Portal 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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What do Portal 2 and Pokemon Have In Common?
#fanart Yes, you have to, ahem, test them all. More »
qwertee.com posted by Kotaku May 03 2011 10:30 GMT
Portal 2's GLaDOS Takes On Her Slinky, Creepy Lady Form
#fanart GLaDOS gets a new human form to pester Chell in thanks to artist Heather Campbell and her awesome Portal themed illustration. More »
rampagedreality.com posted by Kotaku May 02 2011 23:40 GMT
Portal 2's Purpose is Joy. What Is your Favorite Game's?
#joymachines Aristotle, in the Nicomachean Ethics, plainly states that the aim, end, or goal of a thing is its good. Each thing is directed toward some greater good, and we, as people must seek to underst...
thecrossandthecontroller.com posted by Kotaku May 02 2011 15:00 GMT
Portal 2 chamber solved without thinking with portals
"Thinking with laser reflective boxes" is the operative phrase for the video found after the break, featuring Portal 2's 20th test chamber being conquered both quickly and without the use of a single portal. The speedruns have begun!
reddit.com posted by Joystiq May 02 2011 15:00 GMT
Proof That Nolan North Is in Too Many Damn Video Games
#areyoustillthere Nolan North seems like a super nice guy! And does a cracking job as the voice of Nathan Drake in the Uncharted series. Problem is, he also does the voice for around a million other charac...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku May 02 2011 07:30 GMT
These Custom Portal 2 Figures Came Straight from Testing
#science Custom toy creator Christian Hooton, whose work we've featured previously, has sent us some pictures of these Portal 2 figures he's made. Warning: they are amazing. More »
sabretoothsworkshop.blogspot.com posted by Kotaku May 02 2011 06:30 GMT
Is Portal 2 Controlled with Kinect a Good Thing?
#watchthis I'm on the fence with this, but as Portal 2 has elements of a first-person shooter, and that genre is tricky to adapt for Kinect, it looks like a breakthrough to me. Here someone has hacked Kin...
ripten.com posted by Kotaku May 01 2011 18:00 GMT
Portal 2 Basically On Sale Everywhere for at Least $20 Off
GameStop and Best Buy slashed $20 off the price of Portal 2 this week, to $39.99 ($29.99 for PC) and now Amazon's raised the pot. They're selling it for $34.99 (still $29.99 on PC).. More »
techdealdigger.com posted by Kotaku May 01 2011 17:31 GMT
Amazon price matches Portal 2 discounts on 360 and PC, drops Mortal Kombat to $40
You there, in the check-out line of Walmart, with the debit card in your swipin' hand! Put that away, man. Amazon's price matched Kmart, knocking that 360 version of Portal 2 you've got your eye on down to $34.99 (or $29.99 on PC), as well as both vers...
amazon.com posted by Joystiq May 01 2011 16:30 GMT
Portal 2 'Insane Cube Tricks' video is true to its name
We anticipated that we'd be seeing some Portal 2 trick videos sooner or later -- but we wouldn't have predicted the tricks therein wouldn't really involve that many portals. Check out the video after the jump to see some truly impressive cube throws, b...
joystiq.com posted by Joystiq Apr 30 2011 18:30 GMT
This Portal 2 Cube Wizard Must Have Such A Supple Wrist
#watchthis I'm fairly comfortable tossing a Weighted Pivot Cube or Companion Cube around an Aperture Science test chamber, but some Portal 2 players make cube-handling look like, well, a science. More ...
reddit.com posted by Kotaku Apr 30 2011 02:00 GMT
A Compendium of Cave Johnson Quotes from Portal 2
#ramblings It goes without saying that this site constitutes one gigantic spoiler, so don't go there if you are still interested in discovering for yourself anything about Portal 2 or the founder of Apertu...
cavejohnsonhere.com posted by Kotaku Apr 30 2011 03:00 GMT
Spoilerific Portal 2 interview on GLaDOS, Cave Johnson, Valve culture
Far be it from us to spoil even one second of Portal 2 for those who haven't finished it, but for those who have, Rock, Paper, Shotgun has posted a great interview with Valve's Chet Faliszek and Jay Pinkerton, two of the game's writers. In addition to ...
rockpapershotgun.com posted by Joystiq Apr 30 2011 02:45 GMT
Portal 2 DLC #1 will be free on PC, Mac, PS3, and 360 this summer, single- and multiplayer content in tow
Though short on details, Valve hasn't wasted any time confirming its plans for Portal 2 DLC. After a massive launch just over a week ago - Valve says Portal 2 is its "fastest-selling" release since Half-Life 2! - the famously generous developer has out...
joystiq.com posted by Joystiq Apr 29 2011 20:03 GMT

multiplayer challenge mode, yes

Portal 2: Second Opinions
Ever since the original Portal, we at IGN have been dying to dive back into Aperture and tear a new hole in space. PC Executive Editor Charles Onyett had nothing but praise for the game in his Portal 2 review, but would other editors be just as infatuated...
pc.ign.com posted by IGN Apr 29 2011 22:52 GMT
Hey, Details on Portal 2's (Free!) Downloadable Content
Just as soon as Valve reveals Portal 2's getting downloadable content, BAM--the company reveals it.Right now dubbed "Portal 2 DLC #1" (why would they name it #1 if we weren't getting more?), the summer-bound downloadable content will include "new test cha...
giantbomb.com posted by Giant Bomb Apr 29 2011 19:24 GMT
Portal 2 DLC #1 Won't Cost You Anything
Valve today confirmed details about the first Portal 2 downloadable content pack, slated for release this summer on PC/Mac, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3...
ps3.ign.com posted by IGN Apr 29 2011 18:56 GMT
SideQuesting explains the physics of Portal 2
After spending an embarrassing amount of time having our brains twisted up by Portal 2, we started to get the niggling feeling that we might be better off if we knew ... well, anything about science. We're not asking to be Terry Einstein here, but it s...
sidequesting.com posted by Joystiq Apr 29 2011 02:40 GMT
To-Do In New York: Watch A Portal 2 Writer Play Portal 2
#event Portal 2 co-writer Erik Wolpaw is coming to New York University next month to present a "brief guided play-through of Portal 2", according to the event's organizers at NYU. More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Apr 29 2011 01:00 GMT
IGN Girlfight Episode 45: The PSN Debacle
We know you're sick of listening to nerdy boys talk about games, so we've gathered together all the female editors to give you a different perspective. Girlfight is the place to hear Nicole Tanner, Dana Jongewaard, Kristine Steimer, Audrey Drake, and Megh...
games.ign.com posted by IGN Apr 28 2011 23:48 GMT
Prepare for More Testing in Portal 2 DLC
After a few hours of testing in Portal 2, I'm usually ready for a break. There's a moment where the puzzles stop making sense, as my brain begs for a break. I've since finished Portal 2 (waiting for PlayStation Network to come back online for some co-op a...
giantbomb.com posted by Giant Bomb Apr 28 2011 19:24 GMT
1 Like?
Portal 2 $35 on 360 and PS3 at Kmart Sunday, $30 on PC at GameStop
If you managed to delay purchasing Valve's gooey, robot-filled puzzler, Portal 2, your patience is about to be rewarded: Two major retailers are significantly cutting the price of the game this weekend. According to the Kmart Gamer Facebook page, the t...
facebook.com posted by Joystiq Apr 28 2011 16:30 GMT
The RPS Verdict: Portal 2
The RPS collective (and Kieron Gillen) convened to discuss Portal 2. What did we make of Valve’s puzzle palace? And was it really the funniest game of all time? Read on for answers.Jim: Portal 2: The sequel to the first person puzzler Portal. It’s Val...
rockpapershotgun.com posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 28 2011 14:41 GMT
Portal 2 DLC Should Arrive This Summer
Portal 2 DLC is on the way, perhaps this Summer. Valve’s VP of marketing, and all-round gatekeeper of information, Doug Lombardi told Fast Company that we can expect more content in a few months. What it will be is currently unknown, but since we know t...
fastcompany.com posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 28 2011 13:02 GMT
Valve On Portal 2: Spoiler Interview Part Two
And here’s part two of our exclusive spoiler interview with Portal 2 writers Chet Faliszek and Jay Pinkerton. (Here’s part one.) Below discuss how the game came to be so intricately detailed, what it was like working with Stephen Merchant and J.K. Sim...
thinkwithportals.com posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 28 2011 11:10 GMT
Portal 2 DLC Coming This Summer
If like us you've played through Portal 2 several times, and you're still hungry for more time in the Aperture Labs then worry not, as Valve say they're working on DLC and supporting content for release this summer...
pc.ign.com posted by IGN Apr 28 2011 10:09 GMT
What Would Happen If Mario Had A Portal Gun?
#watchthis Well, for starters, he'd become one lazy-ass plumber, that's for sure. More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Apr 28 2011 08:30 GMT
Keighley's app showcases Portal 2 development
You tried to make it last. Like Teddy's plan to eat his lunch for a whole bus trip you parsed out the exact bites of Portal 2 you'd need to take to savor it for a full week. But we we are, just seven days and one overnight, 15-hour bender later and all...
itunes.apple.com posted by Joystiq Apr 28 2011 09:00 GMT
Your First Portal 2 DLC Is Only A Few Months Away
#areyoustillthere Portal 2 may only be a week old, but if you've already finished it - and these days I feel like the only person on the internet who hasn't - you won't have too long to wait until there's ...
fastcompany.com posted by Kotaku Apr 28 2011 05:00 GMT
Lego GLaDOS warms our cold, monstrous hearts
Brandon Bannerman has found the quickest, most direct path to our hearts: He's combined our love of Legos with our love of Portal's omnipresent antagoinst, GLaDOS. If this doesn't get picked up as an official model by the toy blocks manufacturer, you c...
flickr.com posted by Joystiq Apr 28 2011 04:30 GMT