Tales of the Abyss Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Jun 07 2013 10:00 GMT
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This past weekend marked the yearly celebration of all things Tales with Tales of Festival 2013. I had such a good time that after coming back from the event I decided to sit down and watch the anime adaptation of my favorite game in the series: Tales of the Abyss. And while it is not as good as the PlayStation 2 game that spawned it, it definitely captures the spirit of the game despite several other glaring shortcomings. Good – Amazing Character Development Luke Fon Fabre starts the series as one of the most unlikable protagonists in all anime. From episode one he is a selfish, spoiled, and sheltered man-child. He whines when he doesn't get his way and treats everyone around him—be that a princess, the pope, or his personal servant—as if they are all trash. While there is clearly some good in him, it actually becomes less and less prominent over the first eight episodes of the series—as he develops a hero complex of sorts which drives him into the jaws of disaster. From that point on, however, he tries frantically to be better than he was—to think for himself and to do what he feels is right. And despite the occasional minor setback, he succeeds. This arc makes him the best developed protagonist of any anime I have seen. I can't think of another anime (or game for that matter) that spends nearly a third of its running time making you hate the protagonist. And when his worldview leads him to commit an unthinkable atrocity, his shift in personality afterward is hardly a “light switch” change—no matter how much he wishes it were one. Instead his development is very naturally realized. Sometimes he does go too far—to the point of grand, suicidal gestures—on his quest for redemption. Other times, he slips back into some of his more selfish attitudes. But little by little, he becomes not only a likeable character but also a truly sympathetic one. In other words, the entire series is pretty much based around developing his character. Good – The Rest of the Characters While Luke is surely the poster child for a well-developed character, the other characters in Tales of the Abyss are interesting in their own right. They have their own tragic histories and secrets to explore over the course of the adventure. Jade's blunt logic mixed with a sarcastic veneer makes him enjoyable every moment he's on the screen. And Tear, the female lead, provides the perfect moral compass for Luke, helping him whenever he strays from his path to redemption. Even the villains get more than a little time spent on their backstories; and when it comes time for their inevitable deaths, it's sad to see them go. Mixed – A True-to-the-Game Adaptation As an adaptation, Tales of the Abyss is very true to the plot of the game—perhaps too true. While it's impossible to get every line and action of a 70-hour game into a nine-and-a-half hour anime, the anime certainly tries. On the plus side, this means it's almost guaranteed that your favorite moment from the game will appear in the anime. Unfortunately, this also means that the characters change locations constantly and what seem like major goals are completed in mere minutes of screen time. If you have played the game, you will have no problem following along; but to someone who hasn't played the game, I fear much of what is going on in the plot would become little more than a mixed-up jumble. Bad – A Lack of Fighting For an RPG where you easily spend as much time in battle as you do out of it, there is a noticeable lack of combat in the Tales of the Abyss anime. Nearly all random encounters and the vast majority of bosses have been cut from the story. And what fights do remain rarely last more than a score of hits before they end. Even the grand (false) climax against the final boss at the end of the second act is done in under a minute with less than a dozen blows exchanged in the entire fight. This means that most of this anime is talking, walking, or walking and talking and—as mentioned above—what little action there is, is painfully short. Bad – Pacing Issues The biggest problem with Tales of the Abyss is a direct result of how much they are trying to cram into the 26-episode series. Simply put, the pacing is downright terrible. Many episodes end with neither a cliffhanger nor a resolution and just seem to end mid-action. Other episodes have a major climax happen in the middle of an episode, and then immediately jump to the next major plot point without allowing the audience any time to decompress. In the end, it feels like a series that never stops to catch its breath—or rather even when it does take a moment to slow down, it's seemingly at random and never lasts for very long. Final Thoughts As a person who absolutely loves the game, I enjoyed my time with the Tales of the Abyss anime. It certainly has its pacing problems and seems to cram in far more than is needed in an attempt to stay true to the source material. However, it's still worth a watch just to watch Luke's character development. Moreover, the adventure is a great one and the characters are memorable, one and all. If you have a chance to play the game, that would be my first recommendation; but for those who have already played it or don't have the 70 hours to spend beating the game, the Tales of the Abyss anime is still very much worth a watch. Tales of the Abyss is available on DVD in the United States. Kotaku East is your slice of Asian internet culture, bringing you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Tune in every morning from 4am to 8am. To contact the author of this post, write to BiggestinJapan@gmail.com or find him on Twitter @BiggestinJapan.

Posted by GoNintendo Mar 03 2012 22:43 GMT
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A portion of an NWR review...

Tales of the Abyss holds up surprisingly well on the 3DS, despite being a relatively conservative port of the original. And with the 3DS’s small selection of RPGs, it’s a must have, and a great entry point in the Tales series.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Mar 01 2012 03:09 GMT
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A portion of a Siliconera review...

Easily the most fun aspect of the game is the battle system, where you have full control of one character in real-time.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Feb 27 2012 23:52 GMT
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A portion of a Joystiq review...

This new release represents the chance to experience a truly great RPG once again or, if you're really fortunate, for the very first time.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Feb 23 2012 19:07 GMT
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A portion of an RPGFan review...

Tales of the Abyss isn't just an excellent game to get into the franchise with, but also one of the best reasons to pick up your 3DS again.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Feb 15 2012 02:12 GMT
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A portion of a GamesRadar review...

You'll love
Fast-paced, strategic action combat
Amusing character interactions
Clever dungeon puzzles and hidden secrets

You'll hate
Muddy textures and jaggy edges
Lack of new features over the original
Mieu in general

Tales of the Abyss - full review here

Posted by Kotaku Feb 14 2012 22:30 GMT
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#tales I am quite enjoying Tales of the Abyss 3D, which publisher Namco Bandai released today for 3DS. It's an anime-styled Japanese role-playing game with action-ish combat and a world map packed with towns and dungeons. In other words, it's a Tales game. More »

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 22 2011 20:50 GMT
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A portion of a C3 review...

Tales of the Abyss is a great addition to the series with a good story and excellent additions to gameplay. Fans of RPGs and especially fans of the Tales series will love the game, but so will newcomers; it’s a great start to what may be a long line of excellent 3DS RPGs.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 21 2011 23:57 GMT
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Dungeons are usually full of monsters of different kinds and some have generally straightforward puzzles that get harder throughout, but they’re never too challenging in the compulsory dungeons. There are however extra puzzles laying around in the same dungeons, solely accessible via hidden passages found outside. These puzzles are only necessary to solve if you want to complete the game 100%, but can also be helpful to the characters, yielding hidden weapons and armour that can't be bought from the shops.

Check out the source link for the rest of this review.

Source: Cubed3

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 14 2011 20:05 GMT
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A portion of a Eurogamer review...

With no rivals on the platform, Tales of the Abyss didn't have to be spectacular to stand out - but even when the JRPG heavyweights get their inevitable 3D outings, Namco's charming and witty cult offering will still be worth playing.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 29 2011 03:01 GMT
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A portion of a GameSpot review...

The Good
Brilliant characters An excellent script, equal parts comedy and tragedy Combat is the usual superb Tales fare Loads of depth and things to do.

The Bad
The game looks awful in 3D Skits are overused and still lack voice acting.

Full review here

Posted by Joystiq Oct 12 2011 04:45 GMT
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We once had a "fall 2011" release window for the 3DS release of Tales of the Abyss. You probably won't be too shocked to hear that Namco is no longer attempting to cram this game into the crowded fall release window -- where it would have to compete with Mario and his Kart on 3DS, along with every game ever on other platforms.

If you write in the new date on your calendar, you'll have to write small to make room under the existing "Valentine's Day" label, as Namco has chosen February 14, 2012 for the refreshed PS2 RPG, making the game a perfect way for dateless, and formerly 3DS-gameless, people to pass the holiday.

Namco also reiterated the "2012" window for the PS3's Tales of Graces F.

Posted by IGN Oct 12 2011 00:00 GMT
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It looks like we finally have a solid release date pinned down for Tales of the Abyss. This 3DS remake of the classic PlayStation 2 role-playing game will be hitting store shelves on February 14 of next year. Tales of fans, be sure to mark your calendars and start dropping hints to your sweetheart. ...

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 11 2011 00:07 GMT
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Get More: GameTrailers.com, Tales of the Abyss - Combat System Walkthrough, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 10 2011 17:21 GMT
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Check out more screens here
LYON, FRANCE – XX October 2011 – NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe today announced the launch date for the debut of the acclaimed Tales of series on Nintendo 3DS ™, with Tales of the Abyss™ scheduled for release on the 25th of November 2011

Tales of the Abyss™ for Nintendo 3DS™ is based on the critically-acclaimed PlayStation®2 role-playing game of the same name. Delivering 3D support and use of the dual screens, Tales of the Abyss offers a new gameplay experience and brings players closer to the action.

Tales of the Abyss tells the story of Luke fon Fabre, sole heir to a family of aristocrats, as he is suddenly thrust into the outside world and forced to embark on an epic adventure. Naïve and spoiled by years of isolation, Luke struggles to learn the importance of friendship, sacrifice, duty and his own choices. With the fate of many in his hands, Luke's actions could ultimately save the world or bring about its very destruction.

Tales of the Abyss for Nintendo 3DS will be available on the 25th of November 2011 across EMEA and Asia Pacific. Another title from the Tales of series, Tales of Graces f, will be released in 2012 for PlayStation®3.

For more information on Tales of the Abyss, please visit http://www.namcobandaigames.eu
Watch videos and trailers from NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/NamcoBandaiGamesEU

Posted by IGN Sep 16 2011 00:25 GMT
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Tales of the Abyss, which was originally released almost five years ago for the PlayStation 2, is considered by many to be the best entry in the Tales of series. For those who've never had a chance to play this RPG gem, Tales of the Abyss is getting its very own 3DS remake, which should hit store sh...

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 21 2011 20:24 GMT
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Gameplay features and more highlight this trailer!

Posted by Kotaku Jul 19 2011 08:00 GMT
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#cosplay Nerd retailer Mandarake is a self-described "ruler of time". Ruler of in-store promotions might be more accurate. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 06 2011 22:40 GMT
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#bestsellers Remakes! Japanese gamers love 'em, with further evidence to prove that theory in the form of Namco Bandai's Tales of the Abyss. That Nintendo 3DS remake of the PlayStation 2 title is currently Japan's bestselling game. More »