Dead or Alive 5 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Aug 16 2012 02:00 GMT
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Despite being featured in Team Ninja's relationship graph, Brad Wong and Eliot were never officially confirmed for Dead or Alive 5 - that is, until now. Tecmo announced the pair as the latest additions to Dead or Alive 5's roster today at Gamescom.

In addition to giving us a glimpse at Eliot and Brad Wong, Team Ninja has also sent out some images of a new stage, a small house in China. While the fight starts in this house, the gallery below shows its wooden walls are hardly enough to keep the greatest combatants confined.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 15 2012 21:30 GMT
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#deadoralive There's only one way a meal between the boisterous Brad Wong and boyish Eliot in Tecmo Koei's Dead or Alive 5 can possibly end. Or they could fight I guess. That works too. More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 15 2012 01:00 GMT
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Dead or Alive 5 represents the most significant visual overhaul the series has seen, but Team Ninja also assures (in the above developer diary) that it's also the most accessible entry yet.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 13 2012 23:30 GMT
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With last week's quick video synopsis of the events leading up to Dead or Alive 5, we totally get it if you're still confused about what's going on. We'd hate to think that you went into Team Ninja's latest not knowing that Zack was running the show this time around, or that Brad has no relationship with anyone at all.

A short video is hardly enough for such a storied franchise. And so Team Ninja's laid it all out in plain text on its website. There you can read up on the plots to each Dead or Alive game, and what to expect from each fighter, emotionally, going into Dead or Alive 5.

Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 09 2012 19:54 GMT
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The weird story of DOA continues as DOATEC reforms and the whole cast looks on.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 09 2012 03:30 GMT
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The above Dead or Alive 5 cinematic would like to remind everyone out there that, yes, the Dead or Alive series does have a plot. To prove it, here are some random things that are related to that in some way probably.

Posted by IGN Aug 07 2012 16:00 GMT
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Part one of our exclusive behind-the-scenes on the next great brawler.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 31 2012 23:15 GMT
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While the subject matter of recent Dead or Alive 5 trailers has been suspect, we can assure you this footage won't make you cringe at the sight of overly sexualized costumes. Nope, the only cringing will come from good, old-fashioned violence.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 27 2012 17:30 GMT
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It was only five months ago that Team Ninja's Yosuke Hayashi said the team was trying to elevate its image of "sex and violence" and move towards something more emotional with Dead or Alive 5. Zack seems happy at least. Happiness is an emotion, right?

Posted by Kotaku Jul 27 2012 12:30 GMT
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#deadoralive I don't get it, Tecmo Koei. This is supposed to be the "Sexy Costume" trailer, but it only shows Zack for all of 10 seconds, padding the rest with female characters dressed like some sort of rabbits. What gives? More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Jul 19 2012 20:41 GMT
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Who the hell is dressing these women? Did they escape from a circus or something?

Posted by Joystiq Jul 19 2012 20:30 GMT
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We're sure there are plenty of people who still think of Virtua Fighter characters in Dead or Alive 5 as some kind of sacrilege but, man, pairing Akira and Kokoro looks like just about the best thing ever. In other, completely unsurprising news, Tecmo has revealed that both Jann Lee and Tina will return in Dead or Alive 5.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 19 2012 19:00 GMT
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#deadoralive With Tina and Jann Lee returning to the ring in Dead or Alive 5, there are just too many pretty characters in the game to choose just one. Luckily there's Tag Mode. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 09 2012 17:30 GMT
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If you watched EVO streams over the weekend, chances are you walked away with a sudden and intense desire to play King of Fighters XIII. Hori's newest arcade stick ... is themed after a totally different game, but would totally work for KOF or really any fighting game. It would work great, of course, for the game it actually represents.

Hori is producing a Dead or Alive 5 stick using the same casing as its Soulcalibur 5 stick, due alongside the game in September. It's available for both PS3 and Xbox, and features the "I'm a Fighter" slogan, which should be helpful in case you glance down at the device and happen to forget what you're supposed to be doing.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 29 2012 21:30 GMT
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#speakuponkotaku In today's flora and fauna focused Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Troublehalf shares a short but sweet comment about this particular image from Dead or Alive 5, which we can only assume was referring to the best damn flamingos in the business. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 29 2012 12:55 GMT
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Meet Dead or Alive 5's Rig. Through some incredible cosmological coincidence, Rig works on an oil rig. He also has a penchant for weird, sleeveless hoodies. Get to know him intimately in the video above.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 27 2012 15:20 GMT
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The latest issue of Famitsu reveals a new Dead or Alive 5 character named Rig, a Canadian fighter who specializes in taekwondo. Bass Armstrong, the wrestler who is totally not Hulk Hogan, is returning to DOA5 as well. The same issue also brings word of an updated photography mode, which allows players to change angles to snap still pictures and video replays.

We assume this functionality will be used solely for capturing evidence of impressive combos, and for showing off the impressively interactive stages. We can't imagine what else someone would use a photo mode for in a Dead or Alive game.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 25 2012 23:30 GMT
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#deadoralive Now that all talk of misogyny, mistreatment and objectification of women has been put to rest; now that we've all decided to live together in perfect harmony and treat each other as respected equals; now is the time for preorder bikinis and shots of half-naked video game characters sparkling with rivulets of shimmering sea water. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 26 2012 00:30 GMT
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Two different retailers are offering different pre-order bonuses for Dead or Alive 5, but no matter which you choose, you'll get swimsuits. GameStop and Amazon both offer "bunny-style swimsuits;" in addition, GameStop will grant you white swimsuits for Kasumi, Leifang, and Hitomi, and Amazon offers black swimsuits for Christie, Tina, and Ayane.

If you want some stuff with your copy of DOA5 that isn't skimpy digital clothing, you can also order the GameStop-exclusive collector's edition, with a steelcase, hardcover art book and soundtrack CD.

It ... also comes with the swimsuits.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 21 2012 04:59 GMT
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Don't expect any supplementary character DLC for Dead or Alive 5. Depending on how you feel about Freddy Krueger surprises, this could be an important revelation.

Team Ninja head Yosuke Hayashi says there are no plans to offer post-launch character DLC in Dead or Alive 5. In fact, he thinks the practice wreaks havoc on the balance of the game - essential in any good fighter. "Even with over 20 characters that's still a real challenge," Hayashi tells Videogamer. "If we had 50, how much more time would need to balance the game? It gets that much harder to get it right, and it's already very difficult to get right."

Hayashi also doesn't like the idea of different players with different character rosters. "It's a similar thing to if certain people have all these characters and others don't. It makes it an unfair game, and we don't think that's the right way to go for fighting games."

Posted by IGN Jun 15 2012 22:17 GMT
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Check out some amazing moments from E3 2012 at the Team Ninja / Tecmo Koei booth. IGN Pro League was there to conduct tournaments for the newest build of Dead Or Alive 5 and award the winner $1,000 and a trip to the game's launch party later this year!

Posted by Kotaku Jun 15 2012 13:00 GMT
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#deadoralive These days, it's impossible to make a fighting game without the awareness that the community surrounding those games is going to put it through its paces. The fact that there's a dedicated group of players who'll be picking apart movesets and stun durations isn't daunting to fighting game creators, though. For some, it's inspiring, More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2012 09:55 GMT
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The future of fighting games and the inclusion of Virtua Fighter characters.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2012 09:37 GMT
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Is Bayman's might enough to overcome Kokoro's speed?

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2012 09:27 GMT
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The foreman isn't going to be happy about this.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2012 09:20 GMT
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Kasumi and Christie battle it out amongst the roaring rapids of a forgotten jungle cruise.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2012 08:53 GMT
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Akira Yuki of Virtua Fighter fame joins the cast of fighters in Dead or Alive 5.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2012 08:42 GMT
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Direct feed footage of Tina and Zack taking the fight to the circus!

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2012 05:59 GMT
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Two classic DOA fighters return to do battle in the jungle.