Rochard Message Board

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Posted by Valve Jun 24 2013 01:22 GMT
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Rochard v1.42

All platforms
-Engine updated to 4.1.3
-Enabled binding more mouse buttons in controls, up to the 10th button from previous 3.
-Polish localization updated
-Fixed some fog planes flickering at certain camera angles in certain specific places -Fixed an issue in Assembly Line level which caused boxes to sometimes get stuck in the ceiling

-Updated code and libraries relating to Steam, hopefully fixing graphical issues for Linux and Mac related to Steam overlay.

Posted by Valve Feb 19 2013 16:49 GMT
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Rochard 1.4

All Platforms
-Engine updated to Unity 4.0.1
-Hungarian localization added
-Input Debugger added, see readme for details

-Additional content now supported
-Big Picture supported: input from controller automatically switches the game to controller input mode

-Steam Linux now supported

Mac OS X
-(Engine) Fix window resolution not correctly restoring after going in and out of full screen mode.

Rochard 1.33

All platforms
-Upgraded engine to Unity 3.5.6
-Added a 'hidden' save data import/export feature. Check the readme for details.

-Fixed an error with save data and Steam Cloud Sync where the data
was not received despite cloud reporting the data exists

Rochard 1.32

-Fixed crashes that occurred right after loading levels with security cameras in 32-bit build
-Fixed security cameras not getting initialized, causing significant lack of challenge in some puzzles in 64-bit build
-Fixed a few cases where a force field was active despite being invisible which altered puzzles or even killed the player

Posted by Joystiq Dec 10 2012 21:30 GMT
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Tomorrow's PlayStation Network update adds two freebies to the Instant Game Collection for PlayStation Plus members: Rochard and Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. Last week, PS Plus subscribers were treated to a free copy of BioShock 2.

Rochard is a puzzle-platformer from Recoil Games, one that our own Ludwig Kietzmann called "a refreshing, perfectly sized game" that does well aping the mechanics of Portal and Half-Life 2. Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, while initially fairly broken at launch, has since been patched to be a more balanced fighting experience.

Posted by Valve Oct 04 2012 19:13 GMT
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Rochard 1.31

All platforms except Steam and Mac Appstore
-Player profile and progress save location changed, see readme.txt for details
-FPS debugger now has additional min/max information

-Player profile and progress changes are saved immediately instead of only on a clean exit
-Fixed Middle Mouse Button registering wrong, could cause a crash and data corruption if
trying to save the settings with the wrong value returned.
-Fixed mouse delta being way too high in fullscreen mode

Rochard 1.3

All platforms
-Portuguese localization updated
-Screen resolution setting is now saved properly
-Fixed descending platforms descending beyond their original range
in some locations if the player backtracked far enough

Mac AppStore
-iCloud support implemented

-Fixed melee attacks not triggering
-Fixed Footstep sounds not triggering
-GPU VRAM is now correctly detected
-Improved startup loading performance
-Improved performance when running in fullscreen with OS desktop resolution
-Fixed progress-blocking bug after dying in the bomb puzzle

Posted by Valve Aug 14 2012 22:30 GMT
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An update to Rochard has been released (1.23).

Change list:
o New localization languages added: Russian, Polish, Czech, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese and Turkish.


Posted by Joystiq Aug 03 2012 08:00 GMT
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European publisher Nordic Games is launching Rochard on a whole new plane - the physical one. A boxed edition of Rochard for PC is set to hit shelves on August 14, including the game, a poster and the soundtrack.

CEO of Recoil Games Jan Achrenius says that apart from reaching a new, store-going audience, the boxed edition will be handy for the collectors out there:

"Signing this deal with Nordic Games means that we'll be able to bring Rochard to fans of the game and PC Gamers who like to display their games on a shelf.

"We are delighted to expand the scope of Rochard and build a successful relationship with Nordic Games, their extensive games catalogue speaks for itself."

If you haven't already bought Rochard in its digital form, maybe hold out for the real - er, we mean, boxed - version to pack in a few hours of side-scrolling, gravity gameplay. It might just be worth it.

Posted by Valve Aug 02 2012 01:11 GMT
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An update to Rochard has been released (1.2).
• Updated to Unity engine 3.5.2
• Hot-plugging gamepad now works.
• Steam3 (SteamPipe) content system enabled. This requires a full content download, but future updates will be much smaller.
• Heavily compressed content with caching is not used anymore, slightly improving load times.
• Steam-related errors which prevent playing the game are now properly shown at game startup.
• Fixes to some localized texts to make them fit the screen area on low resolutions.
• Minor fixes to level content.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 23 2012 19:08 GMT
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We somehow overlooked Recoil Games’ charming gravity-troubling puzzle-platformer Rochard when it boinged onto Steam last November, but a few recommendations belatedly made their way to my curious ear recently. So I looked it up, and in turn I had a good time. Here’s why.(more…)

Posted by Valve Feb 15 2012 17:48 GMT
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An update to Rochard has been released (1.04). It contains various fixes listed here:

• Game content has been restructured and compressed so that minimal code-only patches can be produced instead of releasing everything again (engine restriction workaround).
• Steam cloud data is automatically backed up when new version of game is run for the first time.
• Added gamepad controller customization to the options menu
• Removed restrictions to video modes the game supports, though only official resolutions (aspects 16:9, 16:10 and 4:3) can be chosen through the options menu by default.
• All video modes are available when entering options menu while holding shift key down.
• Unreliable jump action when playing on keyboard and on high end machines have been addressed.
• Impassable laser puzzle in C4L3 while playing in low FPS (< 10 FPS) has been fixed.
• In-game development menu has been exposed to public version (press F9). It can be used to display FPS or current progress in the game.
• Small fixes to level content (broken animations, floating characters etc)

Posted by Valve Nov 15 2011 18:00 GMT
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Rochard is Now Available and 15% off until November 22nd 10AM PST.

Grab a G-Lifter - your new best friend! Use it to change gravity at will, manipulate the environment, and throw huge crates at your enemies.

Join the amazing exploits of astro-miner John Rochard and embark on a gravity-bending journey across the Solar System! Rochard is an award-winning side-scroller featuring hours of mind-blowing gravity gameplay, puzzle-solving and action. Narrated in a humorous cartoony style, Rochard tells a thrilling story of villains, a damsel in distress and a mysterious alien civilization.

Also available The Rochard Official Soundtrack with music composed and arranged by Markus Captain Kaarlonen.


Posted by IGN Nov 07 2011 23:07 GMT
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Sony Online Entertainment's platform-puzzle-shooter-thing Rochard is making its way to PC. If you read our Rochard review and thought "Dang, that sounds cool, but I don't own a PlayStation 3, nor do I ever intend to buy one!" Then turn that frown (I assume you're still frowning) upside-down! Roch...

Posted by Joystiq Oct 05 2011 02:00 GMT
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Rochard understands the peace of mind found in a sealed room. Like Portal, it offers bursts of purity in its puzzle design, and a calming, implicit reassurance that each area has a clean start and solution. It may not exude ambition in every moment, but Rochard's quiet, deliberately delineated approach offers a sublime break from the mental overhead that accompanies the year's bigger games and their sprawling quests.

That simplicity -- or focus, rather -- extends to burly protagonist John Rochard, a down-to-earth space miner armed with an anti-gravity lifting tool and a quaint selection of backwater metaphors (you're right to assume that "tighter than a frog's butt" means very tight indeed). While an unexpected discovery on a barren asteroid leads to a vague galactic threat, you get the feeling he's more worried about its effect on his pension. And as a special bonus, he's proof that the voice of Duke Nukem managed to find a good game in 2011 after all.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 28 2011 01:00 GMT
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The PSN-exclusive Rochard brings its particular brand of physics-based puzzles and ol' fashioned space mining to the PlayStation 3, including a 20% PlayStation Plus discount for the next two weeks.

If what you're looking for is something that's actually old-fashioned, might we suggest Resident Evil Code Veronica X HD which, despite how fondly you remember the Dreamcast original, doesn't look as good as you remember it.

Choose your platform to view the corresponding release list:
(Note: Continue past the break to view both release lists.)

Posted by Kotaku Sep 27 2011 23:30 GMT
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#rochard I wonder what playing Shadow Complex would have been like if you had a gravity gun the entire time. Thankfully it looks like the people behind Rochard were thinking the same thing. More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Sep 27 2011 18:19 GMT
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Ever run into a person annoying enough to make you want to launch a two-ton cargo container in their face? Well, it turns out the future is crawling with these guys. And plenty of containers to boot! If you happen to be an astro miner, this means you have a good reason to rev up your trusty G-Lifter for some serious action, now that Rochard appears today on PSN!

So what is a lone astro miner to do against an invading force of Wild Boy thugs? Well, the two-ton cargo containers are just a start. The intruders find themselves on a mined out asteroid, aka home turf, filled with giant machines built to crush, cut and smash things. And then there’s your G-Lifter, which is able to casually grab objects the size of a small car and hurl them across the room. Nifty little upgrades also allow it to fire off deadly lasers and a variety of highly explosive grenade rounds. Add all this to your ability to thrash around gravity with the press of a button, and you can look forward to putting these Wild Boys in a whole new extra-terrestrial world of hurt!


While these and many other gameplay elements seem to blend together seamlessly when you’re out making short work of your opposition in Rochard, most of them started out as far more disconnected features in their early stages. Our previous PlayStation Blog post, Enter the Astro Miner, revealed that our main character John Rochard started out as a guy floating in space, propelling himself using the recoil of his laser gun. The resulting gameplay turned out to be less exciting than we hoped for, so the gun evolved into the G-Lifter, which then became the guideline for all the interaction mechanics in the game.


Once the G-Lifter’s ability to grab and launch objects had been implemented, the sheer fun everyone at Recoil Games had just throwing things around soon led to some creative new prototypes. A basic in-game volleyball court was set up, allowing two players to serve and smash giant cargo crates towards each other. More than just a funny game for lunch breaks, the time spent catching and shooting objects eventually lead to countless improvements in the handling of the G-Lifter. These opened up the ability to grab and launch consecutive objects in mid-air, allowing players to string together such “G-Lifter combos”. It turned out this had a very big impact for high-skill players, as a sequence of well-placed objects now allowed them to literally fly through sections of a level, without even touching the ground. And rest assured, we left all that in the game for you to get insanely good at!


As the last few months saw the game creep ever closer to its final form, a steadily increasing number of people from outside of the studio were given a chance to play it. Their gaze firmly directed towards the large screen on which they had just taken the role of John Rochard, the journalists and visitors often remained oblivious to the dozens of eyes carefully observing them from the surrounding office spaces. The looks expressed both excitement and concern about the reception of the team’s hard work, as everyone tried to interpret the body language and facial expressions of the person that just entered our carefully crafted adventure. But the response was more than we could have hoped for. No questions about how to handle a G-lifter or low gravity environments. No frowning at repeated deaths or requests for assistance in confusing challenges. Nothing but a silent focus and a determined grin, insisting on making it through the challenge in each consecutive room.


Time and again, people sat down in our office for a solid 6 to 8 hour play through, often forsaking their lunch or even a toilet break in order to finish the game. Soaring through the air in low-G, launching heavy crates at unsuspecting enemies, inverting gravity at will and blowing up large chunks of the scenery with explosives and mining lasers became second nature the instant a big smirk revealed they had just discovered a new trick. Even after repeatedly dissecting and rebuilding each minute detail over the past years, the experience still proved to be as intuitive and captivating as our concept set out to be.

So lo and behold here we are, proud to present Rochard, our game. The past month already saw the game receiving several awards and glowing reviews, lauding its gameplay, flow and style. More than ever there is reason for us to look forward to its reception by our most esteemed critics. You– the Gamer.

So download the game or the demo later today and let us know what you think! We want to hear from you!

Posted by IGN Sep 24 2011 00:00 GMT
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I didn't really know what to expect from Rochard until I saw our very own Ryan Clements' excellent video preview back in July. Seeing the game in action and hearing more about its plot and gameplay intrigued me, and I anxiously waited for the day when I would get my hands on this unique PSN-exclusive from Recoil Games. Would it be as good as it seemed and as fun as I'd hoped? The answer to both of these question is a resounding yes...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Sep 23 2011 19:52 GMT
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The PlayStation.Blog has showcased PSN exclusive Rochard before – we examined its gravity-based side-scrolling gameplay and Team Fortress-esque aesthetic in previous posts. But it wasn’t until the game was right in front of me at Austin’s Fantastic Fest that the premise, art style, and gameplay all came together into a coherent whole. Being able to control your character and the gravity of the entire level takes a bit of getting used to, but after a few minutes, it clicks. While Rochard is packed with clever puzzles, it’s also very much an action game. See for yourself in our new video walkthrough above, which we shot at our Fantastic Fest community meetup and where Blog readers got their hands all over a host of upcoming PSN and PS3 games.

Watching Rochard in action, I was struck by the large number of ways you could dispose of enemies and obstacles: the physics-based g-lifter, the scorching plasma gun, melee blows – even dropping a box on an unsuspecting enemy’s head (netting you a “Death From Above” Bronze Trophy).

Rochard debuts exclusively on PSN this Tuesday, September 27th for $9.99.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 18 2011 16:22 GMT
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Sony Online Entertainment has dropped release date details for three of its upcoming PSN titles. Two of them have some elements in common: they're both Scandinavian; and they're downloadable games built by teams recovering from AAA failures.

First up is Recoil Games' Rochard, the impressive "action-adventure, side-scrolling puzzle platformer" from Finland, which will be available on September 27 for $9.99. The ex-Remedy devs at Recoil Games were working on the ambitious Earth No More, a 3D Realms-published shooter whose cancellation nearly closed the developer.

Next is the promising Payday: The Heist, from Overkill Software in Sweden. The debut project from this team of former GRIN developers, Payday: The Heist is a cooperative, squad-based shooter and will be available on October 4 for $19.99. After GRIN's collapse in 2009, co-founder Bo Andersson formed Overkill Software but stayed intentionally "below the radar," the website says.

Lastly, Sideway: New York will be available on October 11 for $9.99. This title built by the developers of Madballs in Babo Invasion is produced by a marketing company looking to turn the property into a cartoon.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 12 2011 14:25 GMT
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Rochard is a game built on miner inconveniences. As spacefaring but down-to-earth excavator John Rochard, you'll learn that off-world facilities are designed to be as complex and diversionary as possible. Even a simple corridor finds an excuse to become a gravitational gauntlet, proving that engineers and game designers are almost the same thing in the future.

Of course, we don't actually want Rochard to lead a more convenient life. In a side-scrolling puzzle platformer such as this, there's irresistible schadenfreude in seeing the camera pull back to reveal a room of improbable, nightmarish construction. The fun part is in navigating that space, to untwist it as we bound upwards and upside-down.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 09 2011 15:33 GMT
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Control gravity to make your way around this sidescrolling puzzle-platformer.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Jun 09 2011 13:23 GMT
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Just next door to the gargantuan PlayStation booth here at E3 is the SOE stand and, during a break from filming our live interviews, I popped over to take a look at an interesting little platformer called Rochard, coming exclusively to PlayStation Store this summer.

I sat down with the game’s producer for a guided playthrough and, while I figured out the buttons and got my brain around the gravity manipulation gameplay, he explained the general premise.

“You play John Rochard an astro-miner at a company called Sky Rig – we’re calling him an everyday hero,” he explained. “The entire company has been down on its luck in terms of finding anything but they stumble upon an alien artefact and, after reporting it to HQ, they find themselves surrounded by space pirates trying to get their hands on it. John is trying to protect his friends and find out what this artefact is in the process.”


Rochard is a 2D platformer with 3D graphics, kind of like Capcom’s recent Bionic Commando Rearmed, but with a more cartoon-like art style.

The gameplay emphasis is less on combat and more on puzzles. You don’t even have a traditional gun at the beginning of the demo; instead you have a kind of plasma grappling line that you can use to grab inanimate objects such as crates and electrical fuses. You aim using the red stick and fire using the R2 button, and when you have an object in your grasp you can fire it with another squeeze of the R2 button, whether it’s to knock an enemy out or create a platform to give you that extra height to make a jump.

At any point you can press the L1 button to turn gravity down a few notches. Not only does this turn your standard jumps into Neil Armstrong style bounds, it affects the trajectory at which fire any objects you have grabbed.

This forms the basis of the puzzles I got to play through, which were mostly physics based and involve strategically firing crates to weigh down platforms and get over to the other side of the stage and progress. Extra complexity comes later on in the demo with the introduction of forcefields. John Rochard can pass through blue forcefields but inanimate objects can’t, and vice versa for red forcefields.


At the end of the demo I unlocked a gun attachment that paved the way for some more action-focused shooting sections.
Rochard is an intelligent little puzzle game that combines an appealing art style with an original toolbox of game mechanics to bring something truly original to PS3. It will be available to download from PlayStation Store later this summer and the demo that I played will also be available ahead of the full game’s release.

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 08 2011 03:31 GMT
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The Rock Blaster. For blasting rocks. Blow some holes in stuff with this mighty weapon!

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 08 2011 03:31 GMT
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Gravity is at your whim as John Rochard!

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 08 2011 03:31 GMT
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Exploit the Force Field's biggest known weakness: The fuse!

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 08 2011 03:31 GMT
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Pesky Bots and Bandits getting in your way? Use them against each other to kill two birds with one stone.

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 08 2011 03:31 GMT
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Feed those Space Bandits some pain with explosive containers!

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 08 2011 03:31 GMT
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Astro Miner John Rochard uncovers a mystery in space and must use his space mining skills to thwart the evil Space Bandits' plan... In space.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 06 2011 18:30 GMT
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Rochard, an upcoming PSN platformer, first reminded us of Dead Space -- but now, we're thinking "with Portals." This first gameplay trailer shows how Rochard can manipulate gravity, and how boxes are a man's best friend.

Posted by IGN Mar 02 2011 18:41 GMT
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An adventure platformer that pays homage to its roots.

Posted by IGN Feb 28 2011 19:22 GMT
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Side-scrolling puzzle hits PSN.