Receiver Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 08 2014 17:00 GMT
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Receiver is a first-person shooter made in just seven days. It takes place on a set of grey rooftops sparsely populated by turrets and flying robots. Your goal is to collect cassette tapes from randomised locations, and each one contains a nebbish voice coldly reciting instructions and explanations of the game’s hard-boiled scifi setting.

It’s austere and £3/$5, yet it’s also one of my favourite roleplaying games. Not because of a character creator or a stats sheet or quests. Receiver doesn’t have any of those things. It’s one of my favourite roleplaying games because it has a lot of buttons. A needless amount.

I want all games to have more needless buttons.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 02 2013 07:00 GMT
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In between being Humble and making games about dangerous rabbits, the handsome folk at Wolfire have made a game with astonishingly complex gun-mechanics. It’s called Receiver, and it’s arguably one of most interesting experiments in the first-person shooting field for some years. Rather than clumsily attempt to precis this, I’ve posted Wolfire’s own mechanics video below. The game has just had a big content update as it finds itself upon the Steams, and there’s a video explaining that, too.

What a lovely day I am having. (more…)

Posted by Joystiq May 01 2013 07:00 GMT
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Receiver, a detailed first-person shooter developed as part of a seven-day challenge for PC and Mac, has found its way on Steam. In the game players explore a minimalist world in search of clues to unravel a conspiracy.

Well, if you survive an onslaught of deadly turrets and drones, that is. Taking cues from roguelikes, players must start from the beginning of the world - in search of the evidence that generates in random areas - upon death. Developed by Wolfire Games, Receiver explores the detailed mechanics behind managing and handling a Colt 1911 A1 pistol. Players must load each bullet into clips, manage a safety, compensate for recoil and more.

Receiver can be a tense experience, as I learned in a livestream with the game when it first launched in June of last year. The Steam version is available for 20% off its regular price of $4.99 - priced to move at $3.99 - until May 6.

Posted by Valve Apr 29 2013 16:49 GMT
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Receiver is Now Available on Steam and is 20% off

Receiver was created for the 7-day FPS challenge to explore gun handling mechanics, randomized levels, and unordered storytelling. Armed only with a handgun and an audio cassette player, you must uncover the secrets of the Mindkill in a building complex infested with automated turrets and hovering shock drones.

Receiver combines bold design with enjoyable gameplay, adding an amazing new layer to the FPS genre.

*Offer ends May 6th at 10AM Pacific Timecapsule_467x181.jpg

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 27 2013 16:00 GMT
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It’s always interesting seeing how games come to be. Take Relock: it was inspired by Wolfire‘s excellent Receiver, a complicated gun sim that was made for the 7-day FPS challenge in the middle of last year. Receiver is excellent, but with Wolfire currently making a wabbit kung-fu sim, it’s unlikely to get much love. So Relock is here to give the people that loved Receiver something to be excited about, though it’s missing the oddball story, NPCs, and randomly created levels. So what does it have?(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 27 2013 09:00 GMT
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Gabe Newell hasn’t been particularly sweet on Steam Greenlight as of late, but the fully open Steam of tomorrow hasn’t supplanted its “dictatorial” ways just yet. Instead, the mighty user-driven machine trundles on, streamlining the process where it can and rhythmically opening its jaw each month to crunch down whatever creative morsels we offer up. So then, what’s on the menu this time around? Well, semi-big-names certainly top the list, but it’s not without a couple enticing curiosities.


Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 04 2013 14:00 GMT
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The disembodied voice of Werner Herzog teaches Patrick and Drew about proper gun operation.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 20 2012 03:00 GMT
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Receiver is a gorgeous, intense new first-person shooter that explores the mechanics of handling a Colt 1911 A1. Developed during a seven-day FPS challenge, Receiver has you unraveling a conspiracy while exploring a building infested with deadly turrets and drones.

But there's more to it than that - once you die in Receiver, it's game over. A new game is immediately loaded with a new set of randomly placed rooms, enemies, and weapons.

Receiver from Wolfire Games is available for $5 on PC and Mac, or free for those who have pre-ordered Wolfire's Overgrowth.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 20 2012 20:53 GMT
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Permanent death, detailed gun mechanics and randomized levels create a unique challenge in Receiver.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 20 2012 20:32 GMT
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If you can hear this message, you are one of the few they can help in Receiver.