Assassin's Creed IV Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 30 2013 07:00 GMT
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Don’t ever let it be said I am not a lover of juvenile humour. To allow its actual name to take the stage for a moment, time for another Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag trailer. I’ve just gone and counted and this is the twentieth one that has been made available, not counting extra versions, additional languages or live streamed events. I have to pray that that is some sort of record, because any more would surely cause deadly games-burnout. There’s some merit in this latest effort though - Game Director Ashraf Ismail narrates the attack of main character Pirate McPirateson on an opposing fort. Despite my snark, it’s actually pretty cool. Sail on to check it out.


Posted by IGN Aug 27 2013 16:00 GMT
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Ubisoft walks us through a thrilling fort siege from Black Flag.

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 24 2013 17:13 GMT
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- sail across the entire ocean without a load screen
- your ship has various speed options and turning mechanics
- fire a volley of simple cannon balls, line up a slew of mortar rounds, or ram ships
- ocean has enemy ships to battle, sunken vessels to plunder, and islands to explore
- choose to head down to the ocean floor in search for loot
- you have to keep an an eye on your oxygen meter
- avoid sharks while swimming underwater

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 22 2013 20:58 GMT
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Placed after the jump due to autoplay...

Read the rest of the story...

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 22 2013 17:33 GMT
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Edward Kenway in full flight! #AC4BlackFlag #UbiGC

— Ubisoft (@Ubisoft) August 22, 2013

Posted by IGN Aug 22 2013 02:21 GMT
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Off Screen footage of PS4's Assassins Creed: Black Flag in Action!! a first look at Edward Kenway tearing dudes up.

Posted by IGN Aug 22 2013 02:08 GMT
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Off-screen footage of PS4's Assassins Creed: Black Flag in action, taking it to the high seas.

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 21 2013 17:43 GMT
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- access a fleet-building mini-game away from the actual game
- free for anyone that buys Assassin's Creed IV
- will work with iOS and most Android tablets
- support for iOS and Android is also planned for mobile devices
- can act as a real-time interactive map
- serves as an access point for information in the Animus database and a way to manage "Kenway's Fleet"
- capture ships, which can then be sent out on different missions to claim trade points and collect cargo
- the more cargo you gather, the more you can upgrade your ship, weapons and clothing
- this mini-game is accessible through the app at any time
- mark specific locations on our menu map and see them spring up in-game
- use this to find sunken ships
- shipwrecks often contain gold or cargo
- sharks and eels will attack if they spot you
- nearby wreckage or weeds can provide cover
- break their line of sight to escape
- nearby barrels provide a quick way to replenish your oxygen supply

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 21 2013 08:00 GMT
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Edward Kenway is a ferocious pirate and seeker of fortune. He and his loyal crew sail the shimmering blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, plundering what they will, and winning the renown of pirates throughout the West Indies. But more than a “man of quality,” Edward Kenway is a perfect vassal for newcomers to the Assassin’s Creed series. Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag embraces the roaring thrill of pirating, while all at once throwing the doors open to invite those formally intimidated by its long-running story.

In previous Assassin’s Creed games, you filled the shoes of a modern-day character named Desmond, and that character, in turn, would live out the memories of his ancestors. In Black Flag, this narrative layer is largely absent. You are now diving into those memories alone, to live out the life and adventures of Edward Kenway personally. And he, also, is a newcomer of sorts. New to the life of a pirate, and newer still to the Assassin Order.


I sit down to play Assassin’s Creed IV for the first time with DualShock 4 in hand, noting that the in-game map features more than 50 locations to explore, from wide cities to dense jungles. But in Black Flag, your primary playground is the Caribbean Sea, offering secrets to uncover, bounty to claim, danger to face, and contracts to fulfill. Even in its incomplete state, this PS4 code grapples the Caribbean spectacle with ease, displaying incredible waves, detailed foliage, and smooth animation. The sights seem to go on forever, and the scope of the world is palpable in an instant.

I head out to sea, where I command Edward’s infamous ship — the Jackdaw. It sways and lunges in the waves, spray drenching the decks as Edward’s crew scurry up the rigging. Another ship mast pokes above the horizon in the distance, so I spin the wheel towards it and the Jackdaw lurches towards its prey.

The ship’s weapons vary depending on the angle of attack. As we pull up alongside the enemy vessel, the Jackdaw’s cannons bark into life, perforating the wood with superheated iron. After just a few volleys from my cannons, the enemy ship slips beneath the waves. My co-captain, a member of Ubisoft Montreal’s development team, laughs. Being too aggressive means that I have one less ship to board and plunder, though there’s a chance that some bounty could bubble up to the surface. Luckily, a crate bobs above the waters and I end up a hair richer for my troubles.


I head towards another ship. But just as we adjust our course, the skies darken and the seas surge as a ferocious storm swallows the Jackdaw. As I wrestle with the helm, I notice that a rogue wave is fast approaching the ship.

With a button press, I command the crew to brace for impact, and the wave hammers the Jackdaw with numbing force. Bracing saves me from catastrophic damage, and I’m relieved to see the skies clear as the storm passes overhead. Seizing the opening, I head back to land to experience the bustling streets of a nearby city.

As we sail, the game’s lead writer, Darby McDevitt, discusses his passion for the time period. He explains his effort to infuse Black Flag with rich language — “Shakespeare lite,” he says, smiling. His wish is to give the player something beautiful to hear, but still keep the dialogue accessible for an international audience. Black Flag’s all-English cast brings that language to life with an authenticity that McDevitt is proud of.

The Jackdaw finds its way to the city, and soon Edward is walking among the locals in search of an assassination contract. Once he finds it, my map lights up with an extra icon, beckoning Edward from afar. But first, McDevitt asks me to duck into a nearby tavern in order to hear some samples of the game’s period-authentic music. McDevitt explains that 70 shanties and pub songs are included in Assassin’s Creed IV, and you can teach those shanties to Edward’s crew who will sing them later while at sea. It lends just a little more realism to the world of Black Flag, and gives Edward’s crew a burst of personality.


Next, I quickly guide Edward towards his target. It’s a fellow pirate, and I nudge Edward through some brush that encircles the pirate camp where my mark is located. Edward’s hood is drawn, and his blades ready. I lurk in the gloom, waiting for the pirate to make his way past us. As he strolls over to our hiding place, our hero leaps into action…

…and is stabbed to death by goons, thanks to my sudden realization that I didn’t know what button to press for the execution. McDevitt shrugs with a grin, mentioning that the team made combat much more challenging this time around. Edward didn’t last long in the crowd of enemies, but a player with a real mastery of his counters and dodges will endure much more intense assaults — and look cool in the process.

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is an enormous adventure. It’s especially impressive when you consider just how quickly Ubisoft Montreal leapt from Assassin’s Creed III to Black Flag. For those unfamiliar with the series, Black Flag might just be the perfect opportunity to get on board. At the very least, the team at Ubisoft Montreal aims to satisfy your pirating itch, and our near-universal love for adventure.

Posted by IGN Aug 20 2013 19:25 GMT
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Take to the deck of the Jackdaw at GamesCom.

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 19 2013 17:55 GMT
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Officer's rapiers - A pair of extremely light rapiers praised for their swiftness. (Rapiers are light swords that have sharp points instead of edges.)

Officer's smallswords - A pair of small swords quite popular among officers in the English military. (Smallswords are also sharp edged thrusting swords, like rapiers.)

Pirate blunderbusses - A set of bulky blunderbusses, popular among pirates for their brashness. (You can think of these as early shotguns.)

Privateer's cutlasses - A pair of cutlasses appreciated for their versatility by Privateers throughout the West Indies. (Cutlasses are slashing swords and known naval weapons.)

pirate scimitars - A pair of sharp and devastating scimitars, praised by pirates and privateers from Barbados to Boston. (Scimitars are curved blades originating from Southwest Asia.)

Spanish officer pistols - A set of pistols, praised throughout the West Indies for their stability.

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 14 2013 17:30 GMT
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Direct link here

London, UK — August 14, 2013 — Today, Ubisoft® revealed details about DEFY the Creed, an Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™ themed Speed Drawing scheduled to take place live from Gamescom on the 23rd and 24th of August.

A dedicated speed-drawer will participate in a series of drawing sessions on the Ubisoft booth at Gamescom, which will be filmed and broadcasted live. Assassin’s Creed artworks will be created during these speed drawing sessions over two days, and Gamescom attendees will be able to witness the artist in action on a dedicated stage.

This animation is not restricted to Gamescom visitors: the whole Assassin’s Creed community is invited to DEFY the Creed by joining the discussion on the dedicated web platform and provide input on the artwork content while it is being drawn by the artist.

Lead by Assassin’s Creed community developers, each interactive session will allow fans to answer open questions by suggesting additions to the artwork, and vote for the best ideas. The winning suggestions will then be transmitted to the artist and integrated live within the artwork in the making.

For more information on Assassin’s Creed, please visit: and

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 14 2013 16:28 GMT
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It’s a day of the week, and you know what that means! An Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag trailer! To fill in those dark nanoseconds between Splinter Cell trailers.


Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 14 2013 16:01 GMT
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Game Director Ashraf Ismail takes you on a stealthy tour through underwater caverns and the Spanish city of Havana in Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag. In the following video, you’ll get a tiny glimpse of the stealthy new skills we’ve included in Black Flag, which enable Edward Kenway to slip in and out of assassination contracts while causing minimal commotion.

Sneaking silently is nearly as important to Edward’s successful execution of assassination contracts as his skill with his dual cutlasses (not to mention the extra money you can earn from a Stealth Bonus). Consequently, we’ve provided a variety of new mechanics to help Edward remain out-of-site and off-the-radar, like:

  • Updated Eagle Vision – enables tagging of enemies and targets so you can see them through walls.
  • Hiding door – a new hiding spot for quickly taking out guards while also hiding the body.
  • Berserk Blowpipe Darts – diverts attention by causing an enemy to attack anything nearby, like fellow guards!

Join us under the Black Flag of Assassin’s Creed IV!

Posted by Kotaku Aug 13 2013 20:30 GMT
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Stealth. Long has it been the bugbear of the Assassin's Creed series. The more swashbuckling, pirate-ship helm-ing and tree-climbing Ubisoft adds, the less they seem to mind that the stealth in their stealth game just isn't that fun. Might that change this time around? Maybe? Hmm.Read more...

Posted by IGN Aug 13 2013 16:00 GMT
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Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag game director Ashraf Ismail shows off stealth assassinations in Ubisoft's upcoming pirate adventure.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 05 2013 17:00 GMT
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Many of gaming's biggest franchises have no endgame in mind—ask Nintendo when they'll stop making Mario games, for example, and you'll be laughed out of Kyoto. And the actual NFL is more likely to end before Madden ever does.Read more...