Portal 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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From Metal Gear Solid to Portal 2, Every Video Game Sounds Better in German
#watchthis Why would you ever want to play a video game in a language you don't understand? Once you hear Half-Life's G-Man, Metal Gear's Psycho Mantis, and Portal 2's Space Sphere speaking German you'll u...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Mar 08 2012 17:00 GMT
Now You’re Thinking With Mari0rtals
My admirable, handsome, humble, delightful paymaster Mr. Walker already mentioned the remarkable looking Mari0 in October, but it wasn’t out then. Truth be told, it’s not quite out yet – but at about 10 tomorrow evening, this amazing mash-up of Sup...
stabyourself.net posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 02 2012 15:12 GMT
Replica Portal gun coming from NECA in late spring/early summer
Portal has been around for about five years at this point, and over the years we've suffered countless fits of unreasonable jealousy due to the multitudes of homemade, replica Aperture Science Handheld Portal Devices floating around the Internet. Many a ...
necaonline.com posted by Joystiq Feb 24 2012 00:45 GMT
Make Your Spud an Aperture Potato with These Portal 2 Toys
#portal While NECA rolled out a bunch of impressive Valve-licensed stuff, I was still charmed by the Portal 2 offerings shown by ThinkGeek. Along a Companion Cube cookie jar and talking turrets, they also ...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Feb 16 2012 14:30 GMT
Valve’s Skyrim Mod: Finding Spaaaaaaaace Man
Alongside the Skyrim Creation Kit and the HD Texture Pack that was officially released last night, Valve added their own little addition to Skyrim: Fall of The Space Corp, Vol. 1 adds Portal 2′s jittery little Space Core to the Nord world, voiced by th...
steamcommunity.com posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 08 2012 12:05 GMT
Sadly, Portal-Themed Combustible Lemon Does Not Actually Combust
#portal Portal 2's Cave Johnson rants about citrus fruit in this trailer for an "Electronic Combustible Lemon," which, when ignited, plays an ominous ticking countdown followed by what I presume is the sou...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Feb 06 2012 22:30 GMT
Come Share Your Portal 2 Co-Op Stories at Kotaku Game Club
#gameclub Hello everyone, welcome to the Kotaku Game Club. Today will be our last meeting discussing Portal 2. After covering many aspects of the single-player experience in our last few meetings, today we'...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Feb 02 2012 21:00 GMT
Reminder: We're Talkin' Portal 2 Co-Op at Kotaku Game Club Tomorrow!
Remember to come join our last discussion of Portal 2 at Kotaku Game Club tomorrow at 4pm Eastern! More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Feb 01 2012 18:45 GMT
This Custom Portal 2 Toy Has Its Eye on You
#portal The work of custom toy creator Christian Hooton is no stranger to Kotaku. Whether it's StarCraft or Portal, Hooton's craftsmanship dazzles. Check out his latest creation: a 7-inch Portal 2 Wheatley ...
superpunch.blogspot.com posted by Kotaku Jan 30 2012 07:30 GMT
Come Talk About the Epic of GLaDOS, Portal 2, at Kotaku Game Club
#gameclub Welcome everyone to week 3 of the Kotaku Game Club's look back at Portal 2. In our third meeting we'll be talking about the game's story and characters. More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Jan 26 2012 21:00 GMT
Reminder: Check Out Kotaku Game Club Tomorrow!
Remember that round three of Kotaku Game Club's Portal 2 discussion series starts tomorrow at 4pm Eastern! More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Jan 25 2012 18:15 GMT
The World’s Smallest Aperture Logo?
#portal Nanotechnology engineering student TheObviousTrap created a 300 nanometer thick Aperture logo in an undergrad class. Bravo! More »
reddit.com posted by Kotaku Jan 23 2012 06:30 GMT
We're Talking About Portal 2 at This Week's Kotaku Game Club!
#gameclub Howdy folks, welcome to week two of the Kotaku Game Club's discussion series looking back at Portal 2. This week we're going focus on the game's mechanics: The building blocks that come together t...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Jan 19 2012 21:00 GMT
Remember to Come Talk About Portal 2 Tomorrow with the Kotaku Game Club
Remember Game Clubbers, we'll be continuing our series on Portal 2 tomorrow at 4pm Eastern. Be there! More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Jan 18 2012 19:45 GMT
Mass Effect, Portal, and More as Things of Pixelated Beauty
#fanart What Mass Effect, Portal 2, Deus Ex, and BioShock have in common are memorable worlds and visual flairs. Not sacrificing either, artist Pieceoftoast traded the games' high-def graphics for pixels. T...
videogamenostalgia.com posted by Kotaku Jan 18 2012 07:30 GMT
It's Time to Review Our Portal 2 Testing with the Kotaku Game Club
#gameclub Welcome back everyone! Today is our first Kotaku Game Club meeting of 2012, and the opening discussion of our series on Kotaku Game of the Year Portal 2. More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Jan 12 2012 21:00 GMT
Reminder: Our Portal 2 Game Club Starts Tomorow
Make sure to be on Kotaku at 4pm Eastern tomorrow to help us kick off the Game Club's Portal 2 retrospective! More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Jan 11 2012 16:15 GMT
Let GLaDOS guide you to your destination, you monster
She's certainly not the first celebrity to do some voice work for the GPS industry, but she's by far the coolest. Joining the likes of Snoop Dogg, Homer Simpson and Yoda is GLaDOS, available in a new fan-made custom voice pack over on Reddit. It's a zi...
reddit.com posted by Joystiq Jan 10 2012 05:30 GMT
Portal 2 Beats Out a Lot of Other Games for Kill Screen's Game of the Year
#otherpeoplesgoty Over at Kill Screen, they've done their yearly "High Scores" poll in which each of their contributors send in a ballot of games, assigning points to any game from 2011. The results of the ...
killscreendaily.com posted by Kotaku Jan 06 2012 23:30 GMT
Joystiq Top 10 of 2011: Portal 2
The success of the Portal games comes from a combination of two completely different aspects: gameplay and narrative. Portal 2 is, on one hand, a great puzzle game in the classic tradition, sending you through a series of enclosed, self-contained puzzl...
joystiq.com posted by Joystiq Jan 04 2012 20:30 GMT
Portal 2 Takes Kotaku's 2011 Game of the Year Award for Science, You Monster
#2011yearinvideogames After several weeks of debate, discussion, and deliberation, Kotaku's 2011 Game of the Year Award came down to a simple vote, and the majority voted for science. More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Jan 02 2012 17:00 GMT
Portal Boots Look Great in the Real World
#portal Once again, Volpin Props knocks it out of the park. Though in this case, they've knocked themselves out of the park. And fallen a great height, only to land safely, thanks to these Portal Long Fall ...
superpunch.blogspot.com posted by Kotaku Jan 02 2012 11:00 GMT
Is Portal 2 Kotaku's Game of the Year?
#2011yearinvideogames What Valve did this year seemed impossible: they improved on the perfection that was the first Portal. That feat was accomplished, surprisingly, by making everything about players' r...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Dec 29 2011 15:00 GMT
Portal Christmas tree doubles our holiday cheer
Is there a Martha Stewart Living for Nerds monthly periodical we never knew about? We're all about games and interior decorations, but we don't know how one learns to combine those two with such grace and ease as this, the greatest Christmas tree ever,...
boingboing.net posted by Joystiq Dec 26 2011 19:00 GMT
Portal Christmas tree is absolutely genius
#portal Here's further proof that basically everything goes better with Portal. Redditor Tyamykal has posted a photo of his Portal-fied Christmas tree, which certainly beats the hell out of the 20 years' wo...
reddit.com posted by Kotaku Dec 25 2011 03:10 GMT
Portal 2 Teleports into Gamasutra's Hearts, Snags Their Game of the Year
#otherpeoplesgoty The industry- and design-focused publication Gamasutra has released their list of the top ten games of the year, with Valve's Portal 2 coming in at the top. " More »
gamasutra.com posted by Kotaku Dec 23 2011 18:00 GMT
Level With Me, Level With Me.
Level With Me was a series of conversations with level designers like Dan Pinchbeck, Jack Monahan, Magnar Jenssen, Brendon Chung, Davey Wreden, Ed Key, and Richard Perrin. At the end, we all collaborated on a Portal 2 mod. You can download that mod here. ...
moddb.com posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 23 2011 12:06 GMT
Oh, If Only Portal 2's Wheatley Had Won a VGA
#portal Portal 2's Wheatley did not win an award at the Spike VGAs. Mildly disappointing, but then, given the Spike's themselves are mildly disappointing, I'm not losing much sleep over it. More » ...
rockpapershotgun.com posted by Kotaku Dec 22 2011 10:30 GMT
If Wheatley Had Won: Portal 2 VGA Vid
Earlier this month, Valve made a video of Wheatley talking about his nomination in the ‘Best Character’ category of the VGAs. The Joker actually took the award, which seemed disappointing at first, since he’s a decades old character who even in thi...
spike.com posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 22 2011 09:34 GMT
Portal 2 is Games Radar's Most Favorite 2011 Video Game
#otherpeoplesgoty Their readers thought the best video game of 2011 was Skyrim, but the editors of Games Radar have picked Portal 2. It's their top game of the year. More »
gamesradar.com posted by Kotaku Dec 20 2011 19:00 GMT