E3 2011 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Jun 06 2011 18:25 GMT
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Peter Molyneux has just announced Fable: the Journey for Xbox 360.

The first-person Fable experience features Kinect integration, allowing the player to draw shapes in the air to cast spells. It also appears to be on-rails -- shades of Dead Space: Extraction?

Posted by Joystiq Jun 06 2011 18:20 GMT
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As expected, Microsoft has announced a remake for Halo: Combat Evolved to celebrate the series' 10th anniversary. The revamped version of the original Xbox launch title will deploy on November 15, 2011, boasting assassinations, online co-op and a fully remastered campaign.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2011 16:55 GMT
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#e32011 EA Sports will offer four titles with Kinect support in the coming year, EA Sports president Peter Moore announced at Microsoft's E3 news conference just now. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 06 2011 18:10 GMT
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Microsoft announced during its E3 2011 press conference that a brand new Kinect dashboard is headed to the Xbox 360. The Kinect will soon be able to control the entire Xbox experience using voice commands, with an onstage demo showing a user accessing games and music with simple voice commands.

New content will be added, including support for YouTube and Bing, both of which allow search via voice commands. Live television will also be added. The "new Xbox experience" -- the NXE 2.0, if you will -- is scheduled to launch this fall.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 06 2011 18:11 GMT
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Xbox! Live TV! This fall, Xbox 360 will be getting content from a variety of US-based and international television providers, all searchable through Microsoft's Bing service, Microsoft announced this morning during its E3 press conference.

As indicated in previous reports, the service is will bring a variety of programming to the Xbox 360, though no content providers have been announced thus far. We spotted "Castle," an ABC show, during the sizzle reel, as well as ESPN, but we'll hopefully have more info soon. The service, still unnamed, will launch this fall on Xbox 360.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 06 2011 18:04 GMT
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As part of an upcoming Kinect-focused Xbox Live update, Microsoft just announced that YouTube -- yes, the very same service you use to look for knitting tutorials and ten-minute clips of old Astro Boy episodes -- will be available on Xbox. That update is coming this fall.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 06 2011 16:31 GMT
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H! I’m not in LA. I’m in Brighton. It’s much nicer here. It also means I have a much better view of the Microsoft press conference than anyone at the Microsoft press conference, because I’m watching a live-streaming video of it from the comfort of my own home. Granted, it’s primarily an Xbox-centric conference, but stuff like Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite and Mass Effect 3 should be showing up in it, so I shall watch them then say things about them RIGHT HERE. Yes! Refresh the page occasionally to see whatever the hell I’ve most recently added.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2011 15:55 GMT
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#microsoft It's the first press conference of E3 2011, but will it be the biggest? Microsoft is almost certainly showing off new Kinect games as well as Halo 4. Join us as we soak it in for play-by-play and analysis from Kotaku. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 06 2011 16:14 GMT
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I’m in America. Have you heard of America? It’s a big country in the Atlantic where the locals ride electronic horses in streets lined with sidewalks. And this week America has turned over all its resources to running the fourth annual E3 County Fair. All the residents are mucking in, helping set up a booth, hand out a leaflet, or wallpaper the side of a skyscraper with an advert for Tekken 2. It’s all go here.


Posted by Joystiq Jun 06 2011 17:00 GMT
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With the contents of Microsoft's E3 website reportedly spilled, a new episode of Major's Minute on Xbox Live has revealed Kinect Fun Labs. The video (embedded after the break), showcases a number of Kinect mini-games, many of which we've seen rumored already, including Kinect Googly Eyes and Kinect Me.

The various games allow players to scan objects and play with them on screen and, in the case of Kinect Googly Eyes, scan an object and add googly eyes to it. Kinect Me is easily the creepiest of the group, allowing users to turn an image of themselves into a customized Avatar. The Kinect Bobblehead app essentially does the same thing, only with more bobbling. The neatest app of the bunch is definitely Kinect Sparklers, which enables players to trace sparklers around a 3D image using finger tracking.

Before you watch the vid, brace yourself for the inevitable chills induced by Kinect Me.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2011 15:08 GMT
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#e3 Bringing toys and games together, Skylanders uses a platform to sync action figures to your game. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 05 2011 20:00 GMT
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Can't wait for the latest news on the biggest EA properties? Starved for info about Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3 and even some games that don't have "3" in the title? We can sympathize, but sadly we can't do anything for you ... that is until Monday at 3:30 p.m. EDT/12:30 p.m. PDT when EA kicks off its E3 keynote.

Set your bookmarks on this post now, and we'll see you right here when it all gets started!

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 06 2011 15:14 GMT
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The last Activision Spider-Man game, Shattered Dimensions, in theory arrived on PC some months after the console version, but it appeared no bugger could actually find it. Even now, I can’t seem to spy anywhere online selling it apart from some place in Germany. Hope you’re enjoying it, Germans. Keeping it all to yourself and that. Bah.

Nonetheless, the follow-up to the multi-dimensional action-manthumper is apparently due a Windows release too. Out of E3 come the promotional materials, and with great (or at least adequate) promotional materials means great (or at least adequate) posting. By which I mean “a video trailer may be watched below.”(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 06 2011 13:53 GMT
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In years gone by our top scientists, professional experts, and visionary cosmologists believed that games could only be used to model and simulate men getting shot. At a stretch the technology could be applied to zombies getting shot, or even man-like robots, but the basic laws of nature suggested that ultimately it was the fate of computer game systems to help us see men being machinegunned dead in their thousands of millions. In 2011, of course, science has vindicated our hope that one day it might also portray men getting stabbed and – in rare, exquisite instances of intense joy – men playing together on a field. Yes. Look at them play. Beautiful, beautiful. It gives me a sense of peace.

Foot-to-ball in videogames is a reality, people. And the world is more wonderful for it. Get used to it. And watch the new Electronic Artball Number 12 video, which I’ve posted below.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2011 13:20 GMT
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#e32011 While the showroom floor won't open until tomorrow, E3 begins today, with press conferences from Microsoft, Ubisoft and Sony. There'll be new games, new info and, most importantly, new hardware to take a look at. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2011 10:30 GMT
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#e3 Keeping track of E3's big press conferences-where all the important announcements are made-can be hard enough. But keeping track of them and then knowing what time that is in your particular part of the world? That's really hard! More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 06 2011 11:02 GMT
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I originally typo’d “Portal 3 trailer”. Imagine if this was the Portal 3 trailer.

It’s the Postal III trailer. NSFW.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2011 08:42 GMT
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According to a report on Forbes, Sony will be announcing a brand new God of War title at this year's E3, one which will be a "3D adventure". [Forbes] More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2011 04:00 GMT
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#totalrecall E3 is almost upon us! It's a time of great excitement for video game fans the world over, but yet, it is also a time to be wary. Because not everything you're about to see is going to be awesome. Some if it will suck. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 06 2011 03:00 GMT
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When Insomniac revealed plans to develop a multiplatform original IP with EA Partners last year, the company discussed some of its plans, but kept us mostly in the dark. It seems that the covers will be ripped asunder tomorrow during EA's E3 press conference, as Insomniac noted on its official Twitter feed.

"In case you missed it -- we are announcing our new universe and multiplatform game at EA's press conference," the feed announced yesterday. And in case you've already forgotten after reading our detailed list of E3 2011's biggest events, the EA presser starts tomorrow at 3:30ET/12:30PT.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 05 2011 23:30 GMT
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According to Entertainment Software Association president Mike Gallagher, E3 2011 will have almost as many video monitors as it does attendees. [Venturebeat] More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 05 2011 20:20 GMT
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#newfable Going by a tweet from uperannuation, Microsoft has registered domains for four yet-to-be-announced games, including a brand new Fable game. The tweet lists a series of "Whois" domain records for the following sites; More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 05 2011 20:29 GMT
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#e3 It's Sunday, two days before E3 technically starts here at the Los Angeles Convention Center. What you see here are signs of video games. And Rage mutants are climbing everywhere. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 05 2011 19:15 GMT
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#e32011 Well, we're pretty damn sure that Nintendo's next console isn't called "Beem," but what if Nintendo were crazy enough to not give it a name at all and just call it simply "Nintendo"? More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 05 2011 20:30 GMT
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Monaco is basically the game version of the film Heat ... basically. Four co-op players control one class each, working together towards pulling off a successful heist. As you can see in the gameplay demo after the break, Monaco employs an interpretation of a top-down view for gameplay, with pixelated characters navigating perils toward the eventual thievery.

If the unique premise doesn't do it for you, the gorgeous graphical style should. Remember Loaded (and Re-Loaded) for PlayStation 1? That's okay, most people don't, but that's the nearest it gets in terms of graphical similarity -- and that was 16 years ago. It's worth noting that Monaco isn't anywhere near as brutally violent/gory as Loaded, they just both feature a beautiful top-down art style.

Anyway, developer Pocketwatch Games is bringing Monaco to our E3 2011 Reader Meetup Extravaganza this coming Friday evening for attendees to play, and we think you'd be a fool to miss it. In preparation for the event, Pocketwatch Games kindly sent over new images, which we've dropped into the gallery below. Pocketwatch dev Andy Schatz notes that since maps are "generated dynamically from the level data," folks will be able to create levels with the same complexity as the devs themselves, "or whatever they want." However, we get the feeling that our levels won't look quite as good as Pocketwatch's.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 05 2011 16:30 GMT
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As the Joystiq staff barrels toward Los Angeles over the course of today, each staffer will come packing his own set of tools to tackle the coming week. As you already know, the E3 festivities begin Monday morning and go strong for four days, so it goes without saying that these gear pictures don't include the countless gallons of caffeinated beverages which will be consumed -- chock 1.5 iced coffees to me thus far today -- not to mention other precious energy-providing items.

Head into the gallery below for an in-depth look at how the sausage gets made. If you're into that kinda thing, of course.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 05 2011 15:06 GMT
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Sunday 5th June, 7am:

Woo! E3! There’s nothing better! If you enjoy heat like being in the core of the sun, volume levels as if a thrash metal band and their sub woofers have been installed in your brain, and so many people that genocide starts to look like a merciful choice, it’s the place for you!

Thus once more I arrive into LA, ready to face the thrills, spills, and potential of seeing Hulk Hogan, to gather information about PC games. For you. I do this for you. It’s your fault. So in the coming week you can expect RPS to be bursting with all the exciting announcements, freshest trailers, and worst puns. And I’m going to entertain myself by writing this diary on occasion. It will contain NO useful information. You have been warned.


Posted by Kotaku Jun 04 2011 15:00 GMT
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#herewego I love the weekends before E3. I've worked four. You get everything in the tips jar—yesterday we got one that said Half-Life 2: Episode 3 would be a Wii 2 launch title. It was too earnest to be a troll. More »