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Posted by Kotaku Apr 02 2014 17:30 GMT
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Then it might look a little bit like...this. Which is to say: it would look fantastic.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Sep 09 2013 09:05 GMT
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The new Guilty Gear is coming to PS3 and PS4 in Japan next year. Arc System Works, in a short and sweet one-minute trailer, announced that their next Guilty Gear game will be hitting Sony's home consoles sometimes in 2014. Take a look above.Read more...

Posted by IGN Aug 27 2013 07:01 GMT
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It tells a good story and mixes up combat with a giant mech, but Lost Planet 3 is just too inconsistent.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 25 2013 20:00 GMT
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Today's release of Firefox 22.0 introduces official support for 3D gaming via Epic's Unreal Engine, among other significant additions.

Mozilla outlines the update at its official blog, noting that a "supercharged subset of JavaScript" (asm.js) powers high-performance applications like 3D games. Mozilla previously demonstrated asm.js's power with an HTML5 version of the Unreal Engine tech demo "Epic Citadel."

Firefox 22.0 also adds support for video and voice calls, and enables file sharing without requiring third-party plugins. BananaBread, a free multiplayer FPS that demonstrates WebGL, Emscripten, asm.js, and WebRTC, can be played in a Firefox browser window here.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 19 2013 13:00 GMT
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Rendered with the Unreal Development Kit, digital artist Laggyzaki's remake of one of the most memorable locations in Final Fantasy VII—the Sector 5 church in Midgar—should make everyone nostalgic and wonder how the rest of the game would look in high definition. It's a pretty accurate replica of the original. All that's missing is Aeris and her flowers. FF7 Sector 5 Church UDK Environment [YouTube] To contact the author of this post, write to gergovas@kotaku.com

Posted by Kotaku May 20 2013 08:00 GMT
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Have a look at the latest entry in the Guilty Gear fighting series. Titled Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-, the game runs on the Unreal Engine and is being directed by Guilty Gear maven Daisuke Ishiwatari. It's currently listed as "in development".

Posted by Kotaku May 03 2013 01:30 GMT
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Here's a neat new trick. You can run the Unreal Engine 3 real-time tech demo Epic Citadel in a web browser. Get a "Nightly" version of Firefox. Then go here. This HTML5 FAQ explains more. How high can you get the framerate?

Posted by IGN Apr 25 2013 07:01 GMT
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Snow Pirates and NEVEC soldiers square off against each other with rules unique to each map. We take a look at one of them in this new Lost Planet 3 multiplayer commentary video!

Posted by IGN Apr 25 2013 07:01 GMT
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From fighting waves of Akrid creatures to fighting fellow humans, we take a look at the Survival Mode multiplayer in this latest Lost Planet 3 commentary video!

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 29 2013 15:30 GMT
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The purpose of Unreal 4′s increasingly elaborate vignette story trailers eludes me, since they are basically devoid of any game context, and might as well be rendered or something. However, I can’t deny that the latest – a leak spotted by the Big K – is an extraordinary sight. Go take a look, below.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Feb 08 2013 21:30 GMT
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#epicgames At the Game Developers Conference in 2011, Epic Games showed off a new demo of their widely-used Unreal graphics technology. The Unreal Engine drives a ton of popular games, from Gears of War and BioShock to Borderlands and Arkham City. The demo Epic showed was a violent, action-packed piece of work called 'Samaritan," and it impressed the heck out of everyone. You can watch it above. More »

Posted by IGN Nov 10 2012 00:47 GMT
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Silicon Knights has been ordered to recall and destroy all unsold copies of its games built on Unreal Engine 3. According to a recent ruling by the North Carolina District Court, Silicon Knights shall cease producing or distributing and recall and destroy all unsold copies of Too Human, The Box/Ritualyst, The Sandman, X-Men: Destiny and Siren in the Maelstrom at its own expense.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 09 2012 04:00 GMT
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Those who pre-order Lukewarm Media's man-on-dino shooter Primal Carnage will gain instant access to an open beta ahead of its launch later this year. In addition to instant access to the beta, those who pre-order will also unlock an exclusive Raptor skin for use in the final game.

Primal Carnage is a team-based shooter built on the Unreal Engine featuring ten different classes, five dinosaur and five human. No final launch date has been set for Primal Carnage yet - it'll launch some time in "Fall 2012" through Steam, GameStop, GamersGate, Rain and the game's official website.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 08 2012 05:30 GMT
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#epic Epic tonight gave the world its first look at Unreal Engine 4, the skeleton that - if this generation of hardware is anything to go by - a lot of your next-gen games are going to be built around. More »

Posted by Kotaku May 17 2012 20:30 GMT
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#unreal Here's a look at the history of the Unreal Engine, put together by Kotaku video editor Chris Person. More »

Posted by Joystiq May 17 2012 18:30 GMT
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Never heard of Pitbull Studio? Neither had we. Apparently the English studio specializes in hired gun work and is lead by ex-Midway Newcastle's Robert Troughton (Wheelman, etc.). While unknown, the three-year-old studio is working on two things for Epic Games: Unreal Engine 4, and a game built in said engine. Not too bad for a group of guys no one's heard of, eh?

Job listings for positions at Pitbull reveal the studio is "working on Unreal Engine 4 with Epic Games," but also, "games derived from that and Unreal Engine 3." Positions range from environment artists to engine programmers, with a variety of other roles in between. Epic confirmed the work with Joystiq this afternoon, and offered a prepared statement from director of engineering, Daniel Vogel. "Epic has a great history working with Pitbull Studio. We can count on them to provide reliable engineering resources, and they're helping us prepare for the next generation of games."

We'll see more from Epic's next-gen engine this June.

Posted by Joystiq May 17 2012 18:30 GMT
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Never heard of Pitbull Studios? Neither had we. Apparently the English studio specializes in hired gun work and is lead by ex-Midway Newcastle's Robert Troughton (Wheelman, etc.). While unknown, the three-year-old studio is working on two things for Epic Games: Unreal Engine 4, and a game built in said engine. Not too bad for a group of guys no one's heard of, eh?

Job listings for positions at Pitbull reveal the studio is "working on Unreal Engine 4 with Epic Games," but also, "games derived from that and Unreal Engine 3." Positions range from environment artists to engine programmers, with a variety of other roles in between. Epic confirmed the work with Joystiq this afternoon, and offered a prepared statement from director of engineering, Daniel Vogel. "Epic has a great history working with Pitbull Studio. We can count on them to provide reliable engineering resources, and they're helping us prepare for the next generation of games."

We'll see more from Epic's next-gen engine this June.

Posted by Joystiq May 17 2012 16:13 GMT
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What better way to understand the capabilities of Unreal Engine 4 than to look at this creepy knight guy in various stages of rendering? Glowing eyes that evil need the next generation of rendering technology.

Posted by Joystiq May 17 2012 16:15 GMT
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Just around 30 lucky GDC attendees saw Epic Games' Unreal Engine 4 demo. And one such person was Wired's Stu Horvath, who describes the two minute demonstration as "breathtakingly photo-realistic" in an exclusive reveal. The demo apparently follows the demon knight seen above, as he wakes from a frozen sleep ... only to set everything on fire. That scamp!

The demo runs on Nvidia's Kepler GTX 680 - a graphics card often described as "next-gen" - and it follows the armored demon dude as he shows off his fancy, graphics-heavy castle. Just 14 Epic employees put together the demo, which apparently runs in real-time within the Unreal Engine 4 environment (a feat for modern game engines, including UE3). Don't be surprised if we see this demo show up in a future Epic game - the company's past demos for Unreal Engine lead to some of Epic's biggest games.

Lighting is also improved, according to the piece, with "dynamic lighting" within the engine rather than being individually implemented after the fact. "The number of man-years that required was astounding," Epic design director Cliff Bleszinski said. But with all the additions, Epic's new engine requires much more horsepower; horsepower for which Epic is pushing the likes of Microsoft and Sony. Whether Epic (and us gamers) will get that horsepower, however, remains to be seen.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 23 2012 18:30 GMT
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#science Chris Albeluhn's out of work, like all too many Americans. But instead of wasting time on Facebook or sleeping until 3 p.m. like I used to do when between jobs, Albeluhn made an interactive 3D map of the universe using the popular Unreal Engine. The out-of-work developer started raising funds on IndieGoGo and currently has enough money to hit a planned PC release for his space exploration program. More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 25 2012 01:30 GMT
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As much as I'd like to feel sorry for the decimation of Cybertron, home of my childhood heroes, developer High Moon studios left me craving even more destruction with Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron takes place during the final hours of a civil war that eventually destroys the planet. The Decepticons have won, driving the Autobots to seek a new home somewhere amongst the stars. As Optimus Prime and his Autobot buddies race to find a way off the planet, Megatron and his dastardly Decepticons seek to rid the universe of all Autobot life. They're big old meanies like that.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 11 2012 22:30 GMT
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Epic's Mark Rein did some hit-and-run teasing at DICE last week, telling G4 that "people are going to be shocked later this year when they see Unreal Engine 4 and how much more profound an effect it will have." We've heard before that Epic is working hard on Unreal Engine 4, and while Epic doesn't expect to see games running on the engine until 2014, it makes a lot of sense that Rein would want to show it off, especially if we also see some next-gen console reveals later on this year.

As for what it'll look like, we can only say (and sorry for all of the technical jargon on this one) that it will probably look "very good." How do we know? Because 4 is higher than 3, silly. You probably wouldn't understand.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 07 2011 19:20 GMT
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#batmanarkhamcity It looks like the iPhone is getting its own version of Batman: Arkham City and in it you'll get a chance to beat the other eye out of Slade "Deathstroke" Wilson. More »

Posted by Kotaku Nov 10 2011 22:20 GMT
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#epoch Getting a sharp, polished shooter experience on iOS still remains something of a holy grail for both developers and device owners. There've been a few valiant efforts over the last year, with ShadowGun and Rage: Mutant Bash TV probably foremost amongst them. Now, you'll be able to add one more to your apps list today with the launch of Epoch. More »

Posted by Kotaku Oct 04 2011 18:42 GMT
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#unrealengine What is one of the world's most popular 3D engines, the same one used to power many of the most popular console games in the world, also ran in your web browser? That would be pretty interesting, right? More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 02 2011 23:30 GMT
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#thedarkmeadow Combining the slingshot controls of Angry Birds, the swordplay of Fruit Ninja, the gorgeous Unreal Engine-powered graphics of Infinity Blade, and the dark fairytale them of the film Pan's Labyrinth, The Dark Meadow is the sort of iOS game nightmares are made of. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 01 2011 10:30 GMT
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#mario This is the decidedly 8-bit World 1-1 from Super Mario Bros. rendered using the Unreal Engine, most commonly seen in games like Gears of War. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 30 2011 18:30 GMT
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This isn't the first, second, or even third time that Mario's iconic Mushroom Kingdom has been translated into first person, but it is the first time anyone has ever associated the words "killing spree" and "goomba."

Posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2011 01:30 GMT
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#crime Gears of War and Unreal Engine developer Epic Games now has something in common with Sony and Codemasters—the company was recently the target of hackers who may have stolen its customers' personal data. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 26 2011 23:43 GMT
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LucasArts has entered into a multi-year licensing agreement with Epic Games to develop with Unreal Engine 3, the studios announced today. The deal will encompass "multiple projects" and looks to provide a shortcut for LucasArts "between inspiration and execution on a wide variety of gaming platforms," according to Zak Phelps, the company's director of technology.

Epic VP Mark Rein echoed that sentiment when he trumpeted "Unreal Engine 3's ability to scale across platforms, from mobile, through PC and console all the way up to the next generation of games." Epic's recent tech demo of the latest UE3 updates certainly looked incredible, but we didn't notice any new features promising to render a deeper Star Wars experience. Then again, we'd probably pay a buck just to see the Force unleashed on our iPhone, inspired or not.

Previously, LucasArts licensed Unreal Engine 2 for 2005's Star Wars: Republic Commando (pictured).