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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 09 2014 07:00 GMT
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As Epic told me during GDC, sugar-cereal-colored buildy blaster Fortnite isn’t fourscore feet under, as a) that’d be total overkill and b) it’s doing just fine. After a lengthy period of radio silence, the Unreal Engine mega-maven has finally seen fit to re-reveal the game and begin taking sign-ups for an upcoming alpha. The biggest (noticeable) change so far? Fortnite is now officially free-to-play.

… [visit site to read more]

Posted by Joystiq Apr 08 2014 19:30 GMT
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Though Fortnite has been in relatively quiet development for years, Epic Games has apparently decided that now is the time to drag the game into the light of public scrutiny. To that end, the publisher has launched a website for the game and put out a call for testers.

Those unfamiliar with Fortnite can think of it as a cross between Minecraft and the "Horde" gameplay type in Gears of War. The fundamental goal of Fortnite has players gathering resources and building defensible forts to keep out hordes of monsters. Once the attack inevitably comes, Fortnite more closely resembles a traditional third-person shooter, where players navigate their cobbled-together homes while gunning down invaders. Fortnite also offers online gameplay where multiple players have to work together to build and defend strongholds, as well as player-crafted weaponry.

While Fortnite is still a ways off, the game's new website is seeking participants for an upcoming alpha test. If you'd like to join, visit the Fortnite site and fill out the standard registration form. [Image: Epic Games]

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 25 2014 13:00 GMT
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Before GDC, Epic’s ubiquitous Unreal Engine was a walled garden. But that all changed when company president Johnny Epic waded into the conference crowd while bellowing, “You get an Unreal Engine and YOU get an Unreal Engine” to everyone in attendance. And then he chainsawed a life-size replica of traditional gaming industry business models in half. Or at least, that’s how I like to imagine it happened. I was asleep while John took the bullet of waking up at Ungodly O’ Clock to attend Epic’s presser. The takeaway, however, was obvious: Epic is trying to make its engine more accessible to everyone - full-time developers, part-time indies, and no-time hobbyists alike. I asked Epic engine GM Ray Davis how the studio plans to achieve that (hint: Minecraft) and also about where Fortnite‘s gone because I pretty much had to.

… [visit site to read more]

Posted by Kotaku Sep 05 2012 18:00 GMT
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#fortnite There are things that go bump in the night in Epic Games' next title. Fortnite is like many games put into one, but at its crux it's a survival, building game. So when the monsters start coming out, you've hopefully constructed some safe ground to defend against them. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 04 2012 21:00 GMT
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Generally speaking, Epic’s a company that likes to put its best foot forward. When it debuts a new game or engine, everything’s polished to a gloriously gritty sheen – even if a look behind the curtain tells an entirely different tale. So Fortnite‘s PAX presentation was – for many reasons – a strong reminder that the crayola-colored survivor is Different. It began, for instance, with Tanya Jessen, Cliff Bleszinski, and co running us through very early Unreal Engine 3 prototypes of Fortnite’s combat – complete with desolate checker box backgrounds and near-superheroic levels of Aliasing-O-Vision. But that’s the point: Epic considers its construction-centric opus a “living project,” and it wants fans in on the ground floor.


Posted by Joystiq Sep 01 2012 04:30 GMT
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As a special prize for one lucky attendee of tonight PAX Prime 2012 Fortnite panel - a reprise of the Fortnite panel we saw at San Diego Comic Con earlier this year - Epic Games gave out a golden ticket that provides early beta entrance to next year's Unreal Engine 4 PC game. So ... wait, does that mean there's gonna be an open beta for Fortnite?

"TBD," Epic design director Cliff Bleszinski told us immediately following the panel. "There will definitely be a closed beta," producer Tanya Jessing added, but she also refused to confirm whether an open beta is also in the cards. But hey, that one lady who won the ticket? She's totally in.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 20 2012 17:00 GMT
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It’s been ages since Epic last took up PC gaming’s banner and affixed some sort of completely bonkers weapon to it. Instead, the Unreal creator has been off duct-taping chainsaws to other platforms while we spill warm tears onto screenshots of Jazz The Jackrabbit. But no more. Epic recently announced that Fortnite – at least, for the time being – will be leading on PC and debuting Unreal Engine 4 to boot. So I had a massive chat with producer Tanya Jessen about that, during which we discussed Minecraft comparisons, the not-so-obvious benefits of Unreal Engine 4, Fortnite’s cartoony art style, online aspects, and why Epic never really left the PC behind. It’s all after the break.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 19 2012 09:00 GMT
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Let’s start with some good news, shall we? First off, Fortnite’s looking quite nice and – based on an interview I just wrapped with producer Tanya Jessen (which you’ll see all of tomorrow) – the Unreal-Engine-4-powered survivor is, by and large, taking full advantage of every tool at PC gaming’s disposal. In other words, expect a constant flow of new content, some form of mod support, and impressively open-ended, procedurally generated worlds. It’s not all uncharacteristically colorful cartoon roses, however. At this stage, Jessen told me, a constant Internet connection requirement ala Diablo is still a possibility. She assured, however, that it’d be used first and foremost to improve the game – not as a last line of defense against piracy’s nighttime pillages.


Posted by Kotaku Jul 13 2012 01:15 GMT
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#fortnite Epic Games' latest title, Fortnite, is a shooter, in which players wait until nightfall for their fortress to be attacked, or venture outside of the safety of its walls to take the battle to hordes of colorfully creepy creatures. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 12 2012 22:00 GMT
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After a long, harrowing journey in which he was forced to duct tape an assault rifle and chainsaw together to escape the vacuous innards of a consolebox, Cliff “Don’t Call Me CliffyB” Bleszinski (and, I suppose, Epic’s legion of insanely talented guys and gals) is back on PC. So then, what does the formidable devourer of puppies have in store for us this time? Well, in short, Fortnite‘s an Unreal-Engine-4-powered exclusive that, er, sounds a whole lot like Minecraft.


Posted by Giant Bomb Jul 12 2012 19:48 GMT
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Unreal Engine 4 will, no doubt, power many next-generation video games in the coming years, including those that come out of Epic Games. The first game to use the studio’s new engine technology, however, will be the previously mysterious Fortnite.

We already knew Fortnite was influenced by Minecraft, but what was shown at a panel today in San Diego for Comic-Con sounds like a much more ambitious take on something like the Zombies mode in Call of Duty.

Epic Games is describing Fortnite as a "co-op sandbox survival game." Players spend the day building defenses and crafting items, weapons to defend against enemies at night.

At the moment, Fortnite is shipping on PC sometime in 2013, but designer Cliff Bleszinski has already said that doesn’t mean it’s a PC exclusive forever.

“Fortnite is PC primary and first, but we wouldn't rule out the possibility of other platforms later,” he said on Twitter.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 12 2012 20:30 GMT
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Epic Games kicked off our experience at Comic-Con this year with a panel about Fortnite, the oft-mentioned but not yet seen game that serves as the studio's followup to Gears of War. Producer Tanya Jessen, Lead Artist Pete Ellis, and Design Director Cliff Bleszinski talked at length about the game, revealing it to be a mashup of Minecraft, The Walking Dead and Team Fortress 2. It's designed and built in Unreal Engine 4, and destined for a PC-only launch.

Jessen described Fortnite as a "co-op sandbox survival game" with three different elements. Scavenging will allow players to go out into the ruined world and find items and materials wherever they can. Building will let players first erect and then customize various structures of all shapes and sizes. Combat, the last part of the game, pits players against creepy yet "Looney Tunes-inspired" monsters attempting to take those structures down.

"This is not just a game for people who like shooters or RPGS," said Jessen. "It's a game for everybody." And according to Bleszinski, Fortnite is a big change internally from what the studio has been working on more recently. "It's been really fresh for us," he said. "We've had like six years of Gears and we've perfected the art of killing. Fortnite is serving as a fresh change of pace for us."

Posted by Kotaku Jan 23 2012 21:00 GMT
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#fortnite Epic Games makes macho games that feature manly men. Gears of War, for example. But they're also making FortNite, a game their lead game designer, Cliff Bleszinski, tells G4 should help the studio's shed the developer's "dudebro" image just a bit. More »

Posted by IGN Dec 12 2011 19:05 GMT
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When Fortnite was announced this weekend, there wasn't a lot of information available. Epic has now revealed the first details, including that the game will focus on freeform construction...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 12 2011 12:48 GMT
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Fortnite’s reveal trailer suggested that the game could be borrowing ideas from Minecraft, Fort Zombie and Team Fortress 2, along with many other things. Now that details are beginning to emerge, Epic have admitted that Mojang’s block ‘em up was indeed an inspiration. Lead designer Lee ‘Unscratch’ Perry took time to broadcast the following messages through his personal Tweet-o-Tron: “Minecraft lets you build ANYTHING, we are focusing on constructing ‘buildings’ specifically”. A later tweet contained this: “Minecraft was an inspiration for sure”. With that out in the open, the obvious thing to do was to ensure Notch backed our demand that the game come to PC. A few more details about the game await below.


Posted by Kotaku Dec 11 2011 23:00 GMT
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#fortnite Fortnite, revealed last nite (rimshot) at the Spike Video Game Awards, is one of those games whose elements seem to be either derivative or easily recognizable, yet an easy description remains tip-of-the-tongue elusive. It's a got resource gathering, but it's not really Minecraft; cartoony characters, but you can't say it's Team Fortress; zombies and headshots, but it sure isn't Left 4 Dead; and a post-apocalyptic setting, but it's definitely not Brink, Rage or Borderlands. More »

Posted by IGN Dec 11 2011 02:37 GMT
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Epic has revealed Fortnite, a new original IP. The debut trailer reveals that the game features cartoonish graphics and zombies. According to Epic's Cliff Bleszinski, the game will allow players to "explore, scavenge, build and survive." For now, no release information or platforms have been announced...