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Posted by Joystiq Oct 13 2011 02:00 GMT
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Want to know how you'll be able to upgrade, customize, bolster and generally bad-assify your hero in Dungeon Defenders? Wonder no more: The developer diary posted above dives into the specifics of the game's cornucopia of RPG mechanics.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 03 2011 19:46 GMT
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How goes it, PlayStation fans? Hopefully you’re doing well, because all of us here at Trendy Entertainment are feeling awesome. It might have something to do with all the awesome cable TV that was on last night…or it might be because we can finally and officially announce our launch date for Dungeon Defenders on PSN. Ready…October 18th!

For those of you who might not know, Dungeon Defenders is a four-player co-operative Tower Defense action-RPG. You can create heroes from four distinct classes to defend the land of Etheria. Throughout your journey you can customize and level your heroes, forge equipment, gather epic amounts of loot, collect and raise pets, play through multiple difficulties, and more.

But that’s not all! Today we’re also debuting our next developer diary video. This third of the series goes into all the details one of the most important and most FUN parts of the game – the Combat phase. This is where your strategies, tower and trap placements, upgrades and approach (and those of up to three of your friends if you’re playing local or online co-op) will be tested by wave after wave of baddies that are hell-bent on destroying your Eternia Crystals. The Combat phase is not only about testing out your defenses, but also testing out your skill. That’s where the action-RPG part comes in. You’ll have to take on the enemies first hand, and be able to pick up all the sweet loot they drop as well.


Of course, you can still build, sell, repair and maintain your towers in the Combat phase. But unlike the Build phase, enemies can and will interrupt you as you work.

And all you PS3 folks are in for a real treat – the PSN version of Dungeon Defenders is the ONLY version to feature 3D and Playstation Move support!

We’re happy, excited and downright STOKED to be able to confirm our PS3 launch date today with the PlayStation.Blog – it has been one of our most-asked questions from fans since we announced the title over a year and a half ago. Stay tuned for more updates and developer diaries as we get closer to launch – and don’t forget to check out Dungeon Defenders on PSN October 18th for the low low price of $14.99!

Posted by Joystiq Sep 30 2011 08:00 GMT
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The latest trailer for Dungeon Defenders takes a look at the Monk, the last class available in the tower defense/hack-and-slash mashup title. The Monk is the game's healer, and can not only use projectiles and combat directly, but can also lay down auras to help friends and hurt foes, providing a little more positional strategy to the proceedings.

He can also pop two boost abilities, one for heroes and one for built defenses. So if you're the support type, he'll probably be the character you'll look for when the game goes live on XBLA and PC on October 19.

Posted by IGN Sep 28 2011 19:53 GMT
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We've seen Dungeon Defenders a couple of times in the last year, but during the latest demo one thing became abundantly clear to me: your life depends on the players standing next to you. Having a good team i.e. one that calls out weaknesses in defense, lets you know when great armor drops, heals your defenses and not just their own makes the difference between success and failure. In this tower defense/third-person action mash-up, being selfish and winning just don't go hand-in-hand...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 21 2011 09:40 GMT
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Diablo 3 wasn’t quite as shiny and pony-strewn as some people were expecting, so it’s making this place seem a little grim and gothic at the moment. Time for something incredibly colourful and chaotic. So here are two developer diaries for upcoming 4 player co-op tower defence action RPG Dungeon Defenders. Not my description, but the description of developers Trendy Entertainment. There’s a LOT going on in these videos, the first one in particular, and I’m not sure I caught everything first time through. I did get a Torchlight meets Magicka vibe, although without the sadistic unfortunate friendly fire of Magicka and with an added build phase. Take a look.


Posted by Joystiq Sep 13 2011 03:15 GMT
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Though the first two minutes of the Dungeon Defenders dev diary above goes into great detail about the game, the final thirty seconds or so is just a guy listing awesome, applicable buzz words: "RPG, DotA, hack-and-slash, four-player co-op, Steam support, free hot dogs." (That last one was our own.)

Posted by Joystiq Aug 23 2011 22:00 GMT
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For someone who isn't even a real knight yet, the Squire in Dungeon Defenders sure can deal a lot of damage. The latest trailer shows off his skills, namely melee abilities and defensive turrets that dole out up close and personal pain.

Dungeon Defenders will hit PC, XBLA and PSN this October.

Posted by IGN Aug 23 2011 19:24 GMT
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Twain Harte, CA - Mark your calendars, all you would-be wizards and warriors! D3Publisher, Reverb Publishing and Trendy Entertainment announced today that their highly anticipated video game Dungeon Defenders will launch on October 19, 2011. The game is coming to Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation Network and Windows PC...

Posted by IGN Jun 15 2011 23:00 GMT
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Tower defense can be a panicked flurry of unexpected baddies testing one's preparation - wave after wave. And a top-down hack 'n' slash adventure is no relaxing stroll, either. The two separate ideas are founded on fast-paced action and pre-planning. But by jamming the genres together, Dungeon Defenders reveals a Zen balance of genre unity...

Posted by Joystiq Apr 08 2011 07:30 GMT
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Budding Android developers looking to utilize Epic's free Unreal Development Kit know it's still in the works for the platform. Of course, that's not to say the Unreal Engine itself isn't being used on Android -- Dungeon Defenders is perhaps the most visible Unreal Engine 3-powered game on the mobile OS, though a recent deal between Epic and Gameloft ensures that won't be the case for long. Companies can currently license UE3 code to develop Android games, though Epic VP Mark Rein told Gamasutra that "UDK is a totally different story."

"It'd be difficult for anybody right now to make a game with UDK and ship it on Android, because Unreal is for making high-end, high-quality-content games," Rein said, adding, "most of them are pretty large, because you can make a large game with it." Thus, Google's current 50mb limit for apps is kind of a problem, though it's one Epic and Google are looking to resolve.

"UDK will come eventually to Android, and Google is going to solve that problem," Rein assured. "We know they're working on it, but we don't know the release date and we don't know when it will get into the hands of all the different vendors with all the different phones."

Posted by Joystiq Mar 31 2011 20:40 GMT
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Thanks to the addition of in-app purchases, Trendy Entertainment has made the Android version of Dungeon Defenders: First Wave free-to-play. The updated version of the hack-and-slash, tower defense hybrid game will allow Android users to purchase "pets, armor, equipment, and a host of other in-game items," and it's available now on the Android Market.

Trendy has also updated the iOS version of the game, which is now optimized for iPad 2 (though the app is still universal). To celebrate, the game has been discounted to $0.99 for the next week. Check out a video of the iPad 2-optimized Dungeon Defenders after the break.

Posted by IGN Mar 05 2011 00:27 GMT
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If all goes accordingly, mobile, PS3 and PC players will likely unite in this quirky downloadable game.

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 03 2011 05:58 GMT
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A mix of tower defense and online cross-platform role-playing multiplayer at GDC 11.

Posted by IGN Mar 02 2011 17:45 GMT
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Developer of the smash hit, Unreal-powered iOS/Android game to demo and discuss in panel PS3, PC, Android & iOS cross-platform play at GDC 2011.

Posted by Joystiq Jan 27 2011 07:40 GMT
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Tim Sweeney from Epic Games showed up at tonight's PlayStation Meeting to reveal that Unreal Engine 3 works on the NGP -- which shouldn't be much of a surprise, given that the device was shown running PS3 games, and UE3 runs on phones.

Speaking of phones, the game demonstrated was Dungeon Defenders, which is currently available for Android and iPhone. Sweeney also showed an updated version of the "Epic Citadel" tech demo.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 16 2010 21:20 GMT
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#iphone I kinda love Dungeon Defenders and it's blending of role-playing game with tower defense. The developers just shot over five codes for the game, so now some of you can check it out for free too. More »

Posted by Joystiq Dec 16 2010 11:00 GMT
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The Huntress seems like your typical archer class at first glance, but about a minute into this Dungeon Defenders trailer you realize that she packing more than just a crossbow. Specifically, she's packing heat. Really, why bring a bow to a dragon fight when you can bring a grenade launcher?.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 15 2010 21:00 GMT
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#igaming The second iPhone/iPad/iTouch game using the Unreal graphics technology that made last week's Infinity Blade look so stunning is out on Thursday. We played it today. This is Dungeon Defenders: First Wave. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Dec 15 2010 19:28 GMT
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Meet the Huntress in Dungeon Defenders.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 04 2010 16:00 GMT
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#clips Surprise! Dungeon Defenders, which seems to combine the best of tower defense games with the combat of Defense of the Ancients, is also coming to mobile platforms. More »

Posted by IGN Sep 22 2010 18:50 GMT
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You'll get by with a little help from your friends.

Posted by IGN Aug 25 2010 17:48 GMT
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Check out new screens for this adorable fantasy game.