Leisure Suit Larry: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq Oct 09 2013 23:00 GMT
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Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded is getting a boxed retail version, which will hit store shelves on October 29. The game is a remake of the first game in the series, and features music by Austin Wintory, the composer of Journey's Grammy-nominated soundtrack.

Reloaded earned $655,182 on Kickstarter in May 2012, and launched on digital platforms in June, with the retail version originally being planned for July. Our review of the adventure game found it to be a "relic from a time when the thought of a video game character dropping an f-bomb was simply beyond consideration."

Posted by Joystiq Jul 02 2013 02:30 GMT
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Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded is due out in retail form in the middle of July, following its digital launch on June 27. Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded was Kickstarted last year, raising $655,000 of a requested $500,000, and features music by Journey composer Austin Wintory.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 23 2013 01:20 GMT
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Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded needs to work out the kinks in its pick-up lines, but the game should be out by May 31 in North America, Replay Games CEO Paul Trowe told Shacknews.

"We should be in beta this week," Trowe said. "We need to get all the bugs and game freezes out of the way, and maybe do pick-up lines with the actors that may have been missed. We'll get the game to about 7,500 of our Kickstarter backers for the beta test, and they'll also be testing foreign language versions as well."

The beta should run about two weeks, Trowe said, and when it launches, Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded will be $20 for PC, Mac and Linux. During GDC, Trowe told us he hoped to see Reloaded out between May 15 - 30. The game is scheduled to hit Europe in June for £15.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 28 2013 16:40 GMT
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Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards' HD remake will be available sometime between May 15 - 30, Replay Games CEO Paul Trowe told us at GDC. We got some time with the game, which we learned had many of its puzzles altered so fans of the original game can't just power through it. The game will be available on PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Steam, Ouya, Linux and Blackberry.

Asked what's next for Replay Games, Trowe told us they are weighing the options of remaking Leisure Suit Larry 2 or creating an eighth all-new installment in the series. Before that, Replay will create a free-to-play Leisure Suit Larry casino game. Asked if it'll be in the style of Sierra's Hoyle games series, Trowe replied, "We haven't written the design document yet."

The LSL remake was funded through Kickstarter, receiving $655,182 in contributions. The update has been tweaked with new character models of sponsors and there's even a walk of shame outside Lefty's bar, with stars joking about specific about sponsors. Replay isn't planning on a Kickstarter for future games, with Trowe noting they should have the money off this game to fund future projects.

Posted by Joystiq Jan 19 2013 23:00 GMT
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Classic PC adventure gaming examples of how not to pick up women have been spritzed with horrendous cologne and dressed up as GOG's Leisure Suit Larry "Greatest Hits and Misses" collection. The $10 pack includes the first five Larry jams, the oldest of which (Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards) comes in both Original and VGA flavors.

The release of this collection marks the first time that Larry's adventures have swung both ways, by which we mean "been both PC and Mac OSX compatible," obviously. The collection also includes the 1981 text-based DOS/Apple II game Softporn Adventure, which despite how it sounds, is mostly about navigating a bar and reading newspapers. Not that we've played it or anything.

Since this collection's screenshots and trailer are borderline not safe for work, we've decided to err on the side of caution and refrain from hosting them on our family friendly internet blog-o-site. Clicking all up on the source link below will take you where you want to go, if you're into that sort of thing.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 27 2012 22:00 GMT
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On the day Grammy nominations were scheduled to be announced, Austin Wintory didn't get much work done. As the composer for Journey, Wintory had an inkling that he might be nominated in Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media, and he was distracted all day, constantly refreshing the Grammy page, scanning for his name. By evening the list still wasn't posted and he gave up on trying to focus. He got in his car, determined to go home, make dinner and then check the page again.

"The instant I got in my car, my email started blinking. Of all people, it was from my friend Christopher Tin, emailing me to say 'CONGRATULATIONS' - in all caps."

Tin won the first Grammy for a piece of video game music, Civilization 4's "Baba Yetu," in 2011. He and Wintory had been friends for years. When Wintory saw that email, he quickly called Tin and the subsequent conversation went something like this:

"What are you - are you on the website?" Wintory asked Tin. "What's going on?"

"Yeah, I'm looking right at it! There you are!" Tin replied. And then, after a second, the situation dawned on him. "Wait a minute - you didn't know this already?"

"No! I'm in my car right now."

"Oh, this is perfect."

Just then Wintory's phone began buzzing, beeping and possibly sobbing under the barrage of emails, texts and calls from friends and well-wishers. Two weeks later, Wintory agrees with Tin's assessment of events.

"As fate had it, I heard from Chris himself," he says. "I had no foresight, I had absolutely no plan, and yet in hindsight, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Posted by Joystiq Dec 11 2012 22:30 GMT
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We can't think of two games that could possibly be more disparate from one another than Journey and Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards, but we apparently live in the wackiest of all possible universes because Journey's Grammy-nominated composer Austin Wintory will also be lending his talents to Larry's upcoming adventure. Weird.

"That's my era as a gamer growing up," Wintory told Polygon. "This was like a fantasy to work on a game like that." Leisure Suit Larry creator Al Lowe confirmed with Wintory that he was okay with writing "seedy, back alley kind of stuff" before finalizing the deal, so we probably shouldn't expect the same sort of grand, sweeping orchestral majesty that Wintory penned for Journey, as heard above.

Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards is slated to really class up the joint sometime next year.

Posted by Joystiq May 08 2012 00:45 GMT
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The HD remake of Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards is breaking out the slow jams. Its Kickstarter campaign successfully raised $655,000 last week, which means more content in-game and a longer development cycle in reality, Replay Games has announced. The title was originally slated to drop in October, but it has now been pushed to launch in 2013 so Replay can add "more rooms, another girl, and all new dialogue in the game."

Founder Paul Trowe said Replay could probably make the game complete by December, but he wants to avoid the holiday madness and make sure it's fully polished at launch. He's set up a development blog for voyeurs fans to keep track of Leisure Suit Larry's progress.

Posted by Joystiq May 04 2012 00:45 GMT
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The HD remake of Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards has concluded its Kickstarter campaign, with $655,182 in contributions left on the nightstand. Another $20,000 more in PayPal contributions were wired for services to be rendered.

The remake of the mature-themed sexventure series, about the down-on-his-luck and looking-to-get-down Larry Laffer, reached its $500,000 goal last week.

Replay Games, which announced the venture last October, couldn't obtain funding through the regular venture capital channels and went to Kickstarter. Oh, Replay, you didn't have to go through all that effort earlier. Never doubt the internet's desire for smut and pervy puns.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 02 2012 21:00 GMT
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Leisure Suit Larry’s remake, from Al Lowe and a team of Sierra Online alumni, has finished its Kickstarter. And it won. 13,855 people have taken the half a million target to over $630,000. So we’ll be getting the first Leisure Suit Larry for the third time. This time with swishy new graphics, fully voiced, and without the game trying to kill you every fifteen seconds. Check out our interview with Al Lowe for lots more details.


Posted by Joystiq Apr 25 2012 21:45 GMT
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Thanks to backers, Replay Games should have no issue finishing up work on Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards. With only six days left on the Kickstarter campaign, the $500,000 goal has been met.

We wonder if somebody dropped the 50 grand to change the "Ken sent me" password? Replay Games has expressed interest in updating other Leisure Suit Larry titles, so we expect to hear about those soon enough - at least, after the folks at Replay finish counting their cash and wrapping up work on Leisure Suit Larry HD.

[Thanks, Tom]

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 16 2012 18:30 GMT
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We’ve posted about exactly this many Kickstarter projects recently: a few. But what’s been going on lately with the likes of The Banner Saga, Leisure Suit Larry, Shadowland, Starlight Inception, Wasteland 2 and Bionite: Origins? In order to find out, I’ve just turned up unexpectedly at each of their doors, stared creepily at them for a few seconds and then wandered on to the next one.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 10 2012 15:00 GMT
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As infamous adventure creator Al Lowe puts it, the Kickstarter craze kicked off by Tim Schafer has, for many, been a lot like getting the band back together. So many names most famous for their games released in the 80s and early 90s are reappearing, some even coming out of retirement, with the promise of crowd-sourced funding. Many, stung by their experiences with publishers in the past, are being wooed back in, and not least among them is Al Lowe. Creator of Leisure Suit Larry, and a programmer on many of the classic Sierra adventures, Lowe hasn’t released a game since 1996, purported to have been in retirement since ’98. He’s popped up here and there since, and continues to send out jokes every day to his loyal mailing list, but at 65 years old he’s officially back, and there’s a Kickstarter to prove it. We spoke to Lowe, and colleague Paul Trowe, a man who began his gaming career at 12, play-testing for Sierra, to find out why they think now is the time to remake the Larry games.


Posted by Joystiq Apr 02 2012 21:30 GMT
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For $50,000, you can alter the "Ken sent me" password in Leisure Suit Larry, which is used to gain access to a room even seedier than the bar to which it's connected. You can forever change it to your own name. This profane act is the most tempting, most outrageous reward tier for a new Kickstarter by Replay Games, to fund continued development of the HD remake of Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards.

Replay wants to localize the game into more languages and put it on more devices -- and it has plans for Larrys 2-7 as well -- so it's joined the Kickstarter gravy train to seek $500,000. Other reward tiers offer digital or physical copies of the game, posters, and even Larry-branded condoms.

How much do we have to pay in for an updated Laffer Utilities?

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 02 2012 17:00 GMT
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We need to create a master document of old PC gaming franchises and genres and tick off everything that announces a resurrection via Kickstarter. I suspect there’ll be quite a lot of them by this time next year. Next to take a swing at recapturing past glory and the hearts and minds of elder gamers is Leisure Suit Larry creator Al Lowe, who wants to rescue his beloved sleazeball from the terrible fate he suffered in recent years. In a project called ‘Make Leisure Suit Larry come again!’ – DYSWHDT – he’s asking for $500,000 for a brand new point’n'click starring the original Larry.(more…)

Posted by IGN Oct 11 2011 18:23 GMT
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As reported by Gamasutra, the classic Sierra developed Leisure Suit Larry games are getting remade by social games company Replay Games. In conjunction with series creator Al Lowe, the company will be working on HD versions of all of Larry's adventures...