America's Got Talent Message Board

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"Too serious?" What? This was beautiful.
posted by Lord Crump Sep 15 2010 02:30 GMT
Oh, definitely, there's always one or two.
Well, at least we did get ONE good thing out of last night's finale (Aside from Jackie losing to Michael)
So delightfully campy!
posted by Lord Crump Sep 16 2010 17:14 GMT
Whoever made this must have had some serious time (And skill) on his or her hands; this image is positively delightful
posted by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 17:14 GMT

"Crump why are you an idiot like 24/7 now."

To balance out your genius, of course.

Also I love you guys.

Once again, Prince Poppycock proves that he's hilarious, a visual spectacle, and an amazing singer all at the same time (Video)
posted by Lord Crump Sep 08 2010 03:35 GMT
Tails Doll
If he started being a genocidal misanthrope he'd be even better.
This shit's amazing. The fabulous Prince better go all the way.
posted by Lord Crump Aug 25 2010 12:36 GMT
Lord Crump
It's a really *crag*ing awesome name