Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Apr 09 2014 16:30 GMT
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The soundtrack to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a lot like the game — totally insane, sometimes stupid but always appropriately fun. And not even the power of the kazoo can temper how badass it is.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jan 10 2014 18:17 GMT
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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance's always-online PC problems have been fixed, according to a couple of tweets this morning from Kojima Productions' Steve Key. A Konami representative also confirmed to Kotaku that the issue has been resolved. New downloads should work fine, though already-affected users will probably have to re-download the game.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jan 09 2014 23:17 GMT
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Well, this sucks. After nearly a year, the 2013 action game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has come to PC, but it arrived with a dark passenger: It apparently won't work without an internet connection.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Oct 02 2013 06:00 GMT
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Out soon will be this Metal Gear Solid Rising Revengence figure of the game's star, Raiden. Look at a single image and you might not think it's that great. Look at more and you'll see why he's so amazing.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku May 09 2013 10:20 GMT
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This video gives us a glimpse into Metal Gear Rising: Revengance's latest DLC pack, which stars the cuddly and dangerous LQ-84i, aka Bladewolf. Okay, maybe not cuddly, but just look at him touching noses with that cat. I mean come on. The Blade Wolf DLC is coming to North America on May 14.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 26 2013 11:30 GMT
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Konami has announced that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be getting its third piece of DLC in Japan on May 9. The DLC will feature a new campaign where you control LQ-84i, AKA the Bladewolf.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 19 2013 21:00 GMT
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It’s time to talk about cherry blossoms. And how they relate to downloadable content. Cherry blossoms are just starting to bloom here in New York. Coincidentally, the Jetstream Sam DLC for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was recently released, too, and it lets you play as one of the game’s villains in a standalone campaign. There’s a connection. The cybernetic, sword-wielding warriors of Revengeance are pretty much samurai and some of the game happens in amongst flowering cherry blossoms. Dating back to feudal Japanese times, cherry blossoms have represented the fleeting nature of beauty and life. They come seemingly out of nowhere, bursting out the branches of seemingly dead trees in explosions of pink, white and other colors. Those same delicate flowers will be gone in a few weeks, leaving behind only fond memories. Too bad you won’t be able to say the same about the Jetstream Sam DLC. Oh, it starts off promisingly enough. Sam, all smirks and accent, pulls up to the headquarters of one of the game’s big private security outfits and artfully slices a few goons into bloody mist. When the cutscene ended, I started to get excited for the new weapons this freshly baked chunk of game would dole out. Maybe some new locales, too? No. None of that. The Jetstream Sam DLC is one of the thinnest, chintziest add-ons I’ve ever played, and I was stunned when what I thought was going to be the crescendo of the first act turned out to be the end of the whole thing. It took me about two hours to finish the Jetstream Sam add-on and that’s accounting for the playtime I spent fighting the DLC’s bosses over and over. You could definitely blow though this add-on in less time. So, yeah, cherry blossoms. But the thing about cherry blossoms that makes them so beloved is that they’re beautiful. And while the JSS add-on isn’t bad-looking, it does blatantly re-use environments and bosses from the main campaign in pretty ugly fashion. Sam does have different moves and his own animations but tactically he’s more limited than Raiden. He doesn’t have Raiden’s slide move nor does he ever get to wield other blades in his all-too-short turn in the spotlight. You do get some new VR missions, though, and some of the dialogue fleshes out Sam’s backstory a bit. And it’s mildly pleasurable to hear some primary characters from the campaign blather on again in the game’s overcooked fashion. Still, those aren’t enough to justify the DLC’s $10 asking price. But—when compared with, say, the beefier and better-made Virgil’s Downfall DLC for DmC—this add-on amounts to nothing more than a piece of monetized déjà vu. You’d better off watching some Let’s Play videos than putting down cash for this.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 15 2013 00:00 GMT
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#watchthis Except for, you know, when he slices people in half. That part may be different. Maybe. I dunno you that well. More »

Posted by IGN Mar 01 2013 12:04 GMT
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Hideo Kojima talks about collaborating with Platinum Games, PlayStation 4, and a life without cardboard boxes.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 28 2013 21:30 GMT
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#review Well, to be fair, she's not a real girl. It's a cardboard cut-out of a woman, which honestly should make it even easier for Raiden to slice into multiple parts. But the smiling advertisement is magically invulnerable to the edge of Raiden's high-frequency blade. More »

Posted by IGN Feb 28 2013 12:02 GMT
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Hideo Kojima talks about the next-generation of home consoles, and why he's more excited about gameplay possibilities than hardware specs.

Posted by IGN Feb 27 2013 17:48 GMT
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Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima talks about the potential for more spin-offs in the series, and the possibility of using a Western developer.

Posted by IGN Feb 22 2013 20:00 GMT
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It's been awhile since Raiden has sliced and diced. Come hear what the critics had to say about his return.

Posted by IGN Feb 22 2013 11:45 GMT
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Out This Week returns stronger than ever to debate whether you should be picking up your katana or bow this weekend.

Posted by IGN Feb 20 2013 02:14 GMT
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IGN details how to take down the LQ-84i "Wolf" AI on Revengeance difficulty with an S ranking in this boss battle from mission file R-01 of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Posted by IGN Feb 20 2013 02:11 GMT
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IGN guides you through defeating Mistral, the final boss of mission file R-01 with an S ranking on Revengeance difficulty in this boss battle from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Defeating Mistral without taking any damage on Hard mode or higher will earn you the "Prodigal Murderer" achievement / trophy.

Posted by IGN Feb 20 2013 02:10 GMT
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IGN guides you through defeating the GRAD biped tank in mission file R-02 with an S ranking on Revengeance difficulty in this boss battle from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 19 2013 23:30 GMT
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#frankenreview It seems that Raiden's new, high-speed romp through the world of Metal Gear has taken hold of everyone. Even the most critical ones found something to like about the adrenaline-pumping limb-slashing gameplay. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 19 2013 21:00 GMT
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#metalgear There's a part early on in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance where you're going to want to give up. Please don't. More »

Posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 20:33 GMT
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IGN shows you how to get the Steel Tail achievement / trophy but cutting off Metal Gear Ray's tail in file R-00 of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 17:02 GMT
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IGN shows you how to complete your second encounter with the Metal Gear Ray in file R-00 of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance without taking any damage to achieve an 'S' ranking.

Posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 17:01 GMT
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Unlock the 'Peekaboo' trophy and achievement for finding (and killing, if you're as twisted as us) all of the hidden Men in Boxes throughout Metal Gear Rising: Revengance. For completing this challenge, you'll unlock to HF Wooden Blade, which allows you to complete chapters without killing your enemies.

Posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 17:01 GMT
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IGN shows you how to complete your first encounter with the Metal Gear Ray in file R-00 of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance without taking any damage to achieve an 'S' ranking.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 19 2013 15:40 GMT
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#review They had to make up a word for it. For all the over-the-top cyber-machismo dancing across the screen in this new Metal Gear game. Nothing currently extant in the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition would do. And the definition? Something like, "the confluence of bionic ninja warriors, near-future war profiteering and giant, quadraped war machines." Revengeance. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 19 2013 08:01 GMT
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There's lots of arm chopping to do, but first Jeff has to upgrade the firmware on his sword.

Posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 08:01 GMT
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We take the Raiden Gaiden for a spin at 30 frames per second -- but is it as good as it looks?

Posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 08:01 GMT
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We take the Raiden Gaiden for a spin at 60 frames per second -- but is it as good as it looks?

Posted by IGN Feb 12 2013 18:28 GMT
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They may not be Foxhound, but the Deperado Elite will give Raiden a run for his money in Platinum Games' take on the Metal Gear universe.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 12 2013 01:30 GMT
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#metalgear This commercial for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance really gets it. Many of us want to play the game to enjoy the delights of dicing everything up, and that'll feel particularly cathartic after an awful day. Not that the feature can't be a blast even when you're not having a bad day, but still. Sweet, sweet release. More »