Nuclear Dawn Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Valve Oct 27 2011 21:54 GMT
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• Added updates to the German localization, including media localization.
General Issues
• Fixed the Exo lockdown third person animation sometimes not playing.
• Fixed the Empire Exo chaingun barrel spin not working.
• Fixed the Consortium Stealths left knife sometimes coming out of her hand.
• Fixed an issue with localization of media (radio voices, etc).
• Fixed an issue with advanced kits resetting on new round or team change.
• Fixed hammer crash on oilrig01_sr.vmt
• Fixed over bright metal frames in Oasis
• Improved concrete barrier props.
User Interface
• Fixed a grammar mistake with Use the console... commander hint.
• Removed the primary resource player count hint (UI indicator remains)
• Added proximity indicators for grenades and daisycutters.
• Added a HUD element to the blowtorch indicating structure health.
• Added player name on spectate camera.


Posted by Valve Oct 21 2011 16:27 GMT
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General Issues
• Fixed the Command Bunker entity not being created on Linux servers.
• Fixed not being able to spawn on Linux servers.
• Fixed the spectate camera jarring between two camera points when there are no players to spectate.
• Fixed death camera blur and desaturation on MacOS to match PC.
User Interface
• Fixed broken center screen notifications on MacOS.
• Fixed broken tool tip text in commander view on MacOS.
• Fixed the confirm check mark icon when selling structures on MacOS.
• Fixed squad names showing incorrectly on the customize menu of MacOS.


Posted by Valve Oct 20 2011 22:35 GMT
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• Added some extra hints
• Added _promote_to_commander console command for plugin authors to promote commanders properly. Please update your plugins to use this as the current method of modifying the send table is causing problems. This command expects 1 argument that is the player index of the player to promote.
• Added team balance system. By default the teams will be balanced at the end of each round. You can modify mp_autoteambalance to change this behavior. 0 = No balancing, 1 = Only balance on end of round (default), 2 = Only balance during the game if there are [mp_unbalance_limit] more players on one team than the other, 3 = Balance throughout the round and at the end of the round. You can also modify mp_autoteambalance_delay to specify the amount of seconds into a round that balancing will occur.
• Added German localization

General Issues
• Fixed the killcam effect when viewed from spectator perspective.
• Fixed the chaingun spin and other blended animation glitches in spectate mode.
• Fixed the flamethrower, blowtorch and other muzzle particle positions in spectate mode.
• Fixed the camera bobbing effect on the weapon and interface from spectate perspective.
• Fixed the spectator camera getting stuck on round end cam at the start of a new round.
• Fixed the sniper scope overlay from spectate perspective.
• Further optimised the poison and radiation cloud particle effects.
• Fixed the iron sight hint showing up, and registering the lesson with the game instructor.
• Fixed the class special ability showing up and being registered with the game instructor.
• Fixed the MP7 sight to be in the proper lowered position (now with illuminated markers!)
• Fixed sprinting after reloading the Avenger causing the reload to fail.
• Fixed Empire power lasers showing to the Consortium when an Empire structure is shrouded.
• Fixed a few issues with the spawn selection after changing teams.
• Added more space between the spawn gates in all the maps to avoid both taken out by one EMP grenade
• Fixed grenades not colliding with some structures
• Grenades now emit a bounce sound
• Ringing sound removed from being near explosions.
• Improved grenade physics
• Fixed grenade launcher grenades disappearing when fired at certain angles.

User Interface
• Added a list of developer and contributor credits to the game, visible when you click the InterWave logo at the bottom center of the main menu.
• Fixed missing soldier icon for control groups 6 through 0.

• Balanced the Avenger against the F2000s ROF.
• Siege weapon gizmos should now be functional again.
• Stabilizer gizmos should now behave as intended across all weapons.
• Made a pass of balance tweaks to each pair of automatic bullet weapons.
• Reduced the E.M.P effect radius from 400 units to 325, to reduce the number of affected buildings and units per grenade and to encourage better aiming with each throw.
• Reduced the general EMP effect time from 25/10 to 18/3 (max/min)
• Command Bunkers are now EMP-proof, and cannot be shut down

• Clocktower
• Fixed framedrop in the underground area

• Added a hole in the Empire spawn building so you need less relays at the start
• Replaced some cover pieces with much taller versions so you can hide Empire power relays better
• Created a more Empire favoured entrance to the Primary building and sealed off one of the Consortium ones
• Blocked the Consortium being able to build inside the warehouse outside their spawn to make things more balanced (The empire are unable to build inside their equivalent building)
• Switched the team victory cameras round to show the correct ones
• Blocked some visual errors relating to the water
• Made it so you can no longer swim in the dam water (its now too shallow so you should just walk)
• Fixed commanders able to build in the primary resource pit

• Added additional no-build areas in the primary area
• Adjusted no-build areas in the metro station, to fix commanders building in the underground area
• Fixed players getting stuck on the primary console in the bunker
• Fixed a few small issues throughout the map

• Added roof for the glass shield on the Empire side to make the base less exposed for EMP grenades
• Moved a few props around to smooth out player movement
• Fixed a few small issues throughout the map


Posted by Valve Oct 14 2011 17:50 GMT
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• Added the Nuclear Dawn Authoring Tools for prospective ND Modders! Includes Level Editor, Model Viewer, Model Compiler, and Tools Mode which includes the Material Editor and Particle Editor. Wiki pages are in progress, go to the following URL to contribute:


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 23 2011 06:52 GMT
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Frankly, to classify Nuclear Dawn without going “it’s a bit like X” would take a paragraph. Instead, I’m going to propose a simple classification system, to do away with the frankly amazing bollocks that are the arbitrary genres we impose now, in favour of a more rational, long-winded bollocks. On the basis of my revolutionary & hubristic system, Nuclear Dawn is as follows:


or, shorter:


Posted by Valve Sep 08 2011 16:33 GMT
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NOTE: mp_maxrounds has been limited to 1 to force the map to change when the round is over. This is a temporary change to overcome some of the problems with round reset (old structures appear ghosty after a round reset). These issues will be fixed in the next update and the CVar limitation will be removed.

General Issues
  • Fixed crash related to squad panel
  • Fixed being stuck in Preparing to spawn loop
  • Fixed crash related to stats
  • Fixed several cvars being hidden in the beta version
  • Fixed common crash when spawning and rarely when alive.
  • Fixed missing translation for commander ability descriptions
  • Fixed lasers remaining connected through the unpack animation of various structures
  • Fixed server crash related to mutiny votes
  • Optimized power system source selection code to connect to the closest, most suitable power source, rather than the farthest one
  • Fixed mouse buttons not working as the voice chat button in commander mode
  • Fixed rocket explosion impact material showing incorrectly for anyone using low page pooled memory in video options.
  • Fixed Bunker interiors being LODd out on low spec machines (with r_lod set to 1)
  • Removed any remaining obstructions from assassinating commanders in their chairs.
  • Fixed several instances of getting stuck in the Empire Command Bunker.
  • X-01 and M-95 now each have a unique model when the stabilizer gizmo is applied.
  • SP-5/MP500/PP-22/MP-7 now have a red-dot attachment with the stabilizer gizmo.
  • Added several new character-specific voices for radio chatter.
  • Fixed several radio chat messages displaying non-localized text.
  • Reduced the amount of sprite tearing caused by the X-01 electrical particle effect.
  • Further optimised explosion and smoke particle effects.
  • Improved bullet collision accuracy on structures (larger ones in particular).
  • Reduced number of players needed to start a mutiny from 4 to 3.
  • Fixed radar reveal circles sometimes showing in FPS view
  • Fixed problem where the enemy commander was revealed to the commander
  • Fixed enemy radar scan showing up for enemy
  • Fixed crash related to decals on damaged structures
  • Fixed changing class in the armoury keeping the previous class' max health value.

User Interface
  • Added a surrender button that commander can click to initiate a team surrender vote. If the vote gets more than 51% ( CVar: nd_commander_surrender_vote_threshold ) for the team, the surrendering team will forfeit the round and the other team will win. This option will only be available to the commander once any of the original map structures has been destroyed.
  • Added structure specific HUD icon to the supply station
  • Fixed problem where the RTS control group buttons interfered with movement and hot keys
  • Votes and commander elections can now be seen and accepted when dead.
  • Added hologram laser for empire commander to help visualize the line of sight constraint.
  • Fixed spawn locations showing for the wrong team after switching teams.
  • Fixed spawn locations not removing from the map when a transport gate is EMPd.
  • Added other HUD order icons.
  • Enemy structure health is now revealed when you damage it

  • Commander abilities now cost per use in addition to the cost for the research to unlock them.
  • Tweaked Supply Station priorities, so that grenades and sidearms are no longer re-stocked first
  • Added delay when resupplying EMP grenades from the supply station
  • Fixed commander abilities being locked and unusable if you didnt have more than R6000
  • Fixed heal ability reducing health down to 100 for classes with health that starts above 100.
  • Fixed enemy structures not always being revealed to the commander.
  • Fixed enemy players always being revealed to the commander.
  • Radar stations reveal stuff.
  • Need to heal 150 points of health (up from 50) to get the heal experience
  • Need to repair structures for 3.5 seconds (down from 5.0 seconds) to get the repair experience
  • Need to do 1000 damage to structures (up from 500) to get the damage experience

  • Re-balanced Siege Weapons damage to compensate for X01 splash damage
  • Re-balanced Siege Weapon Homewrecker gizmos to go with the new damage values
  • Shotgun: increased effective range
  • Shotgun: reduced overall cone of fire
  • Repair tool: increased damage against structures
  • Repair tool: increased repair rate
  • Commander repair: increased repair rate on all structures
  • Assembler: increased overall HP
  • Commander Abilities: hinder had its radius reduced from 750 to 400, to focus on its original design function
  • Slightly decreased X01 beam width
  • Slightly reduced COF on machine pistols

  • Downtown
    • Made two more roofs accessible in the train-yard to balance it with the amount of open CT roofs.
    • Relocated CT and EMP spawn-gates, to avoid spawn sniping.
    • Fixed structures building in the ground in the train-yard near EMP base
    • Fixed a few billboards not colliding with players
    • Replaced ladder with fire escape on the shopping mall for a few extra sniper spots and making it easier to climb down without falling off
    • Increased commander camera height a little bit, to reduce lost signal messages when flying over taller buildings.
    • Reverted primary resource console in a static model, to avoid players getting stuck in it.
    • Fixed several props fading out to fast
    • Added additional clip brushes to smooth out player movement and fix players getting stuck in several spots.
    • Fixed several small bugs throughout the level
  • Metro
    • Fixed players getting stuck in primary point
    • Added additional clip brushes to smooth out player movement and fix players getting stuck in several spots
    • Fixed players getting stuck in bushes
    • Fixed several small bugs throughout the level
  • Silo
    • Added

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 14 2011 08:47 GMT
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Source-powered FPS-RTS hybrid Nuclear Dawn – which was once a mod and is now a full-blown commercial release – hits its closed beta next week, with a release scheduled for just month after that. Intrigued by the sci-fi imagery and talk of clever commander-led FPS team combat dynamics, we decided to speak to Interwave Studios’s Igor Raffaele about the project. He told us about their plans for free DLC, and explained what challenges lay ahead for the game after two years of commercial development. Also check out the trailer, below.(more…)

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 29 2011 19:48 GMT
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The following instructional video has been designed to maximize your chances of survival on the battlefield!

Posted by IGN Jul 26 2011 13:24 GMT
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Haarlem, The Netherlands - Videogames publisher Iceberg Interactive and online computer and videogames publisher Just A Game are pleased to announce that they have come to an agreement to bring InterWave Studios' Nuclear Dawn to retailers across Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia and the Ben...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 23 2011 11:20 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn, the FPS-RTS hybrid Source mod turned (maybe) commercial title, had all got a bit hazy of late. What was going on with it? We hadn’t even posted about it in two years. Two years! Anyway, we’ve just received word that post-apocalyptic project is getting a release in September (definitely!) The game is a multiplayer mix of FPS and RTS, with folks able to take on the roles of RTS-style commander, or one of four classes on the battlefield. As I understand it the two factions differ in how their bases work, with their team loadouts being roughly symmetrical. The new announcement also claims that the game will be packed with all the trappings of modern multiplayer, with unlocks, 60 ranks, squad-functionality, and Steamworks-based cloud configs and character stuff. It will kick off with six maps and 32-player servers. Not 32 player servers. Obviously.

Teaser below.(more…)

Posted by GameTrailers Apr 04 2011 19:55 GMT
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Take a peek at multiplayer footage in this trailer comprised of Alpha build footage of the FPS due out in September 2011 on PC!