Franis 3: The Revenge of the Anti-Nerr Message Board

to post
still waiting for release day
coming november two-thousand and never
posted by Super-Claus Jul 15 2012 05:02 GMT
wasn't the biggest complaint that the flavio rangers were *crag*ing impossible
I don't think I ever actually got it to run
I think I had a dream about this last night.
Can't remember much of it, but the three Prognosticuses (Prognostii?) were involved. *inb4selfinsert*
posted by Gold Prognosticus Nov 21 2011 13:02 GMT
Lord Crump
i dunno, franis 3 is pretty important, i just don't know how important gold prognosticus will be in it yet
Franis 3 Needs Artists
In order for Franis 3 to happen, I need, to begin with, three sprite sheets: one for Franis Jr. (No one is working on this yet; I need someone to do this for me (The details are specified in the previous Franis 3 thread)), one for Nas (Which is being w...
posted by Lord Crump Nov 16 2011 21:33 GMT
Lord Crump

Good find, Tails; we need as many backgrounds as we can get

It's okay, Nas; just finish them when you have the time and get them to me whenever you can

Franis 3: The Revenge of the Anti-Nerr
So I've attached some shitty concept art for Franis 3: Revenge of the Anti-Nerr. Basically this is something I'd be willing to code in C# and distribute for you guys to play in my spare time (Like, when I'm not doing school work or more important projec...
posted by Lord Crump Nov 10 2011 04:02 GMT
I do have to complement you on the shading though nas, I'm pretty shitty in that aspect
