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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 31 2014 10:00 GMT
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There are times when the wait for a port can be more agonising for a PC enthusiast than it was for the passengers aboard Explorer of the Seas. And then there are the times when the wait is for the best. LocoCycle, from Splosion Man developers Twisted Pixel, looked like it might be a satisfyingly bizarre combat racing game. The story of an engineer being dragged behind an artificially intelligent motorbike (really), its live action sequences, starring the likes of Freddy Rodriguez and Tom Savini, looked as self aware as the titular vehicle. Reviews suggested otherwise, ranging from disappointment at the shoddy action to dismay at the quality of writing and humour. On February 14th, you can find out for yourself when the PC port arrives.


Posted by Giant Bomb Nov 20 2013 14:00 GMT
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Patrick hits the road on his talking motorcycle and finds himself chasing that next FMV high.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 01 2013 19:30 GMT
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Talking cars. Who doesn't like talking cars? And talking cars that can blow stuff up? Even better. Except in this case, the vehicle in question is a super-smart sentient motorcycle that got hit by lightning and decided it doesn't want to work for The Man anymore.Read more...

Posted by Joystiq Jul 23 2013 23:00 GMT
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A man made of explosions breaks out of a lab as fleeing scientists burst into charred hams. A lame superhero's comic is canceled and he fights to get back on the shelves. An undead puppet fueled by demonic tacos rises from the grave to take revenge on his posse. If there's one thing you can count on from developer Twisted Pixel, it's an amusing premise.

Its latest game, which will launch alongside Microsoft's Xbox One, is no different. LocoCycle tells the story of I.R.I.S. (Intelligent Reactionary Infiltration System), a top secret, sentient motorcycle that has escaped her makers and is on the run from S.P.I.K.E. (Sociopathic Predatory Intelligent Kill Experiment). In tow - literally - is her Spanish-speaking mechanic Pablo, forcefully dragged along as IRIS blasts her enemies. When she can't shoot baddies, she leaps into the air, "kicking" them with her tires and swinging Pablo around like a pair of giant, fleshy nunchaku.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 07 2013 17:06 GMT
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Updates about LocoCycle—the next game from the creators of The Maw and The Gunstringer—have been few and far in between. But it looks like we’ll be seeing more of the vehicular adventure next week since LocoCycle has been confirmed as an Xbox One launch title. The game’s going to be on the 360, too, but a post on the official site makes it sound like the One version will be graphically superior at least: However, the Xbox One version will definitely take advantage of the big jump in horsepower by running in full 1080p at a solid 60 frames per second in addition to countless other graphical improvements. Of course, we don’t when the Xbox One (and, by extension, LocoCycle) will be out but that date will likely be revealed next week.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 07 2013 16:01 GMT
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Microsoft's Twisted Pixel studio (The Maw, 'Splosion Man) announced today that its upcoming LocoCycle will be an Xbox One launch title. An Xbox 360 version of the game is also under development, with a "not yet determined" release window.

The game will be playable at E3, but here's a preview of the game from late last year.

Posted by IGN Mar 22 2013 23:08 GMT
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It's Short Circuit meets Torque. The creators of 'Splosion Man push the envelope of ridiculousness in this new mission from their upcoming tile, LocoCycle.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 15 2013 20:00 GMT
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#lococycle When Microsoft showed off a glimpse of Twisted Pixel's upcoming game at E3 last year, I hoped that it would be a spiritual descendant of Road Rash. Now we get a look at actual gameplay, it looks more like a funny fusion in the vein of man-and-machine buddy comedies like Short Circuit. A level from LocoCycle will be on display at PAX East so, if you're going to the Boston-based show, you'll get to see more of the next game from the creators of ‘Splosion Man and The Gunstringer. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 05 2012 20:29 GMT
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Twisted Pixel joins Brad on the show floor to discuss Robert Patrick, Torque, and how video games are conceived.

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 05 2012 20:29 GMT
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Twisted Pixel joins Brad on the show floor to discuss Robert Patrick, Torque, and how video games are conceived.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 01 2012 03:30 GMT
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You may think, after watching the initial trailer, that Twisted Pixel pulled LocoCycle (in which you control a renegade robotic motorcycle that shoots and karate-chops its way across the country) out of some loony creative cauldron of its own making. But that's not quite true, says studio director Michael Wilford, showing the game for the first time at PAX Prime 2012. There is a very clear inspiration, he says, and it's Ice Cube's 2004 motorcycle racing movie, Torque.

"It's a really shitty movie," Wilford tells us. "It tries to be Fast and the Furious on motorcycles." Twisted Pixel's art director gave a copy of Torque to the company's chief creative officer, Josh Bear, one day as a joke, and Bear was directly influenced by a viewing, especially a scene where two women battle with motorcycles. "Josh had a nightmare that night," says Wilford with complete sincerity, "and woke up the next day and said, 'We have to make a game about a fighting motorcycle.'"

Posted by IGN Aug 29 2012 21:14 GMT
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Terminator 2s Robert Patrick and Lisa Foiles headline LocoCycles voice cast.

Posted by IGN Aug 29 2012 21:12 GMT
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A sentient motorcycle turns the tables on road rage.

Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 29 2012 18:51 GMT
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I would like a Robert Patrick resurgence in a similar vein to 2010's Michael Keaton resurgence. Can we make this happen?

Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 29 2012 18:48 GMT
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So? A motorcycle knows kung-fu. What's weird about that?

Posted by Joystiq Aug 29 2012 18:30 GMT
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Twisted Pixel just released the first two trailers for its latest jam, LocoCycle, and boy howdy does it look as trademark weird as we were hoping. The game focuses on a sentient three-wheeled motorcycle named I.R.I.S. (voiced by Lisa Foiles) who is on the run from her creators and, by extension, the bike they've sent to retrieve her: S.P.I.K.E., voiced by Robert Patrick.

As shown in the gameplay trailer above, I.R.I.S. is armed with automatic weaponry and is capable of dramatic, in-air martial arts, ala Devil May Cry/Bayonetta. S.P.I.K.E., who can be seen in the behind-the-scenes voice-actor trailer after the break, has a decidedly more sinister Ghost Rider feel, as opposed to I.R.I.S.'s sophisticated Tron vibe. Well, as sophisticated as a motorcycle dragging a person while punching dudes with its tires can look, at any rate.

LocoCycle's release window is still a painfully vague "2013."

Posted by Joystiq Jun 04 2012 18:31 GMT
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Since acquiring Twisted Pixel back in October, Microsoft has seemingly wasted no time putting the Texas studio to work. Announced today during Microsoft's E3 press conference, the outfit's new project has been revealed: LocoCycle, a game that is about a really advanced motorcycle.

Update: We've got the trailer embedded in the post now, and there's a press release with some more information just past the break.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 04 2012 18:59 GMT
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Get your hands on the latest and greatest in assassin technology in Lococycle.