This is part of a Cubed3 review...
It's absolutely beautiful, sounds great, and gives great value for money. Toki Tori controls admirably, even if he's perhaps a bit too slow at times. The choice of presenting the game with only minimal menus and little introduction to the story, other than a black smoke coming out of the ground and chasing Toki Tori's chick friends away, isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's cute and original in its own way, but it can be understood how it could belittle some people's early impressions of the game, which is why a demo would be most welcome. At time of writing, what happened to the level editor in this Wii U version that was hinted at in the past is unknown, but what remains on offer is still one impressive package of digital goodness. A puzzle-platform game well recommended to any fans of the genre! It may well be the best representative of the genre yet on the console.