Batman: Arkham Origins Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by IGN Sep 19 2013 13:33 GMT
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The Dark Knight swoops into the Tokyo Game Show and goes face to face with the Joker.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 18 2013 18:06 GMT
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Coming from a Polygon interview with Michael McIntyre, gameplay director on Arkham Origins...

"Throughout the game, [players are] doing [free-flow combat], they're doing Predator [stealth combat], they're doing navigation. And we wanted to make sure that the bosses were testing that and not necessarily testing exotic skills, things that they would have to learn in the boss fight. If you don't test people, then they're never really required to go into that depth. So we wanted to kind of require them to dig a little deeper into some of these systems." - McIntyre

- once you break Deathstroke's bo and punch his mask off, he starts throwing in other attacks along with swings of his katana
- one of the attacks sends an explosive barrel hurtling toward you

"The mistakes he makes are not in the core combat or in the core gameplay mechanics. There was honestly a very short-lived debate on the team of, 'Well, it's year two — he should mess up, he should trip, he should not have Batarangs, or he should throw his Batarangs and they should miss or, you know, whatever.' And for very obvious reasons, that idea couldn't survive. You can't subscribe to the fantasy of being the Batman and trip over your cape [in] your first fight and get stabbed in the leg by a pimp." - senior producer Ben Mattes
"He doesn't stand straight up and confident like he does in the previous Arkham games. He's fists-up and ready to go; he's a lot more aggressive. He crosses certain lines, and he's learning lessons as he goes along. [...] He doesn't realize that aggression doesn't necessarily solve all problems." - McIntyre
More screens here

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 18 2013 17:46 GMT
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Coming from a Newsarama interview with Michael McIntyre, gameplay director for Origins and Senior Producer Ben Mattes...

“We want to make sure players earn their blackbelt in being Batman before the end of the game. We want you to get really good at the game by the time you’re at the heart of it.”

- Black Mask puts out a massive bounty on the head Batman
- eight deadly assassins come to Gotham City on one Christmas Eve night
- Batman has to take down the assassins and find and stop Black Mask
- assassins serve as the boss battles

“If you’re fighting just to scrape by, you’re actually going to lose to the assassins. Assassin boss fights are the driving force behind the game. It’s all about building skills – yours and Batman’s – to the point that you can apply them in boss fights with the eight core assassins.” - Mattes

- new grading system based on your efficiency, combos, use of gadgets, and how much of a beating you took

“The narrative mapping of the grading system for fights is Batman recognizing and assessing himself. It’s Batman needing to up his game. This is the night Batman goes from the masked vigilante to the Dark Knight.” - Mattes

- happen upon a high-level mob war brewing between The Penguin and the Falcone family
- bust in on an interrogation between Penguin and the young Alberto Falcone
- the interrogation switches over to Batman taking on Penguin
- then Deathstroke pulls Batman out the window with a grapnel
- this battle takes place about an hour and a half into the game

“Deathstroke is a great character to show how our skills came togethe. He fights a lot like Batman, particularly with the ability of his to counter the player’s attack.” - Mattes

- Deathstroke uses a remote batclaw gadget against Batman
- Batman gets to keep this weapon after the fight
- end of the fight includes Deathstroke being unmasked and taking out his signature sword

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 16 2013 07:00 GMT
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I wonder if, back in the day, when Batman’s creators were first putting ink to paper and bat to man, they thought to themselves, “OK, this is cool, but we won’t be truly satisfied until we can add Nvidia PhysX, realistic fog effects, and DirectX 11 tessellation.” I bet that’s exactly where their minds drifted as they imagined a future of chrome jumpsuits, cities in the sky, and people with slug-like appendages instead of legs. And now, finally, their dreams have come true. Batman: Arkham Origins‘ PC utility belt is loaded with more bells and whistles than a Shiny Things And Loud Noises factory, and Gotham’s looking quite spiffy as a result. By which I of course mean dingy, frigid, and crime-ridden. Also foggy. We cannot forget the fog. We can never forget the fog.


Posted by IGN Sep 10 2013 15:51 GMT
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The Caped Crusader sent us a very special Batarang in the post, and you won't believe what it does...

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 07 2013 18:02 GMT
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Placed after the jump due to autoplay...

Read the rest of the story...

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 06 2013 17:15 GMT
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@Nardz7 you can use any SP skin once you've finished the campaign. Why? Inmersion. Some cines are pre-rendered and only show the AO model.

— Eric Holmes (@ericholmeslive) September 6, 2013

Posted by IGN Aug 30 2013 21:31 GMT
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We grab one Bat-fan to see the Dark Knight's newest gadget and weigh in on how Rocksteady's successor is doing.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 27 2013 16:00 GMT
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For a grim world that’s been overwhelmed by criminals, corruption, and bat guano, the Arkham series of games has always had very polished and pretty polygons. And even though pre-release screenshots are known for being unfathomably and unrealistically pretty, both games in the series really do look gorgeous when the camera whizzes around to show a particularly brutal punch. So I’m very happy to show off this Batman: Arkham Oranges gallery. I’d imagine it’s impossible for the released game to look this attractive, but I think it’ll be close.(more…)

Posted by IGN Aug 26 2013 19:00 GMT
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Up at Noon asks the developer if the MMO is coming to PS4. Then, we make jokes about Arkham Origins and Harry Potter.

Posted by IGN Aug 23 2013 14:23 GMT
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Batman's creative director breaks down Origin's newest villian and enhanced new fighting style.

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 22 2013 19:48 GMT
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Here's the full GCPD bulletin on Garfield Lynns (AKA Firefly). Are you ready to face him? #ArkhamOrigins

— Batman Arkham (@BatmanArkham) August 22, 2013

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 21 2013 22:25 GMT
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The following info comes from a Polygon interview with Batman: Arkham Origins creative director Eric Holmes.

"Batman has been around for a long time, and people have their favorite variants of Batman. It could be a particular narrative arc or a particular artist's look, or something like that, and we really wanted to offer people the option to be their Batman. It's visually refreshing, it's something we're very proud of. It really puts a very different feeling in it, if you're one of those many different incarnations of him.

For example, the [whackiest] one has to be the Adam West costume. But when you put it on [Batman] it's not Adam West, it's our character wearing the costume from the TV show. It adds a little bit of goofiness to it, which is fun."

Shock Gloves

- send bolts of electricity through any enemy

- Batman also has a tablet-style device that lets him deactivate bombs

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 21 2013 19:28 GMT
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Check out more screens in our Flickr set
RELEASE DATE: October 25, 2013
PUBLISHER: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
DEVELOPER : WB Games Montréal (Single Player); Splash Damage (Multiplayer)
ESRB RATING: “T” for Teen
GENRE: Third-Person Action Adventure
PLATFORMS: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii U, PC (PS Vita & 3DS will also be available)

Batman™: Arkham Origins is the next installment in the blockbuster Batman: Arkham videogame franchise. Developed by WB Games Montréal, the game features an expanded Gotham City and introduces an original prequel storyline set several years before the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City, the first two critically acclaimed games of the franchise. Taking place before the rise of Gotham City’s most dangerous criminals, the game showcases a young, unrefined Batman as he faces the defining moment of his early career and sets his path to becoming the Dark Knight.


· The Arkham Story Begins: Batman: Arkham Origins features a pivotal tale set on Christmas Eve where Batman is hunted by eight of the deadliest assassins from the DC Comics Universe. Players become an early-career Batman as he encounters for the first time many of the characters that shape his future.

· Enhanced Detective Mode: Think like Batman with an all-new Case File system that allows players to analyze seemingly impossible-to-solve crime reconstructions in real time. Combining Batman’s cowl sensors with the Batcomputer, players can digitally recreate crimes and study detailed simulation of the act as it happened.

· Gotham City will learn to fear Batman: Take back the sprawling streets of Gotham years before its transformation into Arkham City. Glide above or battle your way through new and ever more dangerous districts in the quest for justice. Prevent crimes in progress, take down gangs of violent new criminals and explore deadly new locations, from the impoverished streets to the penthouses of Gotham’s wealthy.

· Gotham’s Most Wanted: The city streets are filled with more than just Black Mask’s assassins. Locate and take down Gotham’s most violent and dangerous criminals to earn unique upgrades.

· Lethal New Enemies: Fight new foes such as the Armored Enforcer, the Martial Artist and more – each of which challenge players to approach Batman’s FreeFlow Combat scenarios in different ways. Classic FreeFlow combat is expanded with every new opponent – and with Batman’s abilities to engage them.

· New Gadgets: Utilize Batman’s signature gadgets or take advantage of powerful new additions such as the Remote Claw, the Concussion Detonator and more. Use the Remote Claw to create new routes by deploying strategic tightropes or directly attack enemies by stringing them up from vantage points. Ready the Concussion Detonator to stun and disorient groups of opponents in close combat.

· New and Familiar Characters: Experience a fresh take on iconic Batman characters including Black Mask, Penguin, Deathstroke, Bane, Anarky, Captain Gordon, The Joker, Copperhead and others yet to be revealed.

· New Online Mode: Play online with friends and foes in 3v3v2 gameplay that blends traditional Arkham gameplay with third-person shooter mechanics. Hunt as Batman or Robin against the most challenging opponents yet – friends and other gamers online – or take a walk on the dark side as a Super-Villain Elite and be part of The Joker or Bane’s gang. Gamers playing as a Super-Villain Elite will also have a chance to seize control of either The Joker or Bane for a limited amount of time.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 21 2013 09:30 GMT
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A trailer a day keeps the dread lord of games at bay, that’s what we say here at RPS. If we don’t, he’ll rise again to wage terrible war upon our castle, PR-catapults firing besuited fast-talkers at our poor, potholed walls. Our defenses are meek and few what with the great Sir Botherer’s new steed not yet full grown and aged knights Sir Rossignol and Sir Smith having defected to Germany. Thank the heavens, then, that Batman’s swooping down with our neatly packaged, 1080p deliverance. (more…)

Posted by IGN Aug 20 2013 23:39 GMT
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There's no way you caught all the insanity in the Batman trailer unless you went frame-by-frame. So, we did.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 20 2013 19:58 GMT
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Among the many exciting bits in this new Batman: Arkham Origins trailer: Alfred (I think?) dressing down a young Bruce Wayne, the Caped Crusader's first encounter with Future-Commissioner Gordon, and a heck of a lot of punching.Read more...

Posted by IGN Aug 20 2013 19:40 GMT
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Alfred! The Batcave! Gordon! Firefly!