Assassin's Creed IV Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by GoNintendo Sep 30 2013 21:54 GMT
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Coming from a Dtoid interview with Ashraf Ismail, director on Assassin's Creed IV...

"one guy in the office actually did it two weeks ago for the first time. He got a 100% sync, which was mind blowing. This was one of our testers, so imagine he's a tester who knows the game really well. He's been working on the game for a year and a half. From zero to a hundred on one build [of the game], it took him 48/49 hours. The thing is, he knew what he was doing is the crazy part."

Ashraf estimates that it could take up to 80 hours for a regular player to 100% the game. For those wondering, the core storyline will take about roughly 20 hours to complete.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 30 2013 19:10 GMT
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Coming from Darby McDevitt, lead writer on Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag...

- walk around Abstergo itself
- spend about 40 minutes in these offices
- these are spread between several of the pirate memory sequences
- another 90 minutes worth of content in the form of videos, audio, pictures and a series of sticky note QR codes
- also features a radio play written by McDevitt
- broken up into five parts, lasting eight or nine minutes each
- taverns have 35 folk songs that you can listen to from the time period
- 35 sea shanties for the boat that you can collect
- 70 songs from the time period that are availabl
- part of the radio play deals with where the DNA came from that allowed Abstergo to explore Aveline’s memories
- no relation to Desmond at all

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 30 2013 18:46 GMT
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A portion of a CVG interview with Director Ashraf Ismail...

CVG: I heard that coding the naval combat was a massive pain in the arse.

AI: Oh it was. It was insane amount of effort. The hard part was the gameplay-driven part. You have to create this 3D object of a ship and it's not like a human, but it has to be controlled like it was an avatar. You have to deal with the camera and you have to properly implement the controls and on top of that there's the modelling of the ship. It had to look credible and getting all that right was a nightmare.

When, in the actual battles, when the two ships come together for a boarding sequence - that took a lot of effort to get right - but we knew these were investments we had to make going in. We knew that a large chunk of time was going to be devoted to that.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 30 2013 17:01 GMT
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360 - November 1st
PS3 - November 1st
Wii U - November 22
PC - November 22
PS4 - November 22
Xbox One - November 22


360 - October 29
PS3 - October 29
Wii U - October 29
PS4 - November 15
PC - November 19
Xbox One - November 22

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 30 2013 16:00 GMT
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Well, it’s finally confirmed, and yup, it turns out that Ubisoft’s promises of avoiding delaying the PC build of their games haven’t exactly proven, well, true. The PC version of Assassin’s Creed IV, as speculated after a developer accidentally blurted the truth, will be released three weeks after the current-gen console versions. It’s now getting the same release date as the PS4/Xbox One versions. So it’s because it’s a vastly superior version and they can’t blow thei… no, because the Wii-U version comes out that day too. Oh, and three days later in Europe, too!


Posted by IGN Sep 30 2013 15:59 GMT
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Two IGN editors played all facets of Black Flag and live to tell the tale.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 27 2013 18:10 GMT
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London, September 27, 2013: Eurogamer Expo is now well underway in London. Get hands on with Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag on the Ubisoft and Nvidia stands and collect your free Assassin’s Creed Ace of Spades card designed by award winning London artist Vic Lee.*

Mr Vic Lee - described variously as a storyteller, artist, illustrator, historian, mapper, ragamuffin and vagabond - can been discovered at

Can you crack the riddle? We are preparing to set sail under the Black Flag – join us!
Sign up now and take part in the Ace of Spades experience to win some great prizes including limited edition t-shirts, limited edition numbered custom prints from Vic Lee, other exclusive Assassins goodies and - most importantly of all - help Assassin's Creed fans unlock an exclusive Black Flag reveal!

Visit now –

One card per person whilst stocks last


Posted by GoNintendo Sep 21 2013 17:03 GMT
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The list gives you some idea of how the game plays out, so it's a bit spoiler-filled. Hit up the link to read the full list.

Heroes Aren't Born (20) - Complete memory sequence 1.
Good While It Lasted (20) - Complete memory sequence 2.
A Pirate's Life For Me (20) - Complete memory sequence 3.
No Apologies - Complete memory sequence 4.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 15 2013 17:39 GMT
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Rating Category - Mature

Content Descriptors: Blood, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol, Violence

Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U)

Rating Summary: This is an action-adventure game in which players assume the role of a pirate looking to amass a fortune in the 17th century. As players explore open-world environments, they interact with pirates, travel between ports, and engage in combat against the Royal Navy and Spanish Colonies. Players can also engage in swordfights with armed soldiers on ground; players can also employ stealth kills using various weapons (e.g., concealed blades, blow guns) to incapacitate enemy soldiers. Some sequences depict pistol shots to the head and characters getting impaled. Large blood splashes appear when enemies are injured, and blood is sometimes depicted around corpses. During the course of the game, the dialogue references sexual material (e.g., “when you catch a dose from a whore and must treat it with quicksilver” and “they come here to sell their slaves. . .but they stir up trouble and violate our women”). Players ' character can purchase and consume alcohol at taverns, resulting in screen-distortion effects; one prolonged sequence depicts a drunken character having hallucinations. The words “f**k,” “sh*t,” and “c*nt” are heard in the dialogue.


Posted by Kotaku Sep 12 2013 17:00 GMT
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Once the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 drop, I imagine that many early adopters will ask themselves one question over and over again during the first year: do I buy new games on current-gen consoles, or next-gen consoles?Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 12 2013 13:00 GMT
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Ubisoft released another live action trailer for Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag this week, about six months since the first trailer the game received. So I thought it would be an opportune time to take a look at the trails for the game so far.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 06 2013 14:00 GMT
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No, this trailer doesn’t actually contain 4000 minutes of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag footage. That would comprise the entire game, which Ubisoft has already handily hacked up into several thousand other trailers. But still, ten minutes is a pretty healthy helping even by Ubisoft trailer-every-14-seconds-to-the-point-where-I-have-yet-to-write-a-sentence-that-doesn’t-contain-the-word-trailer standards. And you know what? It actually looks kind of great. I still worry that all this icing only serves to hide a fundamentally stale cake, but time will tell. For now, HARPOONS.


Posted by IGN Sep 05 2013 18:25 GMT
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Take a tour of all the things you can do in AC IV.