Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified Message Board

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Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 10 2013 17:00 GMT
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One way or another, February 20th will be remembered as an important day in the legacy of the PlayStation brand. As we have been oft-reminded by every single news writer in the industry for the last few weeks, this is the day that Sony will presumably unveil the PlayStation 4, the culmination of years of work and the earnest beginning of the next generation of consoles. For all of you about to dive into the comments section with some variation on the old "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE WII U" protest, don't bother. We're not having this conversation right now.

I would love to believe in you, Sony. I really would. But you'll have to forgive me if, judging by recent history, I have some trepidation about doing so.

There is, of course, the smallest of small chances that the upcoming press event isn't about Sony's next console, but that in and of itself would be memorable, if only for the sheer volume of crestfallen faces we'll see immediately afterward. To not unveil the PS4 now would be tantamount to Sony admitti9ng it is nowhere near ready to show what it has, and by all accounts, that doesn't seem likely. So having acknowledged such a slim-to-nil possibility, let's now move on and talk about what we're likely going to see.

We don't write console rumors as proper news stories around here, usually for a variety of reasons. For one, even in the most seemingly accurate circumstances, the rumors are often based on spec or development hardware, which is often being revised as development goes along. Two, save for those rarified situations where people seemingly have good, solid intel, most other console rumors are Grade A horseshit.

All of that said, we're close enough now to the probable announcement that the stockpile of recent rumors probably at least holds something close to the truth. Here's a quick once over of what we sort of maybe possibly almost know so far.

It will likely be quite powerful, though that won't necessarily be the focus. Multiple rumors have placed the system's processor (at least at the current devkit level) as being a 4x Dual-Core AMD64 "Bulldozer," with an AMD R10xx GPU, 8GB of system memory, and 2.2 gigs of video memory. Technical specs give me migraines, so you'll forgive me if I don't spend more time trying to break down what all of that means. Suffice it to say, it will have some horsepower. However, as we saw with the PlayStation 3, sheer horsepower does not a successful console make. The PS3 has never captured the level of worldwide ubiquity achieved by its two predecessors, partially due to a mixture of cost, various examples of shoddy or lackluster marketing, and strong competition from Microsoft (and, for a time, Nintendo). So with the PS4, there's going to have to be something else, some other key factor that can bring wayward players into the fold. Such as...

A controller that features a touch-pad, more flexible user account signing, new media device connection capabilities, and a partridge in a pear tree. Of all the crazy hardware rumors out there, this is the least crazy-sounding thing I've heard. A PlayStation controller with touch-pad functionality just makes a hell of a lot of sense. The Vita may have, in some respects, simply been a test-marketing campaign for people's interest in such tech. Keep in mind that nobody's saying the PS4 will have a straight-up front touch screen, but more likely something akin to the Vita's rear touch pad. Again, this is all speculative, but it all seems likely. Elsewhere, we have what will likely be a new system for allowing multiple users to sign into accounts, and a bit of bandying over the idea that the PS4 will connect to a variety of handheld devices, making the system more of a definitive living room "media hub."

All of that sounds really great, except for one key detail...

It's probably going to be fairly expensive. No, not $600 expensive, but probably north of the $400 range, at least in Japan. Yen-to-dollar transitions in price are rarely 1-to-1, but $399 for a new base-model console from Sony doesn't sound outrageous. Pricey, but not completely insane. Of course, there's still plenty of room for them to jack up that price for more premium models.

There are other ideas being kicked around as well, but these are the most persistent, most constant of rumors, the ones that seem most likely to come to fruition in some capacity. I won't presume to say without having even seen the console whether it has any chance of success, but based on what tentative info I've read thus far, I think the hardware sounds like it could be very cool.

This dumb thing was the last Vita-related commercial I saw on television. That was nearly three months ago.

But is that going to be enough for Sony? Probably not. After all, the Vita, which is also unquestionably a very cool piece of hardware, has not made much impact at retail since it launched in the US last year. So much of that can be easily attributed to a lack of proper marketing for the device, not to mention a dearth (but not total lack) of quality games for the system. There are good games for the Vita, but none of them have been pushed the way, say, a Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified has been. In fact, apart from that wretched game, I can't remember the last time I saw an ad for anything related to the Vita anywhere.

This is what worries me most about the PlayStation 4. Not the specs, not the price, not even the games, necessarily. I'm just not convinced Sony has its shit together enough to promote this thing properly.

Actually, to digress for a second, I am a tad worried about the games as well. It's not that I don't trust such Sony luminaries as Naughty Dog, Guerrilla, and Santa Monica studio to offer up entertaining, blockbuster experiences that will almost assuredly be ready for the system's launch window. And I expect there will be several games from smaller indie devs as well--after all, for all of Sony's missteps during this generation, one of its greatest strengths has been its courting of interesting independent games for the PlayStation Network store.

But beyond those big names and a few small studios that have thoroughly bought into Sony's plans, I don't really know what else the console maker has to work with these days. The last couple of years has seen Sony shutter or cut ties with numerous studios. Internally, S.O.C.O.M. developers Zipper Interactive, Pursuit Force and Little Deviants dev BigBig Studios, and WipeOut franchise runners Sony Liverpool have been closed. Then there are the third-party devs, like Eat Sleep Play (Twisted Metal), Sanzaru (Sly Collection, Sly 4), The Workshop (Sorcery), Lightbox (Starhawk) and SuperBot Entertainment (PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale). Each of those studios has produced (or was at least in the process of producing) a major game for Sony, and in each case, said game was sent off to retail without much marketing behind it. And in several of those cases, Sony has cut ties with the studios following those games' underperforming at retail.

That's about as hostile a potential working relationship for any developer as I can picture. Sure, publishers close or cancel contracts with developers all the time, but Sony has practically made it habitual. In some cases, like Twisted Metal and Sorcery, it's likely that Sony simply didn't have a lot of confidence in those games. But titles like Battle Royale, Starhawk, and Sly 4 have never seen a great deal of negative press, nor was there anything to suggest that Sony had misgivings about their development. Hell, PlayStation All-Stars was practically Sony's only major holiday release last year. Yet, like so many other recent Sony-published games, it was shuffled off to retail with no fan fare, no significant marketing campaign, and no indication that anyone at Sony even really cared all that much.

Then again, it'd be hard to share such feelings given that much of Sony's PR team was gutted before the holiday season even began.

Following every major sports season, you can always tell which teams are about to begin a "rebuilding phase" by how fast and furious the firings come. Older players with expensive contracts are often jettisoned as the team begins gathering funds and resources to try and rebuild itself through the draft and farm talent. I mention this because it feels for like the last year or so, Sony's been jettisoning expenses in preparation of what's to come with the PlayStation 4. Except that instead of just letting old contracts expire and cutting a few chunks of fat at the tail end of the cycle, it's been passively letting every major PlayStation 3 and/or Vita game of the last year wander onto the field and get beaten half to death without providing any notable support whatsoever. Games like Journey have certainly managed to gain attention, but only through rabid support by the press and extremely positive word-of-mouth from fans. From a marketing standpoint, Journey's success was practically a work of divine intervention.

There are only two ways to view this. Either Sony is hoarding money and resources for a massive, blitzkrieg marketing assault starting around E3 and culminating with the system's launch (maybe) this holiday, or Sony has completely lost any sense of direction, drive, or enthusiasm for its own game division, and simply doesn't have the confidence necessary to push a new console into the marketplace with the proper support it requires.

Sony could literally invent a way to send burritos digitally through your console and to your living room, and I still think they'd have a hard time figuring out how to properly market it to people.

Truthfully, I believe the former far more than I would believe the latter. This has been a supremely weird closeout to the PlayStation 3 era, and the Vita's unceremonious dumping at retail certainly hasn't given anyone the impression Sony really cares all that much these days about its own welfare in the marketplace. But a new console generation is something different. This is Sony's potential opportunity to wipe the slate clean and go balls-out crazy on the next Xbox. This is their chance to make a wholly compelling argument for why people should make Sony's all-purpose gaming and media box the logical and exciting choice. That's incredibly important, because if any of the more interesting Durango rumors hold true, they'll have to be extremely convincing to drive market share away from Microsoft. Changing perceptions can be an enormously difficult thing, but when everybody's got a new machine to shill, all bets are off.

Especially in a generation that some industry prognosticators are deeming the last of the home console dinosaurs. I don't necessarily believe that, but I wouldn't outright dismiss such a claim, either. So many things could go so very, very wrong this gen that in a worst-case scenario, I could easily see this being the last time we, as an industry, collectively go crazy over a slate of shiny new boxes to play with.

You hear that, Sony? This is quite possibly your last legitimate chance to impress the world with your home hardware, and take back the crown of the most played console brand of the market. In the parlance of one of my favorite shows on television, RuPaul's Drag Race, Microsoft and Sony are about to lip sync for their lives, and right now, we don't even know if Sony has bothered to memorize the words.

I guess all that's left to say to Sony at this point is good luck. Oh, and don't *crag* it up.


P.S. Please join me in wishing our own Patrick Klepek a speedy recovery from his recent bike accident, wherein he jacked up his shoulder something fierce. His suffering is both a lesson in the fragility of man, and the extreme necessity to keep an eye out for potholes. Get well soon, Scoops.

P.P.S. Also join me in well-wishing Tested's Will Smith, who is apparently getting an appendectomy. Can everyone I know please stop needing surgery? Not into this trend AT ALL.

Posted by Giant Bomb Nov 14 2012 20:00 GMT
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At a glance, it looks and acts like Call of Duty. But it ain't.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified attempts to bring some of the flavor of 2010's Call of Duty: Black Ops to the PlayStation Vita by giving you new missions that put you in the boots of that game's main duo, Frank Woods and Alex Mason. While this could have served as an interesting segue between the events of that game and the just-released Black Ops II, Declassified is a disjointed mess of meaningless missions played against a clock backed up with a multiplayer mode that occasionally approximates something that resembled proper Call of Duty combat. More often, though, the game feels too small to be entertaining, with maps so tiny that you'll literally spawn with an enemy in your crosshairs... or vice versa. This would be a questionable purchase at traditional downloadable pricing. But at $50? No way.

To fit on the Vita, some control adjustments have been made. The triggers handle your aiming and shooting, but many of the other maneuvers--grenade tossing and melee attacks, specifically--have been moved to the touch screen. The rear touch is used to steady your aim while sniping and the game utilizes an auto-sprint option to keep things moving at a Call of Duty-like pace. But at best, controlling the action feels like a bootleg knockoff of real Call of Duty. Basic movement feels awkward and the auto-sprint feels unreliable, making it tougher to get away from grenades. It almost feels like the developers realized this, because the fuses on grenades feel way longer. Call of Duty has always been about snapping to your target when playing against AI opposition, and that snapping feels positively vital on the Vita. Turning with the right stick, despite a sensitivity slider, never feels right. Multiplayer matches, as a result, look like a collection of broken robots mindlessly running around tight corridors, passing one another, then clumsily turning to fire. As if that all wasn't weird enough, all enemies--human or otherwise--feel like they take three or four more bullets to drop. It's a messy game to play, and that feel permeates every mode.

The primary solo mode is a series of profoundly short time trials that put you, as either Alex Mason or Frank Woods, into a quick mission. You're given a few seconds of start-up storyline and sent on your way. There are no checkpoints, so if you die, shoot hostages, or stumble into some other failure state, you'll have to start the entire mission over. Most missions are only a few minutes long, so the lack of checkpoints isn't the end of the world, but it sure is a weird thing to include as your main single-player mode. You'll get cutscenes between missions, but no overarching story.

The AI you'll face in these missions is embarrassing. Enemies, seemingly aware that the game's controls are kind of bad, occasionally just stand there for a bit, giving you time to take them out at your leisure. Sometimes enemies two rooms ahead of you will just start shooting in your direction where they stand, even though there are multiple walls between you and them. Incidentally, this actually works out in your favor in some cases, since the game is sort of bad about telling you where you're supposed to be going. So just follow the gunfire. In an ideal situation, these missions would be good enough to inspire you to play them over and over again and place higher on the game's online leaderboards. But that is most definitely not the case.

The enemy AI is wildly erratic and feels broken at times.

The game also has a handful of time trials, which pit you against wooden targets as you try to get through a set of obstacle courses as quickly as possible. Hey, remember how Call of Duty games used to have the training course thing that would let you see which difficulty mode you should play on? Ever wish that this old idea was turned into a small mode of its own? Yeah, me neither. Hostiles mode, which is a wave-based survival mode, spawns in dozens of enemies for you to gun down and, between waves, drops supply crates to let you restock. Enemies typically make a beeline for your location, but they're also likely to get hung up on level geometry and just sort of vibrate up against a wall.

The most interesting option is eight-player multiplayer, which is built on a limited set of the same fundamentals that power other Call of Duty games. You'll gain levels, create custom classes with perks, weapon attachments, and more. It has a handful of modes, too, including Kill Confirmed and Drop Zone, which has you fighting over control of a single point on the map. It can handle up to eight players, which manages to be enough for the little maps included in the game. Remember how Nuketown always seemed like it was a little small? How about Nukehouse, which is a sectioned-off half of the original Nuketown map? No? On one hand, there's something novel about a handheld version of Call of Duty. But not like this.

The game is strangely quiet, even after a launch day patch that claims to adjust the sound levels. It feels like it's missing music or some more ambient battlefield noise. While we're talking about audio, it's worth noting that most of the original voice actors do not reprise their roles here. The graphics are often decent, but the stilted, awkward character movement just makes the action look strange.

The game is also plagued with a handful of technical issues. Multiplayer matches are often hard to connect to, and if you're connecting to what Sony refers to as a "Type 3" NAT, attempting to select the multiplayer menu at all simply pops up an "Insufficient NAT" message, preventing you from playing the multiplayer mode at all. Menus sometimes seem to freeze up for seconds at a time, preventing you from making a selection and moving forward. Joining multiplayer games often sends you back to the main menu instead of into a game. And the game can get caught in some sort of loop that causes it to pop up a wireless network error message over the single-player action without actually pausing the action. The game's already seen one patch, which put in an Ad Hoc multiplayer mode, but it's in need of more.

So it's a bad game on its own, but the technical issues really twist the knife already buried in Declassified's dark heart. Allow me to remind you that this game is $50. Do not buy this game for $50.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Nov 14 2012 01:01 GMT
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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale ($59.99) PlayStation-All-Stars.jpg PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a brawl on the PlayStation 3 system like nothing that has come before it. From Kratos to Sly Cooper, Sweet Tooth to PaRappa the Rapper, PlayStation characters from all over the gaming spectrum are brought together in a fighting adventure that’s both easy to play, and hard to master. The game plays out across static and interactive Sony themed environments, and features local multiplayer support as well as the ability to take the battle online for competitive multiplayer action.

ESRB: T – Teen

PS3 Full Games

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ($49.99) Tekken-Tag-Tournament-2.jpg WE ARE TEKKEN! Download the full TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 game! NOTE: This game’s downloadable content is the same as the packaged version, and includes the online pass but none of the pre-order downloadable content.

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PSN Games

Wicked Monster Blast! HD ($9.99) Wicked-Monster-Blast.jpg Wicked Monsters Blast for is an exciting family fun shooting gallery game for all ages – use the PlayStation Move motion controller or DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controller to blast enemies and solve puzzles and choose your favourite character from a cast of crazy characters to take on 15 crazy mini games and 20 levels of challenge mode with up to 4 of your friends!

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PS Vita

Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified ($49.99) Call-of-Duty-Black-Ops-Declassified.jpg Before the future could be won, history had to be written. Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified explores original fiction in the Call of Duty Black Ops universe with an all-new campaign of Special Ops missions. Optimized for gamers on-the-go, Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified delivers the most intense handheld Call of Duty experience to date.

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PlayStation Store Highlights


It’s almost time for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, and to prepare you can now pre-order it off the PlayStation Store. Continuing in the fighter theme, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is available for download. A more cooperative option for your family gatherings, SingStar is now available with some free demo songs.

If you’re looking for the Call of Duty experience on the go, Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified is now up for download on PS Vita. For a more peaceful experience, Colors! is also available on PS Vita, so you can paint or doodle wherever you’d like.

PS Plus members can snag another free game this week as Quantum Conundrum enters the Instant Game Collection. There’s also a Timed Trial for Counter Strike: Global Offensive in case you missed it when it was only available via Automatic Download back in August. Rounding out the Plus member goodies this week are a few discounts on Machinarium, Choplifter HD and Super Stacker Party.

As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.

God of War: Ascension Beta Update

PlayStation devotees who purchased God of War Saga for PlayStation 3 received a special 30-day PlayStation Plus voucher, which encouraged them to redeem on November 13th for exclusive access to the God of War: Ascension Beta.

Please note that the Beta will not be available today on the PlayStation Store. Development on Ascension and its exciting multiplayer content continues at a feverish pace, and an announcement regarding a Beta launch date is forthcoming.

If you are not currently a PlayStation Plus user and were planning to use the voucher included with the God of War Saga in order to access the PS Plus Ascension Beta, please do not redeem your voucher until the as-of-yet unannounced launch date. This will ensure that the 30-day PS Plus trial will afford you as many days of access to the Beta as possible.

Stay tuned for further updates regarding the Ascension Beta, and thank you for your ongoing support of the God of War series!

PlayStation Plus


Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.

Instant Game Collection Quantum Conundrum Timed Trial Counter Strike Global Offensive Discounts Machinarium (30%) – PS Plus Price: $6.99
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Discount – Super Stacker Party
Discount – Absolute Supercars

PS3 Demos (Free)

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PS Vita Demos (Free)

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Price Change

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  • The Price is Right – PS3 Game (now: $4.99 original price: $9.99)
  • The Price is Right Decades – PS3 Game (now: $4.99 original price: $9.99)
  • Who Wants to Be A Millionaire – PS3 Game (now: $4.99 original price: $9.99)
  • Game Show Party Bundle – PS3 Game (now: $4.99 original price: $9.99)

PS Vita Add-ons

New Little King’s Story
  • Legendary Clothes Set ($1.99) – Download the ‘Legendary Clothes Set’ and unlock new items to increase Life! This includes the Samurai Helmet, Armor, Tiara, Legendary Blue Dress and Red Dress!
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Pure Chess
  • Easter Island Chess Set ($2.49) – The Pure Chess Easter Island chess set is inspired by the mysterious Moai of Easter Island, Polynesia. These head-like, monolithic chess pieces have been beautifully crafted, bringing the Moai not only to life – but to the chess board. Download now and start playing Pure Chess, Easter Island style!
Street Fighter X Tekken
  • Special Color Palette 2 (Free) – A special color pack (4-color set) for character color customization. This pack features a special version of cool and sparkly colors! Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
  • Special Color Palette 3 (Free) – A special color pack (4-color set) for character color customization. To celebrate the collaboration that brought Street Fighter and Tekken together, this pack features the colors used in the NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. logo! Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS Vita versions!
  • Shared Assist Gem Pack 5 ($2.99) – This 10 Gem pack is great for intermediate and advanced players. These Assist Gems can be used by all characters. They’re sure to give you the winning edge in battle! Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change.
Zen Pinball 2
  • Fantastic Four ($2.99) – It is time again for the Fantastic Four to save humanity from the forces of chaos. Skrulls, Doctor Doom with his Doombots, and the mighty Galactus each have their own nefarious plans for the fate of Earth…

PS3 Add-ons

007 Legends
  • 007 Pack (Free) – The ultimate Bond content collection including the Walther PPK, Fast Switch gadget and an exclusive outfit for Bond are now available for download.
  • Nemesis Pack (Free) – The ultimate Bond collection of exclusive outfits for Jaws and Baron Samedi are now available for download.
  • Stealth Pack (Free) – The ultimate Bond collection of exclusive gadgets is now available for download.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  • Season Pass ($49.99) – The Call of Duty: Black Ops II Season Pass is the ultimate way to get more of Call of Duty: Black Ops II. 4 Epic DLC Map Packs, 1 Great Price. Get four Call of Duty: Black Ops II downloadable content Map Packs, delivering a variety of new content, including Multiplayer and Zombies playable content. Content expected to be available in 2013, following the game’s launch on 11/13/12.
Darksiders 2
  • Maker Armor ($2.99) – Forged by a race of beings that created the Universe itself, the Maker Armor Set is renowned for its ability to withstand punishment from even the fiercest of foes. This item is best suited for 5th level characters. Season Pass content should be accessed and downloaded in-game, or you may be charged twice. Visit for more details.
Dead or Alive 5
  • Player’s Swimwear Pack 1 ($4.99) – A set of some of the sexiest outfits for four of the hottest fighters in gaming.
  • Player’s Swimwear Pack 2 ($4.99) – A set of some of the sexiest outfits for four of the hottest fighters in gaming.
  • Player’s Swimwear Pack 3 ($4.99) – A set of some of the sexiest outfits for four of the hottest fighters in gaming.
  • Bunny Swimwear Pack ($7.99) – Rabbit-ear bikinis for Dead or Alive’s top bunnies – Kasumi, Ayane and Hitomi.
  • Swimwear Bundle ($12.99) – Twelve of the sexiest swimsuits for the hottest fighters.
F1 Race Stars
  • Christmas Accessory Pack ($0.99) – Download the Christmas Accessory Pack! Customize your horn, skid marks and boost shapes with this new accessory pack bundle. Includes 3 themes – Snow, Christmas and Party.
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  • Monster Accessory Pack ($0.99) – Download the Monster Accessory Pack! Customize your horn, skid marks and boost shapes with this new accessory pack bundle. Includes 3 themes – Spooky, Vampire and Dinosaur.
  • Music Accessory Pack ($0.99) – Download the Music Accessory Pack! Customize your horn, skid marks and boost shapes with this new accessory pack bundle. Includes 3 themes – Music, Rock and Dance Party.
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  • Princess Accessory Pack ($0.99) – Download the Princess Accessory Pack! Customize your horn, skid marks and boost shapes with this new accessory pack bundle. Includes 3 themes – Hearts, Girl Power and Princess.
  • Science Accessory Pack ($0.99) – Download the Science Accessory Pack! Customize your horn, skid marks and boost shapes with this new accessory pack bundle. Includes 3 themes – Atomic, Space and Maths.
  • Europe Track ($4.99) – Download the Europe Track! Set in the streets of Valencia, race through a Marina, speed across super-slippy ice and dodge flying tomatoes in this awesome new F1 RACE STARS circuit!
Just Dance 4
  • Dagomba – Sorcerer ($2.99) – Keep the party going and just dance to an awesome party-hits favorite, Dagomba by Sorcerer.
Mugen Souls
  • Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 7 (Free) – Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission! Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure! This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!
  • Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 8 (Free) – Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission! Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure! This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!
  • Overwhelming Goth Loli Set ($2.99) – This is an original Goth Loli design. Use them all together or mix and match! Please enjoy many overwhelming combinations!
  • Overwhelming Selfina Set (Free) – This is the Selfina avatar set. Use them all together or mix and match! Please enjoy many overwhelming combinations!
  • G Up Fever Pack 3 ($2.99) – Show me the G Up! We made this set for those of you who feel that way!
  • Mugen Point Fever Pack 3 ($2.99) – Show me the Mugen Points! We made this set for those of you who feel that way!
Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise
  • Pennybear Costume ($0.99) – Pennybear Costume contains Creepo’s Visage, Baldo the Clown, Totally Casual and Rubber Trousers.
Pure Chess
  • Easter Island Chess Set ($2.49) – The Pure Chess Easter Island chess set is inspired by the mysterious Moai of Easter Island, Polynesia. These head-like, monolithic chess pieces have been beautifully crafted, bringing the Moai not only to life – but to the chess board. Download now and start playing Pure Chess, Easter Island style!

Rock Band 3 – Build your Rock Band library by purchasing song game tracks. For music credits, visit

  • I’m Alright ($1.99) – Kenny Loggins
  • Footloose ($1.99) – Kenny Loggins
  • Let’s Write a Song ($1.99) – Una Jensen
  • Our Finest Hour ($1.99) – Halcyon Way
  • Our Time ($1.99) – The Buffalo Joe Band
  • 21st Century Breakdown ($1.99) – Green Day
  • American Eulogy ($1.99) – Green Day
  • American Idiot ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Are We the Waiting/St. Jimmy ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Basket Case ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Before the Lobotomy ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Boulevard of Broken Dreams ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Burnout ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Chump ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Coming Clean ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Emenius Sleepus ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Extraordinary Girl ($1.99) – Green Day
  • F.O.D. ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Geek Stink Breath ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Give Me Novacaine/She’s a Rebel ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Having a Blast ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Hitchin’ a Ride ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Holiday ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Homecoming ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Horseshoes and Handgrenades ($1.99) – Green Day
  • In the End ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Jesus of Suburbia ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Last Night on Earth ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Letterbomb ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Longview ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Murder City ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Nice Guys Finish Last ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Peacemaker ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Pulling Teeth ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Restless Heart Syndrome ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Sassafras Roots ($1.99) – Green Day
  • See the Light ($1.99) – Green Day
  • She ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Song of the Century ($1.99) – Green Day
  • The Static Age ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Wake Me Up When September Ends ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Welcome to Paradise ($1.99) – Green Day
  • Whatsername ($1.99) – Green Day
  • When I Come Around ($1.99) – Green Day
  • ¿Viva la Gloria? (Little Girl) ($1.99) – Green Day
  • COLD KISS – $1.99
  • Green Day Pack 04 ($5.49) – This pack includes ‘Geek Stink Breath,’ ‘Hitchin’ a Ride,’ and ‘Nice Guys Finish Last’
  • Green Day “American Idiot” Album ($17.99) – Includes ‘American Idiot,’ ‘Are We the Waiting/St. Jimmy,’ ‘Boulevard of Broken Dreams,’ ‘Extraordinary Girl,’ ‘Give Me Novacaine/She’s a Rebel,’ ‘Holiday,’ ‘Homecoming,’ ‘Jesus of Suburbia,’ ‘Letterbomb,’ ‘Wake Me Up When September Ends,’ and ‘Whatsername’
  • Green Day “Dookie” Album ($19.99) – Includes ‘Basket Case,’ ‘Burnout,’ ‘Chump,’ ‘Coming Clean,’ ‘Emenius Sleepus,’ ‘F.O.D.,’ ‘Having a Blast,’ ‘In the End,’ ‘Longview,’ ‘Pulling Teeth,’ ‘Sassafras Roots,’ ‘She,’ ‘Welcome to Paradise,’ and ‘When I Come Around’
  • Green Day “21st Century Breakdown” Album ($19.99) – Includes ’21 Guns,’ ’21st Century Breakdown,’ ‘American Eulogy,’ ‘Before the Lobotomy,’ ‘Christian’s Inferno,’ ‘East Jesus Nowhere,’ ‘Horseshoes and Handgrenades,’ ‘Know Your Enemy,’ ‘Last Night on Earth,’ ‘Last of the American Girls,’ ‘Murder City,’ ‘Peacemaker,’ ‘Restless Heart Syndrome,’ ‘See the Light,’ ‘Song of the Century,’ ‘The Static Age,’ ‘¡Viva la Gloria!,’ and ‘¿Viva la Gloria? (Little Girl)’
  • Rush Song Pack ($11.99) – Includes ‘Tom Sawyer’, ‘Limelight’, ‘Red Barchetta’, ‘Subdivisions’ and ‘YYZ’
  • Headlong ($2.99) – Rush
  • Limelight ($2.99) – Rush
  • Red Barchetta ($2.99) – Rush
  • Subdivisions ($2.99) – Rush
  • Tom Sawyer ($2.99) – Rush
  • YYZ ($2.99) – Rush
Sleeping Dogs
  • Triad Enforcer Pack ($2.99) – Two all-new Triad missions along with new weapons, new outfit and a new vehicle.
  • Deep Undercover Pack ($2.99) – All the perks of being undercover with the Deep Undercover Pack. Unlocks the Plain Clothes Detective outfit (with a reduced heat penalty), the Undercover Police Ghost Car and a CB Radio for your safehouse.
  • GSP Pack ($2.99) – Dress like Mixed Martial Arts champion Georges “Rush” St-Pierre with this collection of shorts, t-shirts and bandana, and devastate your enemies with GSP’s signature flying punch. Also adds increased grappling and throwing damage.
  • Martial Arts Pack ($2.99) – Unleash the power of the Shaolin with the Martial Arts Pack. Unlocks the Shaolin Warrior outfit (with increased melee damage), the Shaolin Showdown mission and Wing Chun dummy decoration for your safehouse.
  • Police Protection Pack ($2.99) – Catch criminals like a true SWAT officer with the Police Protection Pack. Unlocks exclusive High Speed police mission, SWAT outfit, SWAT police cruiser car and SWAT assault rifle.
  • Dragon Master Pack ($7.99) – Pick up the five preorder packs for an amazing price.
Sniper Elite V2
  • Multiplayer Expansion (Free) – Sniper Elite V2 Multiplayer Expansion DLC. Go head to head with other players in the Multiplayer Expansion DLC! Contains 4 modes including Deathmatch and Distance King. Lurk amongst the darkness of the QUARRY map, position yourself in the church in GRAVES, hide amongst the rocks of the COAST map, or amidst the bombed out Berlin ruins of OPERNPLATZ. Up to 8 players can snipe off against each other. Make every bullet count.
Street Fighter X Tekken
  • Shared Assist Gem Pack 5 ($2.99) – This 10 Gem pack is great for intermediate and advanced players. These Assist Gems can be used by all characters. They’re sure to give you the winning edge in battle! Note: If you would like to see the effects of the Gems individually before purchase, please use the Store from the game’s Main Menu. The effects of the Gems may be subject to change.
Zen Pinball 2
  • Fantastic Four ($2.99) – It is time again for the Fantastic Four to save humanity from the forces of chaos. Skrulls, Doctor Doom with his Doombots, and the mighty Galactus each have their own nefarious plans for the fate of Earth…

Game Videos (Free)

  • God of War: Ascension Multiplayer Class Trailer – Zeus

PS3 Avatars

  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 5pb. Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Black Sister Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Cave Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Falcom Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Histoire Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Nepgear Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Purple Sister Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Ram Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Rom Avatar — $0.49
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Uni Avatar — $0.49

PS3 Themes

  • Dynamic 40s Vintage WWII Theme 6 — $2.99
  • Dynamic 40s Vintage WWII Theme 7 — $2.99
  • Dynamic Arcane Alchemy Theme — $2.99
  • Dynamic Arcane Runes Theme — $2.99
  • Dynamic Azmodeus Dark Angels Gathaa Theme — $2.99
  • Dynamic Azmodeus Dark Angels WynterTheme — $2.99
  • Dynamic Death Horror Skulls Theme 3 — $2.99
  • WWE ’13 SUPERSTARS THEME — $2.99
  • Zombies By KOA Dynamic Theme — $2.99

Available In-Game Only (Not on PlayStation Store)

DC Universe Online
  • Cerebral Weapons Style Pack — $4.99
  • Frozen Weapons Style Pack — $4.99
NCAA Football 2013
  • Adidas Strategy Uniform Pack 3 (EASST) — $1.59
  • Adidas Strategy Uniform Pack 3 — $1.99
Rock Band 3
  • American Idiot ($0.99) – Pro Guitar – Green Day
  • Footloose ($0.99) – Pro Guitar – Kenny Loggins
  • When I Come Around ($0.99) – Pro Guitar – Green Day

Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 14 2012 23:43 GMT
- Like?
Favorite part: "covert single-player missions" followed up by loud gunfire and some dude jumping through an effing window. Real smooth.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 05 2012 02:37 GMT
- Like?
Sony announces Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified is being developed exclusively for the PlayStation Vita