 31 2011 22:30 GMT
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#europe Wii role-playing game Xenoblade (aka Monado: Beginning of the World) will no longer be a Japan-exclusive, thanks to Nintendo of Europe. The company is bringing the game to the Wii in Europe as Xenoblade Chronicles. More »

Posted by Joystiq Mar 31 2011 15:00 GMT
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Nintendo has just revealed a European localization for Monolith Soft's Wii RPG Xenoblade. A UK teaser site has just gone up for what is now called Xenoblade Chronicles, featuring (strangely) an untranslated trailer. What that trailer lacks in English text, it makes up for in imagery of impressive locales and big monsters, reminding us why we've been eager to hear news about this game for so long.

A press release was posted on the Nintendo Europe sites, and then removed, but not before NeoGAF user Vinterbird could capture it. According to the release, the game will be out in Europe this year, and will offer both English and Japanese voice options.

We hope this European announcement is the harbinger of a wider worldwide release, and that this isn't another Disaster: Day of Crisis situation in which an anticipated Monolith Soft-developed Wii game goes to Europe and stays there.

Posted by Kotaku Jan 25 2011 13:30 GMT
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#thelaststory For decades, Japanese role-playing games ruled gaming. These days, they don't. Now, Western role-playing games get all the attention and praise. What gives? More »

Posted by IGN Dec 22 2010 19:56 GMT
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Monolith Soft seeking staff for unannounced project. Is this the first artwork?

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 19 2010 20:23 GMT
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- Monolith Soft creative director, Tetsuya Takahashi presented Nintendo developer, Hitoshi Yamagami with the idea for Xenoblade while Disaster: Day of Crisis was in the middle of its development - Takahashi had some of the younger staff members pose for him as models for his model of the game’s map design - the way that light and [...]

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 15 2010 23:39 GMT
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I’ve placed the footage after the jump, as I don’t want to spoil anything for you guys. This footage comes from very, very late in the game.

Posted by IGN Jun 18 2010 19:52 GMT
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Monolith RPG pushes Mario Galaxy 2 from the top spot as Wii takes the lead in console sales.

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 10 2010 06:17 GMT
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- 91 tracks - 4 discs - Yoko Shimomura’s main theme song and Yasunori Mitsuda’s end theme, “Beyond the Sky” included - also features music that didn’t make the game - due out June 23rd in Japan - ¥3,500.

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 08 2010 17:10 GMT
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We posted the commercial last night, but now we have a few more details… - once again stars Mayu Watanabe - commercial titled ‘Unclear Future’ - Watanabe asks, “What will happen to us from here on out?

Posted by Kotaku Jun 08 2010 08:00 GMT
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#xenoblade AKB48 member Mayu Watanabe was immortalized in Xenoblade CG for a commercial to promote the game. The end result was not so great. More »

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 08 2010 04:33 GMT
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The following information comes from an Iwata Asks interview featuring general director Tetsuya Takahashi and scenario writer Yuichiro Takeda. I will only discuss the details that haven’t already been covered on the site. - this is the model that has been referred to in past interviews - Takeda got involved with the project when Takahashi realized [...]