Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by IGN Oct 18 2012 22:00 GMT
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Today, Bobbya1984 decides to send off MW3 in spectacular fashion: he reunites with Vanessa and talks about everything he liked/hated about the game. Its going to be emotional.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 08 2012 06:30 GMT
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#callofduty Over the weekend, those playing Modern Warfare 2 began to notice that one of the series' most popular multiplayer maps, Favela, had disappeared. More »

Posted by Joystiq Sep 18 2012 15:00 GMT
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The last content bundle for Modern Warfare 3 is finally headed out to PlayStation and the PC on October 10, according to Infinity Ward's Twitter account. The content collection (which arrived on Xbox 360 back in the beginning of September) includes five different maps, called Decommission, Off Shore, Gulch, Boardwalk, and Parish. Call of Duty Elite subscribers will be able to grab the last three levels a day early, on October 9.

This is, of course, the last scheduled content pack for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, seeing as Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is due out just about a month later. At that point, presumably, those Elite subscriptions will renew, and the cycle of of constant DLC for the biggest shooter series in the world will start up all over again.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 06 2012 01:00 GMT
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The third content collection for Modern Warfare 3 will launch for PS3 and PC on September 13. The "Chaos Pack" includes four new Spec Ops missions, three new Face Off maps and Chaos Mode for Spec Ops. Elite members get it for free, and it runs $15 for all other players.

Collection three hit Xbox Live on August 9, as per Modern Warfare 3's exclusivity deal with Microsoft.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 04 2012 13:00 GMT
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I do hear mutterings from some of my similarly jaded contemporaries that, actually, Black Ops 2 doesn’t look as hateful as the last COD, Modern Warfare 3. Given I did find CODBLOPS 1′s singleplayer to be comfortably the least obnoxious of the post-COD4 games, I’m inclined to believe them, no matter how sure I am that this is a not a game I’ll ever care about. Good to hear that the PC version appears to be doing the work, though – devs Treyarch have revealed that they’ve update the engine to include DirectX11 support and extra shines, as well as “more “quality vs performance” options than ever before”. The cost of this is no more Windows XP support, which will be bad news for the approximate 14% of Steam users who doggedly remain with Microsoft’s most deathless OS. Ditching XP support is not at all uncommon for new games these days, but – good or ill – I suppose it should be taken as a sign of the times when essentially the biggest game in the world decides that OS’s time has come and gone.(more…)

Posted by IGN Aug 31 2012 19:30 GMT
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Today, Bobbya takes in some sun on Oasis with his new lady, Nina. Come hear updates about P90X, Breaking Bad, and the nonsense that is 24: Season Six.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 31 2012 01:00 GMT
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On September 5, Call of Duty Elite premium subscribers on Xbox 360 will get their final three maps for Modern Warfare 3: Gulch, Boardwalk and Paris. If you're not a premium member of Activision's DLC delivery service, you can get these three new maps and two previously released stomping grounds - Parish and Decommission - in Content Collection #4 for 1200 Microsoft Points ($14.99). This is the final map pack for Modern Warfare 3.

Elite premium members on PS3 also get some new content next week on September 6, namely a pair of Special Ops maps - Light 'Em Up and Special Delivery - and the new Special Ops Chaos Mode, a wave-based variant on Modern Warfare 3's vanilla Survival mode.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 30 2012 17:45 GMT
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#callofduty Coming September 6 to the Xbox 360 version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the five new maps of Content Collection 4 (two previously exclusive to Elite Premium members) brings the content season to a close, paving the way for Black Ops 2. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 30 2012 18:12 GMT
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Get the low-down on the final DLC pack for Modern Warfare 3.

Posted by IGN Aug 14 2012 22:00 GMT
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Due to popular demand, Bobbya1984 switches things up with three intense Free-For-Alls. Come celebrate Scrub Nation Tuesday with us!

Posted by IGN Aug 10 2012 21:30 GMT
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Today, Bobbya1984 and Vanessa dissect the new Black Ops 2 Multiplayer trailer (and his first month of P90X) with surgeon-like precision. Come hear what he liked/disliked about it.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 09 2012 22:30 GMT
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The third collection of content for Modern Warfare 3 is available on Xbox Live today: The Chaos Pack includes the new Special Ops 'Chaos Mode,' three new Face Off maps and four new Special Ops missions, shown off in the above video.

The Chaos Pack runs $15, or 1200 Microsoft Points, and it will hit PS3 and PC "at a later date."

Posted by Kotaku Aug 09 2012 00:30 GMT
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#whoops And you thought gaming unto exhaustion was a phenomenon restricted to Asia. Well, somehow, a 15-year-old Ohio boy gamed so hard on Modern Warfare 3 he required hospitalization for dehydration. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 07 2012 23:00 GMT
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Today, Bobbya1984 features his 13 year old buddy, KRANK inda DANK. Watch as he put on his big boy tighty whitties and proceed to lay waste to his fellow Scrub members on the map Interchange.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 02 2012 15:30 GMT
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On August 9, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will have the Chaos Pack available, featuring several new Spec Ops missions. Videogamer got the scoop from Sledgehammer Games on two of the new missions, Light 'Em Up and Special Delivery.

Light 'Em Up takes place after the conclusion of the Modern Warfare 3 campaign, putting one player into the cockpit of a Little Bird helicopter as he attempts to cover another player who's on foot, running around a hydroelectric dam in search of intel on hostage positions. Special Delivery has no shortage of expensive war toys, charging players with reaching a downed pilot in unfriendly territory - one player mans an Osprey Gunner, providing cover fire from the air and deploying care packages to his partner on the ground.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 02 2012 13:30 GMT
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Activision revealed this morning the final two Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 content packs. The conclusive bits of DLC are the "Chaos Pack" and "Final Assault," available on Xbox 360 on August 9 and September 6, respectively.

The Chaos Pack adds the Special Ops Chaos Mode, with three new Face Off maps and four new spec ops missions. The Final Assault features five new multiplayer maps.

Both packs cost 1200 Microsoft Points ($14.99), no release dates were provided for PS3 or PC. If you're already over Modern Ware 3, this year's Call of Duty installment, Black Ops 2, arrives November 13.

Posted by IGN Aug 01 2012 23:04 GMT
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Today, Bobbya1984 features his buddy, DIPO787, who lays waste to Village with air support. Remember - in Scrub Nation, not every scrub is a SCRUB.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 30 2012 21:00 GMT
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A veritable cornucopia of media reportedly from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's upcoming September DLC drops has leaked. Several images and even some video footage were released by a YouTube user known as Gamecheat13, reports MP1st. The media allegedly shows off three new maps slated for September: Gulch, Parish and Boardwalk.

Boardwalk is, unsurprisingly, a boardwalk - complete with shuttered stalls, what appears to be an inflatable pig and a gift shop. Gulch, meanwhile, is a desert canyon map, while Parish takes place in and around a cathedral in a war zone. Video footage of Parish originally posted on Vimeo and YouTube has been taken down, though not before GameSpot was able to squeeze some of it into an episode of Start/Select.

MP1st also speculates that a new game mode, first hinted at by the Call of Duty Elite Twitter account, is slated to arrive this August.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 30 2012 15:00 GMT
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#dronewarfare It's been slightly bizarre to watch controversy swirl around the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in 21st Century war-making, while at the same time UAVs' presence in video games has only grown. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 25 2012 16:00 GMT
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The UK's Advertising Standards Authority has placed restrictions on an ad for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, reports MCV. The ASA took exception to the copious gunfire, explosions and the depiction of "New York under military assault" - you know, Call of Duty stuff. The ad originally aired in November during an afternoon soccer match and, although Activision followed the advertising guidelines it had been given at the time, the ASA has decided that the commercial "could cause distress to some children who might see the ad." As such, the ad can no longer be show prior to 7:30pm.

It's a shame, really. Activision needs all the help it can get spreading the word about Call of Duty.

Posted by IGN Jul 24 2012 22:00 GMT
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Today, Bobbya1984 introduces Scrub Nation Tuesday! First up is his good friend, Kriskrucial hear Bobby critique his style while talking #@!* about how bad Kris used to be (don't worry- they're actually friends).

Posted by IGN Jul 11 2012 21:52 GMT
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Today, Bobbya1984 talks about his P90X system. No, that's not a new gun, it's his workout routine. For more conventional fans, he also wastes some enemies with his PP90M1 (which is, in fact, a gun).

Posted by Joystiq Jul 05 2012 18:45 GMT
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The popular Modern Warfare 2 airport map, Terminal, will come to Modern Warfare 3 on Xbox 360 on July 17 for Elite members and July 18 for non-Elites, but free for everyone, regardless of digitized classist regulations.

Earlier this week Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin outed Terminal for Modern Warfare 3, but couldn't provide a solid release date. Terminal exists outside of the Elite content drop schedule, and its PS3 and PC release dates are still to-be-decided, Rubin tweets.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 04 2012 04:00 GMT
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Terminal, the popular airport map from Modern Warfare 2, is heading to Modern Warfare 3, Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin has revealed via a series of tweets. Better still, Rubin says Terminal will be free for everyone, existing outside of the Elite subscription model.

Rubin says Terminal is in Microsoft certification now and the release date and official confirmation may not go public until Thursday or Friday. The map isn't confirmed to hit Xbox 360 first, but that is still an option. It may even drop as a title update, rather than a separate batch of DLC. MP1st has compiled a few of Rubin's tweets in one place, but he's still at it on his own feed.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 03 2012 22:00 GMT
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Activision is hosting a half-off sale on all Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops map packs, running July 3-9. A portion of the sales will benefit the Call of Duty Endowment, a non-profit organization that helps veterans with job placement and training.

Take the burgers out of the freezer and get ready to snag the complete map collections right here.

Posted by IGN Jun 27 2012 23:30 GMT
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Today, Bobbya1984 tries to escape the disappointment of the NBA Finals by going to an Oasis. See him kick ass with fellow OKC fan, Vanessa.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 22 2012 01:30 GMT
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The second content dump for Modern Warfare 3 has escaped its timed exclusivity cage on Xbox Live. Content Collection #2, a smattering of two Face Off maps, one multiplayer map, plus two Spec-Ops missions, is now available for download on PS3 and PC.

Call of Duty Elite premium members on PS3 will find they already have this content unlocked on their respective platforms; everyone else will have to fork over $14.99.

Posted by IGN Jun 18 2012 22:08 GMT
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Infinity Ward has revealed the next batch of downloadable content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Xbox 360 players who are Premium subscribers to Call of Duty Elite will be able to download the new Spec Ops mission Arctic Recon as well as three new Face Off maps: Vortex, U-Turn and Intersection.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 17 2012 22:00 GMT
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#rumor According to this video, the map names "Shipbreaker" and "Terminal" briefly appeared in the map selection list of Modern Warfare 3's private match menu, apparently tipping off the names of two maps to come in the game's next DLC drop this month. More »