Crysis Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 20 2012 13:35 GMT
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Would you call Minecraft in the Crysis engine Mynecraft or Minecryft? I prefer the second, because the first could be a typo, whereas the only legitimate reason for coming up with the second is if there’s a Crysis mod that adds Minecraft to it. Wait, there is! And it’s called… what, ‘Craftable‘? Seriously?(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Dec 22 2011 08:00 GMT
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#military Remember back in May, how we showed you that footage from the US military's new "video game" simulation suite? Well, it's back. And it looks more amazing than ever. More »

Posted by IGN Oct 11 2011 01:00 GMT
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Crysis first arrived on the gaming scene in 2007, when it dropped jaws due to its unprecedented visuals. I'm not familiar with the minutia of PC tech, so from what I gathered, the original Crysis required a 400-ton mecha-tower with twin trilithium cores and a subspace generator. None of these things exist, but they illustrate the kind of rig you needed for Crysis to run back in the day...

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 06 2011 13:00 GMT
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Crysis comes to consoles. JUST LOOK AT THAT CHICKEN RENDERING!

Posted by Kotaku Oct 05 2011 01:00 GMT
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#crysis Today, Crytek's landmark 2007 PC game Crysis was re-released as a downloadable game for both Xbox 360 and PS3. I've already had a chance to play the game and really liked it, in particular its improved controls, strong visuals, and directly-translated open gameplay. It's a strong port of a good game. More »

Posted by Joystiq Oct 05 2011 00:30 GMT
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If you are, let's say, a person, there's a reasonable chance your PC was ill-equipped to play Crysis when it was first released in 2007. The erstwhile PC gaming benchmark is now officially available via Xbox Live Games on Demand and PlayStation Network. Well, the single-player portion is available anyway, as the console release doesn't include multiplayer.

For those on the fence, we'll have a Deja Review up soon. For everyone else, you can snag most of Crysis for $20.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 04 2011 16:01 GMT
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It is very exciting for me to be able to say that the original Crysis is coming to the PS3! Some of you may be wondering how we are going to bring the large open environments that Crysis is known for to console. The expansive jungle sections, the pure white sand beaches, the open vehicle levels… maybe you’re shaking your head that it cannot be done. I’m here to tell you that we’ve accomplished this and you will be able to experience the remastered, single-player campaign for Crysis on October 4th in North America and October 5th in Europe.

So how did we do it? As Egg Shen said, it wasn’t easy! Without the power of the CryENGINE 3, we would never have attempted it, but with fully deferred lighting, a PS3-specific rendering pipeline and SPU-enhanced physics code, together with more efficient memory layouts and more intelligent algorithms, we brought the experience of Crysis to consoles without compromise.


With that said, we didn’t just want to port the game straight onto console; we wanted to make sure we tailored the experience to suit it. We’ve brought the Crysis 2 Nanosuit and controls into the console version of Crysis and we have greatly improved the ease with which players can perform their Nanosuit powered exploits. The Nanosuit gives players options on how they want to play Crysis – from stalking your prey like a stealth predator, to hurling yourself into battle like the Hulk – with the intuitive Crysis 2 controls, nothing gets between the player and the impressive action. We’ve also rebalanced all the combat and weapons to suit the DualShock 3 controller and made improvements to the AI. Also, if you have a 3D capable TV, you can immerse yourself in the beautiful Crysis world with fully integrated stereoscopic 3D support!

For those of you who missed Crysis the first time around, this experience delivers intense, stealth-action and furious battles in large, open jungle environments with jeeps, tanks, boats, helicopters and intelligent AI. If that isn’t enough, you also take the fight to an unknown alien race and board their ships where the laws of physics no longer apply. When you finally emerge, a shocking surprise is awaiting as you discover that the world you once knew has undergone a dramatic alteration.


Crysis comes to PS3 on October 4th in North America for $19.99. On behalf of everyone at Crytek, I really hope that you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed developing it!

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 26 2011 18:34 GMT
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When Crysis was released, if you didn't have a massive PC rig, you were simply out of luck.

Crytek's Crysis was once the game to show off your PC rig, years before the studio added consoles into its playbook. As a result, console owners never had a chance to see what all the fuss was about, relegated to watching YouTube videos.

That changes next week, with an updated version of the original Crysis coming on October 4 to both Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network next week for $20 (1600 Microsoft Points). This version includes tweaked lighting, support for 3D and other enhancements meant to keep the game looking current.

It'll be interesting to see how Crysis holds up. Maybe some PC owners can drop in some thoughts?

Posted by Joystiq Sep 26 2011 17:02 GMT
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It might not have triggered a technological apoplexy in your PC, but the malleable CryEngine 3 has granted Crytek access to a wider ranger of platforms -- including Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The original Crysis is cruising to consoles (via PlayStation Network and Xbox Live's Games on Demand service) on October 4 for $20, according to EA's last announcement.

The publisher sent out a small batch of screenshots too, which we've appended below. Walk through the tropics and talk through the topics as you scroll down.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 20 2011 12:09 GMT
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#homefront The folks behind Crysis and Far Cry have teamed up with THQ to work on the next Homefront, the publisher said this morning. More »

Posted by IGN Sep 09 2011 16:08 GMT
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We first caught wind of an ESRB rating for a console version of Crysis in July, but Crytek's been silent about the development and availability of the title until now...

Posted by Kotaku Sep 05 2011 22:00 GMT
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#crysis Thanks to Adam over at Rock, Paper, Shotgun for pointing out The Worry of Newport, a Crysis mod that turns the tropical shooter into a slow, moody traipse through a drab seaside village. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 02 2011 11:16 GMT
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I use the word potential all the time. To the extent that it becomes annoying to the people around me. But it is an important word, especially in this still youthful industry. It’s locked in the bizarre ideas forming in the mind and on the hard drive of the smallest indie developer, and it’s evident in the expanding technical prowess of the largest blockbusters. It’s not just in the future though. I also love the potential of what already exists, the engines that have been built and the histories they have produced. And that’s why I love mods. They can make the old new in so many ways: balancing, tweaking, expanding, subverting, or being something self-contained and entirely new. Take The Worry of Newport. It’s a self-contained, Lovecraftian mystery that’s pretending to be a mod for Crysis.(more…)

Posted by IGN Jul 01 2011 22:44 GMT
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This morning, we reported that the Korean Games Rating Board has rated a console version of Crysis for Xbox 360. But after a search of the ESRB's website, it appears that the game has been rated by the American ratings agency for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, all but confirming its release on both HD consoles...

Posted by Joystiq Jul 01 2011 16:00 GMT
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A new rating suggests that the first Crysis may be headed to Xbox 360. "Crysis" was spotted on the Korean Game Rating Board website, listed for Xbox 360. Crysis 2 is already on the database, with separate listings for each platform (including Xbox), so it's not simply a matter of the sequel being released in that market as just "Crysis."

That leaves the tantalizing possibility that Crysis is being ported to Xbox 360, using Crytek's multiplatform-friendly CryEngine 3. There's also the distinct possibility that the listing is just a mistake, though we're hardly tantalized at all by that.

[Thanks, Sacra]

Update: The ESRB lists Crysis for both Xbox 360 and PS3.

Posted by IGN Jul 01 2011 14:40 GMT
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A member of the MyCrysis community has found a listing on the Korean Games Rating Board for a possible Xbox 360 port of the original Crysis.According to the listing, the game will be published by EA Korea. A PS3 version was not mentioned. Crytek's PC powerhouse achieved notoriety for being a ste...